Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

So what do you think? Freshman- 1 Honor class, Sophmore- 1AP, 2H, Junior- 4APS, 2 H, Senior- 5APS, 1 honor. Looking at this do you think i need to take 5 aps? Would it be okay to drop ap lang to honors and then take the clep exam to credits for english?

Also do you recommend submitting any 3’s to bs md or any other colleges?

I will share details about Northwestern as I am more familiar with it.
For Northeastern, please reach out to @rk2017

Northwestern is in a quarter system school, which many students take time to adjust.
A number of students therefore have “bad” quarters in their first year. Something to guard against. Also, there are lots of mid-terms within the quarter - making a focus on academic grades and other activities a challenge.

Northwestern offers research opportunities and if you take initiative, you should have no issues getting one.

The environment is generally not that hyper-competitive and is more collaborative, something which is good for students.

Due to the quarter system, the college year ends mid-June. Many students, therefore, are forced to take a gap year as they are not fully prepared for their med school application.

My D’s recommendation is to avoid all quarter system school for regular pre-med.

Thank you for the input!

Take courses that you are comfortable with.

Don’t know that part. I knew friend’s C, who got one 3 score, and all remaining 5s, and all were submitted to the BSMD colleges. While giving course credits for the AP courses, some colleges ignore 3s for selected AP courses. Just for your reference, here is Hofstra’s AP Credits info. Good luck.


Don’t retake. It doesn’t look good, and a B+ won’t be the sole reason you don’t go to med school. It would also screw with your AMCAS app later as dual enrollment classes get reported.

To give you hope, my kiddo got five interviews and 2 BS/MD acceptances with a B in College Physics. Work on the essays- that’s a better use of your time rather than retake a class.


If the school student transcript has the AP class listed as one of the subjects taken. It tells the college which AP classes are taken ( from transcript). How to skip reporting to college a AP subject class (which has a score of less than 3 ).

Thank you!

In the commonapp, you can skip entering AP classes info. Some colleges need a copy of HS transcript and ask to upload it through their portal, if your HS transcript includes AP classes info then it goes to Colleges through their portal in this case.
In addition, High schools send a transcript to the colleges electronically by default, IMO there is no way to tell High schools not to send AP classes taken info to the colleges.

does anyone know what the NJMS programs specifically look for in applicants other than high stats, clinicals, research, etc? Like are they looking for advocacy, community health focus, etc?

Also, does anyone know any Researchers or PI’s at Rutgers-New Brunswick who are open to high schoolers joining their labs and doing research?

Or maybe any lab in the US that’s open to having high school students work on a virtual project?

@Superstar678 - Since @NoviceDad has provided info about Northwestern. I will provide info about Northeastern.

Northeastern university is located in the heart of Boston and close to Longwood medical area where top hospitals are located. Northeastern is a private university. Northeastern offers its undergrad students Co-op opportunities with local companies. It has tie-ins with lots of local companies. Students in a 4 year undergrad attend 2 co-ops and up-to 3 co-ops in a 5 year program. Northeastern is sought after by engineering and computer science students. It is also sought after by health care related majors such as Pharm-D, Physician Assistant, Nursing etc. due to coops and job placements.

Although Northeastern is good for pre-med similar to other similar private colleges, it would be less costly to attend your in-state public university especially since you would be required to pay for the medical school as well. This is something to consider if you have limited funds.

On the other hand , if you want to attend pre-med in private universities only, you may want to consider other universities in the Boston area such as - Boston University, Tufts, Boston College, Brandeis (& Harvard, MIT) or top liberal art colleges such as Williams, Amherst, Wellesley (girls), Smith college (girls). Infact top liberal art colleges usually boast that a very high percentage of their pre-meds get into medical schools.

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Thank you very much for the information, definitely helps to make my decision!

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@BrownPLME - Summer research programs for high school students are very competitive. Usually students apply to programs like these with application, essays, transcript, test scores etc. The end dates for these are in January/February before the program which usually are in the summer. Students usually apply to 6-7 programs hoping for 1-2 offers.

Alternatively you can search for professors (in local universities) doing research in areas that you are interested. You can send emails to several people and see if they are interested in help from high school students. Please do remember that even college students (pre-med) will be applying so you will have stiff competition.

Students should apply much in advance (several years or atleast months) before their application. If you are a raising senior and applying for BSMD during 2022 Fall cycle, its already late to start searching now for research… If you have no research/volunteering/shadowing, I would recommend prioritizing gettng volunteering/shadowing experience along with working on your applications/essays/SAT tests.


Hi Annika - This is Leena - my daughter is rising Senior and was looking for some help into essays and good colleges that she can apply to. I will really appreciate if we can talk .

Don’t skip listing your classes.
It is okay to not send AP scores.

Please DM the concerned person.
It is not advisable to share your email publicly.

I have two children - one completed and one is in medical school. One was in a quarter system and the other in semester system. Neither took a gap year.

Proper planning is required not to take a gap year when in quarter system. Several well known colleges with quarter systems do have large groups of student population not taking a gap year. Your spring quarter of third year should have a little more focus on applying and not too overloaded.


Hello BSMD and BSDO candidates!!! I hope your summer has been wonderful! But as the last few weeks of summer come to a close. The anxiety from the application process increases for both applicants and parents. I used to be in your scenario, but everything worked out.

I am currently a student in Union/AMC LIM BSMD program and would love to have the opportunity to share my knowledge and advice to help applicants! Last application cycle, I was able to help many students get into their dream combined medical programs and was also successful myself. So don’t be too stressed out! Everything always works out! :sweat_smile: :smiley:


Thank You cheer2021.