Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Has anyone gotten NJMS interview invite yet? Or if there is anyone who kept track from last year, when did they happen? Thanks!


@Somcpharm I missed the Pre-Interview Day Meeting for PMM today. Was there anything I missed and was it mandatory? Also how many people attended.

NJMS interviews have started and will go on till early April

It was not mandatory. I don’t recall how many were there but definitely not all. Just casual conversation with previous students.

This is really fast and great. Has anyone received the NJMS interview invite yet?

It is fast!! I remember from previous years, interviews went out in March and were held in April. My S interview is this week.

Congrats. What was the date your S app forwarded to NJMS?

Sorry for the confusion. I meant TCNJ interview was this week. So I am surprised some people started getting NJMS already

The better question for both UToledo and Seton Hall is what is their attrition percent.
Call the Admissions office and ask:
How many folks start the program and how many matriculate into medical school?

Hopefully, they will share these stats.

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Has anyone here applied to SLU Medical Scholars Program?

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One of my students already completed their NJMS interview.

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Sharing current interview questions - generally, one should avoid doing it.
During the traditional route, at many schools (especially where MMI interviews take place), you sign an NDA indicating you will not share these questions.

It is okay to build on / learn from previous years’ interviews.


Thanks @NoviceDad. Hope it went well. Good luck.

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No idea

I don’t believe there is a “restriction” (per website) but if i have to guess (based on Seton Hall from my friend son) 
 it maybe in the range of 50-80

But in the end less than half take that route (either due to lack of interest, GPA, other schools or whatever) 
 (This comment is from my friend son and also from another student in these kinds of programs)

Yes, My D did 

Good point
 I want to say this early (but don’t want to come as rude) thanks for saying it.

In this day of data sharing
 nothing is “secret” (that too when you sign NDA) you don’t want to lose a "great opportunity " due to this overzealous stuff.

As i said in an earlier thread
 based on few students (over year) and i tell my D (this year)

  1. Enjoy the process.
  2. Interviewers will certainly understand/consider that you are fresh to this process (and you will not in judged scale like regular MD) so don’t fret

An analogy I gave to prior batch students (based in my field of tech)

When i interview a fresher and 5+ years experienced person
 my expectation and consideration will certainly be different 
 so just chill

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Hi NoviceDad, how was the interview? What topics do they generally ask in the NJMS interview? If you share any advise would greatly appreciate.

They said they are still calling up till February.

#fingers crossed

Thank you

will ask them and also do my research