Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Thanks. Also, for interviews with 2 separate faculty member or students etc, what if i get good reviews from one person but not the other? How would they evaluate me?

Did anyone received interview from BU?

My D is in for the same

Based on my understanding it’s an early acceptance (No college will say 100% guaranteed bcoz u need to maintain GPA and behavior etc.,).

In addition MCAT ask is 500 (which is achievable) so upon that you are IN.

I had mine last week and I believe few others in this group also had theirs

U mind sharing ur stats?

Just got in Rochester UG and 22k scholarship. Hopefully REMS notification comes soon.

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Just want to mention an additional requirement for matriculation for the SLU Medical Scholars program.

When did you submit your application?

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Re: Rutgers BS/DO

My S did as well. Received request for the first interview today.


Oh okay that makes sense, thank you for the info!

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Congrats, that’s exciting!

is this interview for BSDO?

Received REMS rejection

I also received REMS rejection

Just got interview for REMS!! Really excited it was my top program.


Please provide your stats

Re: Rutgers Rowan BS DO

Yes it is the first interview for the Rutgers Rowan BSDO program

Usually, it is best to have both interviews aligned on core aspects of your evaluation.

When you have two or more interviewers, they are trying to assess different aspects of you/ your profile. So, feedback from both is important. Every university factors each interview feedback differently.

One negative interview may hurt (or in some cases it may not) if other candidates in the pool do not have a negative interview.

Is this related to the Penn State interviews?

Wishing you/ your student the best.