Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Acceptance from UCF BMS. Waiting for FAU results today.


@Somcpharm - I would recommend Penn/Jeff out of the two choices you mentioned.

A fact not commonly known - PSU allows any number of minors/double major if the students choose this. And, Jeff also allows students to do MBA with MD if they choose to do so. The other options are MD with Ph.D. and MD with MPh.

Additionally, students with lots of APs can complete their UG early if they like. A few students complete in 2 years and most in 2.5 years. This saves tuition as well.

Another important difference with Penn State PMM is the friendship within the cohort and the support group. I have noticed that this stands out, year over year.


Congratulations on PMM. Good Luck for future!

Totally agreed on the friendship part between prog kids. Almost all of them are extremely happy. We know many kids in PMM.
Only one kid we know in union and that person didn’t have good experience. It might be a personal issue but that is concerning. If anybody knows any previous union students who are willing to share their experience, please let me know. Still waiting to hear back from BU/ GW
Thanks for all feedbacks


Good luck on BU SMED and GW/GW

 Good problem to have.

Kids of today are closely tight knit group (Thanks to technology) so won’t worry much about it.

If proximity and cost is your ++ then PMM (based on your situation) else Rest of colleges.

You may already know (due to prior experience) that all the colleges that run BSMD are there for long time (so it’s good)

I personally won’t pay much attention to edge case incidents on any colleges (read the forum on each college, people complain about IVY and every college from location, weather, dorm, cafeteria to everything :smile:)

BU or PMM? I was accepted to PMM, waiting on BU but just wondering.

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Did you receive an acceptance to Union? If so, when?

^bump - so true! As someone on the waitlist, it would be greatly appreciated!


Yes. Last friday

I would also like some feedback on this.
I know three students currently in PMM who had these options. 2 of them said they connected better with cohort at PMM(as we know PMM does a very good job at getting them together to spend time) and 1 of them had better grant at PMM.
Whoever can chime in, please do.

Please keep bumping this PSA. Request counselors and others on this forum to urge their mentees/parents. A person can only attend one college




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Has anyone heard from FAU yet?

I think you won’t go wrong either way but BU is too expensive. Last year they didn’t give even a single penny to any students selected for this program not even the NMF scholarship that they usually give but gave NMF to their regular undergrad students. I remember @Vicky2019 posted some calculation for PMM in previous years threads. I think the total cost roughly comes to 450k for PMM where as it’s about 720k for BU. This is just a rough estimate.


Oh thanks for the information!! I did not know why don’t give National merit

anyone received Rowan BS/DO interview yet for the DO school?

Congratulations!!! This is just the beginning of greater things yet to come

UCF: You have till May 1 to commit.
UCF’s medicine class sizer is about 120 students.
I doubt more than 20 come through this route.