Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

acceptance - but also waitlist went out


When did you receive the email for Brooklyn ba md

He definitely is. The first semester was a little rough as he took a tough courseload but he scaled back and is in a much better place this semester. The snow is taking some getting used to haha!



@mom2boys1999 - Thanks for the clarification/details. In spite of this requirement, it seems the PLME students have an easier requirement when compared to the requirements for the regularly admit students at Brown medical.

It is good to hear from you. Just saw your post about your S’s experience in providence and at Brown. Good to know he has settled down. I am sure your S will ace the requirement, finally - LOL. Also, snow can be tough but so beautiful from far - worth the experience :slight_smile:

Congratulations !!

Is anyone here waiting for Minnesota BA/MD interview decisions?

Congratulations on your acceptance to Brooklyn College BSMD

I know he will do well.
Wishing him the very best.

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Oh he is definitely in a much less worried place being a PLME. He says he actually feels almost guilty sometimes listening to the premed people in Org this semester when he just has to get an S and be good to go.

As you know he passed up another school to go with Brown and honestly it has been the best choice for him.

Seeing the Ivy v Bs/Md conversation is just a reminder- do what your kid’s risk level can tolerate. In the end my son didn’t want to run the risk of med school applications (even if graduating out of Stanford) so he kept his PLME spot and it has been perfect


Has anyone interviewed for Adelphi and pcoms program?

Thank you!

Hi! I have received an acceptance for one program whos commitment deadline is April 1st but I am also waiting on NJMS, who does not usually give out results until April 1st. Does anyone have any tips on what I should do? Can I “de-commit” from a program if I have already committed to it?

The situation is not that complicated. Since both have April 1st deadline (I believe by 12 midnight). So I’ll advice you wait till April 1 to make your decision based on what is best for you and your future

Great to hear his perspective so far re: his PLME experience. Wish your S the very best!

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Which onr got accepted ?

Last year NJIT/NJMS started calling around Mar 25th or so. TCNJ was a few days after. Check last yrs chat for dates.

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nothing from case yet?

We got acceptance from GW today!!


Did they send email?