Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Agree Pitt is great pre-med and med school. Case pre -med IMO is also good, with Cleveland and University hospitals at walking distance and a good pre med program. Med school ranking is of course lower than Pitt on US news …

AMC vs UPstate … pros and cons
Or in other words . why AMC or Why Upstate.

( I will share my thoughts too)

Very good comparison info from lots of folks … thanks all

But there are other things too (IMO)

  1. A kid (he/she) has to liken a place for 8+ years so many times college liking, dorm, atmosphere, other things matter

  2. AMC is ranked… not sure why it’s said unranked and it’s been accredited before 1942…

  3. Important thing is what the kid wants in UG (research or primary etc.,)…

Case Research is “Best”… Brown (reputation plus overall opportunity in matching is good), Pittsburgh (Great grad school with great results)

  1. VCU … has option to apply other places (but drawback is you have to write MCAT and clear > 508 or so) so some like it (other colleges you lose guaranteed admission and enter the general pool if you write MCAT or apply )

U of R compared to Case/ Brown/Pitt. I guess at par for both undergrad and med school.

One can compare two or more BSMD programs from many viewpoints. Some of these viewpoints are…Prestige, Location, Match list - how strong is it? COA, Research Opportunities, Location, matriculation conditions, you can add your favorite items to this list.
Looking at your list of 3 programs to compare, people usually pick Rochester REMS from your list. However, if you peek into last year’ and a few more years’ BSMD results threads, you will find many cases people ignored ranking and chose some other BSMD program because of COA and or location, and or some other viewpoint. IMO, you don’t pick a BSMD program purely from apply-out perspective, if you do that then you end up doing everything avg traditional applicant does, which could lead to burning out during UG. For some, it’s easy to say “I don’t mind burnout in UG”, better to ask people who have gone through this process, what it takes. Some people did that (apply out), because they aimed at T5/T20 medical schools or wanted to lower the COA or wanted to stay closer to the family, could be because of some other reasons too. As closure, any medical school from your list can prepare you for a great physician career. You will be successful no matter which one you pick from your list. Good luck.

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Is Pitt’s honor program a good premed choice comparing to private colleges such as Case Western, Hamilton or Tufts? Pitt is a public school. But it says that the honor program also has good student to faculty ratio. How difficult is it to maintain good gpa at Pitt? How about comparing Pitt to Penn State for premed?

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I guess you meant REMS when you said or “U of R”?

Sure it is …

Each college (IMO) has it’s niche … from CASE (research, affiliation), Brown (Prestige, alumni, connections etc.,), REMS (education, med) , Pitt (UG and Med)

You can’t go wrong in any of them (including Upstate or AMC which has its own for being there for nearly 100 years and getting residency for 150+ kids year over year)

Finally (no politics intended) , Dr.Fauci or many talking heads in COVID didn’t go to any of these either :slight_smile: LOL


yes I meant REMS. I basically was asking for pre- med between U of R and Case, at this point for us…thanks

All 3 schools will provide a different undergrad experience.
It will depend on what you are seeking.

Medical school wise they are similar may be Rochester slightly > AMC/VCU.

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Both UofR and Case undergrad will be similar.
Cost-wise, Case offers scholarships.
You better visit them and get a subjective feel.

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( @Sumluck had same question)

When u r talking Premed… you also have to think ahead of what’s their grading style or do they curve fit etc.,

As an example : many know that University of Washington (WA state) is world renowned (many COVID data and talk heads do have affiliation/studied ) but when u go into their UG it’s very good… but the drawback is , it’s so tough… your grades may suffer… and it does affect the Med selection .

So you got to think those too…

But based on the colleges specified I think they are almost similar (except Penn state does have an early assurance so maybe little ahead of line than reg decision)

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Pitt, Case, Hamilton, and Tufts - all offer good undergrad experience.
Students from all these programs go to medical schools.
You have to really narrow down what you like about each program. Narrow down your pros and cons, including costs.

Pitt Honors with the pre-med track is one of the most underrated undergrad programs.
To maintain your GPA you need to be focused and put in the work.
Pitt Medicine takes about 20% of its incoming class from its undergrad (including gap years students).

Pitt Honors and PennState Honors are comparable but I like Pitt for pre-med and PennState for engineering.

Take all student-to-faculty ratios with a pinch of salt.
Your 101 science classes may involve >100 students, some cases ~ 200 students.


Grade deflation is exactly my concern. For instance, many people don’t recommend going to UCs (California) for premed because it’s so hard to maintain good gpa and so hard to get LOR from professors. So I am just wondering if Pitt Honors is the same since it’s a public school.


It sounds like Tufts has an early assurance program. Do you know much about that program? I heard it’s very selective.

do you know if HOWARD BS/MD interview invites are out? Do they send rejection letters also?

Not yet. It should be out anytime between now and Tuesday the 22nd. I don’t think they send rejection letters

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you are soo helpful and knowledgeable!!!


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if you hear about interview invites can you please PM me?



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(I know I ask this every day) Has anyone heard anything from SBU/LECOM?