Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

I messaged you my son’s Instagram

I haven’t received any info about that yet, but it’s usually not too long after the admissions come out. I believe your son should receive an email in the very near future from SMED with details if the process is similar to last year

Same with us

I want to know the same for National merit. Right now on the portal, under financial aid , it says total cost 82,000.:laughing:
But it was mentioned in the forum that last year they didn’t offer National merit to SMED

Congratulations :clap:

@Somcpharm - Is 82,000 per year cost?

@Somcpharm, @Champs23 - Last year 9-10 students that were on college confidential got into BU SMED. At least 6-7 mentioned they were National merit finalists but didn’t get any merit scholarship.

Yes .

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also, summer term is mandatory but believe it costs less to attend summer term than regular term.

Congratulations to all who got in BU SMED! Wondering if they announced any wait lists this time around, since they changed the process last year.

Yes, since last year no NMF based scholarships by default as it used to be earlier. If I remember correctly there was a student in last cycle who was NMF with a perfect score in PSAT (1520) but wasn’t awarded any scholarship (but s/he still chose BU SMED)

Yes, cost is a factor for you to consider, but you all have other options as well. Yes to @Vicky2019 's point, summer 1 after sophomore year (6 weeks) is mandatory for and advanced Bio course, the fee during summer is half priced but you end up paying additional 2 months rent for the stay. I would guess it shouldn’t add more than 5k at most. Current SMEDs can confirm or deny that.

@AvidEnthusiast, @Nm2022 and sorry if I missed any one. Congratulations to you as well for putting in the best effort. I am sure the selection committee must have had an overwhelming challenge selecting a few out of many outstanding candidates such as yourself. You can feel assured you are already ahead of the curve in traditional path by this experience and have a clear vision of your trajectory for the next 3 or 4 years.

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Hey, if you are a student accepted to BU SMED, please join the facebook group for the class of 2029 students!


After applying to many BSMD 12-15, most get rejected from most. For kids who aced through their school years, this is a valuable learning lesson since life is full of rejections, compromises, and options. The beauty is to grab the opportunities and work hard. Success comes in one way or other.

Wish your kid the very best for future!! Tell them that good things are right around the corner…


BU Open house info is on the events page:

You and your family are invited to attend the College of Arts & Sciences Open House program on Friday, April 8, 2022 , when the School of Medicine will host students admitted to the Seven-Year Liberal Arts/Medical Education Program.

That’s the same day as PMM :flushed:

I am not so sure the type of rejection faced during BS/MD is similar to anything else they will face in future. This is a very self selective group interested in medicine and I expect most of them to get into medical schools in 4 years if they continue to be interested. They will all be high achievers. However, they face a lot more rejections at this level because of different attributes for selection compared to when they apply to medical schools when it will be purely based on merit.


I thought PMM was the 9th.

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Yes I am sorry I meant we have to drive from BU to PSU on the night of 8th . It’s a long drive. PSU sessions says it will start at 9 am

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How “it will be purely based on merit” for medical schools? Far too many dimensions. Multiple batches of students, unlike this pathway, competing against a matrix with multitude of variables such racial and socio economic statuses, those with advanced degrees, first generation college graduates, from underrepresented and underserved geographies, those with unique life experiences, challenges and struggles, non traditional applicants … (coincidentally and shockingly I have just come to know of a bright student from west coast, an Ivy grad who I thought would get into at least UCLA kind of med school but ended up in a not so fancied, relatively unknown school in the east coast)


I got in to Arizona’s APME!!! I am beyond happy, I will be in my home state for the next 7 years. Total debt: 10k, (Flinn Scholarship, Coca-Cola Scholarship) including undergrad and med school.

Anyone else who got APME and sees this, please DM me, I would love to get in touch with the incoming class!!


2 feeder schools forwarded to NJMS. NJMS did only one interview. How does the decision works? Do the students get call from both of the feeder schools or only one whether they select or not?