Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Wow! great deal. Congratulations :clap: :clap:

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Based on the past - both schools. Your kid will have an option to go to either feeder once NJMS gives admission

Why is it important to get into a fancy medical school? US medicine is such that a person gets paid same no matter which school they attend for similar services provided unlike lawyers or MBAs or even economics graduates whose salaries can vary wildly based on where they went to school. It is important to attend a medical school, not where.

It is a myth that merit goes across races, diversity etc. In most cases one is competing for a pool of seats that is available to them while ignoring all of the categories you specify unless they are one of those categories already. So if someone is competing for an admission in a Texas public school where 2000 seats are available, if they are Asian, they are competing against a cap of 40% for Asians at any given school which makes almost 80 seats available to them in each school that has 200+ seats. So each Asian from Texas on this thread who does or does not get in today is able to compete for a lot more seats in Texas, 90% reserved for Texas, with a head start of at least 2 years over everyone else who has not thought of medicine as a career yet. Knowing that 90% are weeded out who start out as premeds, I believe strongly that this group already is aware of what they must achieve in next 4 years to get into a medical school and will start focusing in first semester as opposed to partying when they get to college since they get so much freedom.


There is a local kid I know who went to VCU GMED 7-8 years ago, graduated in 2 years from undergrad, applied out, joined Baylor for medicine and is a current orthopedics resident in texas. It all comes down to will and determination.

EDIT: Someone asked me how they finished in 2 years and I checked and found I made a mistake. This person started in 14 and graduated in 17, so 3 years to finish while applying out.


who makes the decision for feeder schools? whatever NJMS makes the decision will that apply to both feeders schools? or NJMS gives its decision and its up to feeder school whether to select candidate or not?

rejected from BU SMED. Itā€™s the end of my bs/md journey aside from a few waitlists, which I doubt will move

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Sent DM

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@rkandala11 @Somcpharm
During the last application cycle, few candidates had a couple of BSMD choices and they chose BU SMED or some other BSMD. IMO, the driving forces are location, close to family, COA, matriculation conditions, # of years 7 Vs 8, prestige, match list etc. You canā€™t go wrong with either direction. Good luck.

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Agree BSMD selection is ā€œcraziestā€ with multidimensional criteria filters.

I donā€™t believe anyone will face this much permutation combination in their life.

In the end , you/your kid needs to like where they want to go

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Ik BU is ranked higher and their match list seems to have matched students into more prestigious programs than SKMC seems to have. Am I right in saying that? Do you think that is a deciding factor for paying more? Also, is it hard to get a 3.5 at BU? Iā€™ve heard about their grade deflation but not sure how true this is.

There is always pro/cons against ā€œreputed/brand name institutionā€.

IMO, if you can afford and your kid like itā€¦ then go for it.

The truth isā€¦ barring exceptions (Yes I know Bil Gates was drop out, so was Steve jobs), people from JHU , Stanford or other IVIES do have the ā€œzing to itā€ and do get many doors open for them. (This doesnā€™t mean people from other schools donā€™t get chancesā€¦ but odds are better)

Thatā€™s why lots of research or talking heads come from there (either due to reputation or connection or god knows what).

Similar to the lawyers from Yale, Harvardā€¦ and business/wallstreet jobs from ā€œcertain business schoolsā€

So the situation/decision is always personal

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I believe match is almost the same. (canā€™t be too sure). Jefferson is a very reputable med school too. Of course BU is ranked higher. Cost will be a big deciding factor .

So sad to hear.

DId your D get any UG acceptance in these programs.

Some of these colleges does have options for EA (Early assurance) so you can still get into the same train (at sophmore/junior year) and she will NOT miss anything.

Same criteria, same interview etc., (like VCU, PSU, BU etc.,).

Even if she did not (search this thread and I/others have posted few colleges where it gives EA options colleges) there is traditional method too.

Good luckā€¦ remember if she applied to this and come so farā€¦ she is already GOOD.

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NJMS makes the decision and this decision will apply to both feeders schools

Sorry to hear. Did your daughter get any competitive UG offers on hand?
Like @Vicky2019 said 95% of MD seats are filled through the traditional path. Many committed individuals made it, but there are risks too. A large percentage of PreMeds drop out of the MD race because they lose interest, weed out courses (like Organic Chemistry and Bio-Chemistry), Lower GPA (couple Cā€™s drags down their GPA), and so on. Overall many premeds drop out before even writing the MCAT exam. A recent study says only 17% of premeds made it to MD school. If you end up with UG GPA below 3.7 and MCAT below 510, then these stats complicates your entry chances into the MD school. Having UG GPA below 3.5 complicates the chances of DO school admission. I came to know strong LORs, ECs, hooks can pull up the lag in the GPA and MCAT, but not to a major extent. IMO, HS GPA <> UG GPA (not equals) for most. If you are motivated, committed to a physician career path, maintain a 3.7+ UG GPA and target a 515+ MCAT score, besides having internships, UG research experience, and strong LORs then the traditional path is there for you to explore. If your daughter wants to become a physician there are many ways she can achieve that goal: through the MD route, or DO or Corriabina route. There are many students who didnā€™t get BSMD, have become physicians in one way or another. @RiceBits shared a successful case of his/her D in the traditional route. Your daughter will do great no matter which path she eventually picks it up. Good luck.

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A waitlist is not rejection. So, please hold on. Last year a couple of people on cc got moved from the waitlist - one to Oklahoma and another to Baylor programs. So, hopefully, you will hear soon. Those students who got into multiple bsmd programs will only join one of these, so you would have an opening.

Meanwhile, you can start looking at the UG admissions to see which one is a fit.


Iā€™m sure people will notify schools that they wonā€™t be attending once theyā€™ve made a decision. Itā€™ll help people like you.

did you have the microsoft nsu error when you tried to access the agreement? how did you fix it?

I concur with @Vicky2019 on waitlist logic. Since you said you are on a few waitlists, IMO you obviously will have better chances. All you need is at least 1 waitlist confirmation. IMO, you better wait until Ivy day. Good luck.

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Any idea when NJMS decisions come out ?