Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

That is very interesting why is TCNJ holding back or is it that this year none of the kids got via TCNJ feeder? Not sure what the process is does NJMS call all accepted students irrespective of which feeder school they applied from? or does teh feeder school call? So far what I have seen is NJMS calling with NJIT/Rutgers feeders nothing on TCNJ, I called them and ofcourse voicemail is FULL LOL, will be good to get email from them asap so we can plan accordingly

General observations… one person food is another person poison.

We all have heard bad things about every colleges from locations , dorms to foods, legal cases (CNSU) etc.,

Do you own analysis …

@gradedu , sorry i thought u mentioned Purchase as feeder for upstate… As you may already know that “art” does not mean music/literature alone but other subjects and Purchase is ranked top 10th in “Art and Liberal” that includes various UG like many schools. Almost all the feeder schools to Upstate are decent (bcoz they have to prep for Upstate).

In the end whatever your D feels good.

I thought WISE also has “honors” (and honors is separate path on others too …and now i am confused :rofl: ). If i may say, if you are more worried about UG also then SB may be better (bcoz of the new grants and plan by NY state)… but it’s a toss (IMO)

Good luck

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My closest friend D (living in Tristate) is doing an architecture degree there in Purchase (and that’s how i came to know of that college) :+1:

My assumption is TCNJ wants to get all done in one shot (including financials). I believe they never sent out UG decisions to any of the BSMD applicants

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Anyone getting calls from NJMS/Rutgers/NJIT/TCNJ today?

FYI … NJMS does not call, only the feeder schools
No call from TCNJ/Drew yet

S has NJIT/NJMS & UCF Burnetts Medical Scholar. On Traditional side, Rice, UTAustin & UC Bereley under consideration.

Any suggestions / advice is appreciated. Particularly NJIT/NJMS vs UCF vs RICE.


Anyone heard from FAU yet?

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Where are you located? NJ?

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Still waiting.

Accepted into NJMS too!!


Did you hear about this decision today who called you NJMS or feeder school

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got placed on the alternate list for Cincinnati

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Nothing from fau.

@mygrad2021 @T2024 @carmaruti
Referring below link, you can look for the school (not every school is listed there), and you can also select the year on the top and look for the previous years.

Congrats!! Did you hear today and at what time? Also what was your feeder?

we are in NV

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and @AvidEnthusiast @yu6inyu7in

FAU has already announced its acceptances - came out in late Feb.
Students were given 3 weeks to accept their offer.

Hang in there.
Praying that the waitlist moves.

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For those who have received admission into the Drexel BS/MD program, the BS/MD admitted student session is on Sat Apr 9th from 1:15 to 2pm. It will be part of the Admitted Day Program (10am-4pm). The reason for posting it here is because the program pdf incorrectly states it as Apr 19th. You will need to log into your account and register for the Admitted Day Program. There is also a second one on Apr 24th.