Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Item 3 : FAFSA is free.
IMO, it is individual decision whether to pay college board fee to send SAT scores to the colleges, even if those colleges are allowing self reported scores. In the old days colleges mandated applicants to send the sat scores. Many colleges started giving out exceptions to this policy. However one needs to verify with the college regarding their current policy on self reporting scores. Here is one from Michigan State University:

From MSU: Freshman applicants who would like to have test scores considered will have the ability to self-report scores on the application. Admitted students who chose to apply with self-reported test scores will be required to provide official test results to the university before they can enroll.

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As an ORM is 1540 okay for BSMD?

SAT alone wonā€™t be okay for BSMD, one needs to have a near-perfect GPA, strong LORs, ECs, etc. Experts can chime in if you post your profile. The odds of getting acceptance in almost every BSMD program are relatively lower when compared to the T20s acceptance rate. BSMD programs are very competitive in general, and it fills only 5% of all US medical school seats. All remaining 95% MD seats will be filled through the traditional route. Good luck.

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@jojo012 - Sure, 1540 score is ok. BS/MD admissions look for candidates holistically. All areas listed below should be good. one area little bit low will be compensated by another area with higher score

bs/md students are typically high achieving students >35 ACT or >1570 SAT and near perfect GPA ( >3.95 unweighted) which includes all honors, good number of AP classes. They would have 800-1200 hours of medical related experience (volunteering/shadowing + research), they would have additional awards such as STEM olympiads, science fair awards at state or national level. Your medical shadowing/volunteering and research experience plays an important role. Some colleges look for clinical experience. They also ask questions on this during the interview.

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Hi, I am interested in BS/MD. Could someone please look at my stuff below and let me know if I have any possibilities of getting into a low tier bs md? I know theyā€™re all hard but Iā€™m talking about the NJMS, SUNY connector types. Iā€™m ethnically a South Asian Indian born in America. Also went to one of the most competitive and the biggest high school in the state with about 1,000 people per grade. School is nationally known for their rigor.

Demographics: Male from OH, family income 250K+

GPA: 3.8 recalculated unweighted gpa, 4.1 recalculated weighted gpa, school does not give rank and doesnā€™t report unweighted. Reported weighted is a 4.6ish.

ACT: 35, no subject tests as they were cancelled in the US

PSAT: Semifinalist(1470)

Medical extracurriculars/volunteering: 300 normal volunteering(not hospital), 30 hours shadowing in person, ~mainly gastroenterologist and some cardiologist, Research based summer program at WashU. 10 AP classes including this year and next semester and all 4 years of PLTW Biomedical sciences classes. 2 college classes, 1 of which is on transcript. Volunteer with Red Cross and local Hospice and a public health internship(220-250 hours from Red Cross and Hospice and public health internship which allowed you to count hours as volunteer hours as well, accounts for about 150) and did a Medical Explorer program at a major level 1 trauma hospital. Planning on doing some virtual shadowing. Also started a program for local schools about healthcare education, planning to have 1-3 events before November 1st featuring healthcare professionals. Also on the special elite team for Tae Kwon Do.

In-school clubs/activities: HOSA event leader, member of Peer tutoring, President/founder of International Olympiad, Former Model UN vice president, member of Speech and Debate, member of High school honors society

Research: 2 research programs, 1 likely publish till applications through Amazon

Coursework: 10 AP Classes 4s and 5s on all but taking Calc BC,Physics 1, Literature, Psych this year, and macro next sem

Grades: 4 Bs in Biology, APUSH, Spanish 2, Human Body Systems overall with mainly A-ā€™s, grades have shows steady improvement through high school and mid-year report will likely shoe 1 B a couple A-s and the rest as flat As to A+s


Have several regional, state and multiple national accomplishment/s in Model UN and HOSA along with Principalā€™s list every year of high school; also a Tae Kwon Do black belt with a regional 3rd place award

Essays- Likely solid

LOR- No clue, asked AP Lang and AP Chem teacher and internship supervisor.

Any help is appreciated! Please lmk if you have questions.

@Gettingin2college - I think you already know that - Your SAT score is ok. PSAT achievement is good. GPA is on the low side. Good ECs, LORs and Essays will help. I am impressed that you are hard-working and driven since you were able to do all these ECs (medical & non medical) even during COVID! I am sure these will help in your admissions along with your awards.

Certainly apply broadly to 12-15 bs/md programs. Apply to Brooklyn/SUNY downstate bs/md, hofstra, BS/MD with SUNY upstate feeders, UCF, USF, Florida Atlantic University, UMKC, WashJeff/Temple, Temple/Temple, SLU, Oklahoma. It is hard to predict but you have a holistic profile that the adcoms like to seeā€¦

If you are open, you could try for Wayne state BSMD as well. Its full ride. you need to ED to bsmd. however, if you donā€™t get into BSMD, binding decision doesnā€™t apply. You are not required to join the undergraduate.

However, bs/md with public/state schools in north-east (Stony brook, NJMS etc.) tend to go for students with perfect stats (near perfect GPA and scores) and these are by no means low tier schools!

Your profile is competitive.
As @Vicky2019 mentioned, apply broadly.

UCincinnati has an in-state bias so make sure to apply there.

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Can anyone elaborate on the UCF BS/MD program. What are the matriculation requirements for medical school in the program? Also, if anyone went through the program, how was your experience?

@Gettingin2college A non-peer reviewed research published via Amazon is considered ā€œgarbageā€ and college professors are no dummies. A research should be published in academic journals and conference proceedings. Forget about any non-peer reviewed publications like via Amazon.

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Apply as an in-state for UCinn. Your ACT 35 is good but UW 3.8 GPA is not so good for an Indian male. It is below par for NJMS, IMO. There are no low tier BSMDs. It is all in your head. All LCME accredited US medical schools follow the same curriculum and prepare one for being a board certified MD. Once you are a practicing MD, it make no difference where you did UG or earn your MD.

I would also like to mention that Iā€™m at a 3.9 and 4.6 if A-s count as a 4.0 and Iā€™m aware a decent amount of colleges do that

Are there any journals youā€™d recommend that I could publish through?

Also I worked under a supervising college professor would Amazon still be considered garbage if I mentioned that?

Can anyone elaborate on the UCF BS/MD program. What are the matriculation requirements for medical school in the program? Also, if anyone went through the program, how was your experience?

Yea its still pretty bad. I would recommend maybe aiming for an abstract at a conference, thatā€™s easier and faster than paper.

non peer-reviewed journals and intl journal of hs research are the 2 major things to avoid.

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@ramen2020, Any suggestions on better high school journals to publish a paper, please? Thank you for your help.

@ramen2020, It is a review paper and reviewed by a few Ph.D. and Doctors in that particular field. Any help would be appreciated on suggestions on a better place to be published. I am glad I saw your message right before I am deciding where to publish it. Thank you again for your help.

How does withdrawing from an honors science class and getting put into a regular science class look for BSMD applications, especially if it happened during 9th grade? on transcripts, the honors science class marked as W (withdrawn) and regular science class marked as A (grade).

Check this out:

Look at the requirements, coursework, and commitments section.

IMO, one or two 'Wā€™s wonā€™t hurt, but having too many on the transcript will catch ADCOMs attention for sure. Is there a plan to take the withdrawn Honors Class ( or equivalent AP class) in the 10th/11th/12th grade?