Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

I believe you didn’t get into applying for BSMD because you doubted your ability to get into UPenn/Cornell. I believe yo did because you have decided medicine is for you. So if that is true, then I will suggest you follow through with REMS. Just my two cents!

Good question I would like to know the same is it because it’s unranked on USNews or due to large # of feeder schools that gets into AMC…

Any money from Rice? You got into two Ivies and two other good UG school, so weigh pros and cons. If your aim is to study at a top school take a chance otherwise pick REMS.

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when did pitt gap results come out last year? any word on when they’ll come?

In 2021, Pitt results came out around Apr 9th.


I believe about 25 are interviewed and about 9-10 accepted

Congratulations to all who have acceptance!

Many posters here have worked very hard and are fortunate to hold multiple acceptances, like REMS, BU, Penn St, VCU, AMC, Ivies, Stanford etc.

A humble request to all such persons that if you are certainly not going to some BSMD programs (like one most likely would not go to AMC over REMS or BU or Harvard) then please reject acceptance to those programs now so that others who are on waitlist can get that spot in timely fashion for them to decide.

Holding such spot till May 1 or not letting the programs know about decision (and thus doing silent rejection) will not benefit anyone and that spot might just go unclaimed and deprive some other student a valuable opportunity…


Withdrew from Union/AMC



Please share your stats and perspectives on the RESULTS thread

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SDN discussion BSMD vs Ivy (Yale)

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Yale has always impressed me with how many they send to the MD/PhD pipeline. I dont think there are any other colleges that are consistently sending 15-20 each year.

It is shocking they have that many listed as alumni. those current to alumni applicant numbers seem almost reversed.


These 2 links are really some of best pieces of information I have seen coming out of a college. These type of statistics how their students fared at different medical schools and also what their stats were is not something you can get easily.


Thank you.

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Hi, I got accepted into the Drexel 8 year BS/MD, but am unsure whether I should go as I have heard some unsavory things about the medical school (Lack of major affiliated hospital and bad funding). Was wondering if anyone has any thoughts regarding the school?

Drexel/Drexel is building a brand new hospital with Tower Group in Reading PA.
About 1/3rd of the students will rotate through this new hospital.
After the loss of Hannemann Hospital, Drexel students have rotated through UPenn and Jefferson SKMC.

So, students were not impacted by the loss of Hannemann.


Can’t agree more with @seemasp. Please let’s be considerate and not hold on to beyond what we need and thereby deny others access to it. The clock is ticking and a lot of others future and desires are hanging in the balance.


Residents of Drexel University had be moved to other locations but students have other hospitals locally.

I wish all colleges would share this level of detail.

I went through 8 years of my daughters’ colleges not knowing anything about how their college students are being placed and what they had to do to get into specific colleges and most of it based on their own performance and other anecdotal information. This is the best information I have ever seen from a college showing how many students applied to a college from their college, how many were admitted, how many enrolled, what their averages for each college were and how their top students get into many schools while the lower tier has a hard time.

@novicedad - your 515 rejection shows up even in Yale numbers!

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A student admitted to Case PPSP messaged me with a couple of questions. I thought I would post them here to get some opinions.

  1. Case has wording in their agreement form stating PPSP interview performance has to be on par with non-PPSP students and deemed satisfactory by Admissions Committee in addition to meeting requirements.

  2. Out of 15-20 in the program, 8-10 matriculate. The reason Case gave was that students no longer wanted to do medicine. Does this seem like a high attrition rate?

Are these points something to be concerned about?

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