Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

So true. And for the 6-years program that also requires the MCAT, you need to recognize that you’ll have to MCAT in your “sophomore” year while still juggling with like 26 credits of workload and other EC requirement plus no less than a B grade in Orgo. However, it is doable if you hit the ground running. The attrition rate lingers around 40% or more!

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@srk2017 , I sent you a DM, hope you don’t mind!

Well there is Brown PLME!

I think of getting into Brown as a problem and the next level is lot worse.

The other programs behave differently in terms of do you want to come here if we dont admit you to medicine.

I would suggest that your D go for Augusta bsmd. Being in-state and a 7-years program are both a plus like @NoviceDad mentioned

512 MCAT (or a national average of students matriculating into medical school that year) will make her a stronger candidate for med school.
3.7 GPA at Augusta might not be hard at all. In fact, if she learns her subjects well, she would do well in the MCAT as well.

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Case has a good match list but at least this year its DOPEN is lower than Pitt Med.

CASE class size is large than other BS MD programs except Jefferson , but I do not think the match list includes Cleveland Clinic Lerner school of medicine

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Is the “interview” a new thing with CASE PPSP starting this year’s admission cycle or has been there before?

Can you post the Cost of Attendance (after all scholarships) in both choices?

Not at all, I responded.

can someone pls instill confidence in me that you can match into competitive specialties from njms…ik how immature im being but my heart wants to go to an ivy but everyone ive talked to (multiple physicians, medical students, mentors, even family) all say rutgers esp with the full ride

Throaway_2 you can DM me. I can give you indepth comparison with stats

You can match to any specialty from any medical school. Difference is what type of program (big names vs low tier or community programs) and whether you need gap years or not.

Which Ivies do you have and their COA ? You have full ride which may be attractive and below is NJMS match list but does not provide details on type and location/prestige of programs. Again does it matters to you ?

Hmm… Case dropoff of 1 in 2 is “red light”… though I know there are lots of kids who do dropoff/change career paths after the first few years (Remember this is a marathon).
My assumptions are

  1. Maybe folks who take MCAT has to score in 97% (meaning no longer guaranteed) so that may result in huge drop.
  2. Gap year ?
  3. Is there a disparity this year alone (or what’s the trend ). That’ll give a better picture

We all will be speculating without real data (and tough to get it) but inquire before joining PPSP

Good luck

OP said people lost interest in medicine as the reason which does not cut muster.


Well said… Agree 100%…

If i may add … this means you will be taking “more work” in “less years” ( like drinking from fire hoze). Not everyone can do that… if you are mentally prepared then all better… else traditional 8 years is good.

Also 6 years mean you will be working/studying on Summer too…so it’s NOT like easy pass.

Finally , i don’t believe you will be saving “huge $$$” (bcoz of round the year study/credits for 6 years).

Bottomline, if your kid is willing to do it then “Good” else “nothing wrong” with traditional path.


She is a rising high school freshman and is interested in BS/MD programs?


Completely agree!! 50% of the kids opting for “guaranteed med” want to all of a sudden change paths due to an epiphany? Lol

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I do not recall an additional medical interview during the undergraduate years at PPSP.
But I am not 100% sure.

Agree … that’s why i said…

Maybe better asked question is…

Why did they lose interest ?. Is it because of “unachievable target” or “tough weed out course” or what ?

Best thing i would suggest is… Students should talk with others in the college day to understand before committing