Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Thank you for sharing your stats and perspectives in the results thread.
You have an impressive profile and Congratulations on PMM.

Wishing you the very best.

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Good luck with your in-state college. Did you appeal to the BSMD colleges for more aid? There is an appeal process for each college, you can directly check with those colleges’ financial aid office.


Thank you @mywish4u for sharing your son’s stats and detailed perspectives.

Life does throw up interesting dilemmas and you know your situation better than anyone on this forum.
I wish the very best to your son. I am sure he will do great at your in-state school and will succeed beyond your wildest dreams.


Thank you for the kind words.
Yes, we are in discussions with the colleges, and let’s see what happens in the next 2 weeks.

Thank you

we are going there tomorrow to visit NJIT. Hopefully will get a chance to tour NJMS.
after this visit we must decide. did you decide yet?


One of my students got accepted to Tulsa ECCM - from the waitlist.
That student has other options and has declined Tulsa’s offer.

Hoping someone here gets that offer.


@mywish4u , good writeup on the results thread.

You(your family) know what’s good so the decision is good and that’s what matters (not anyone else)

Sometime life throws a curve ball but your son will be successful in the end (based on his acceptance and what he has accomplished so far).

So don’t worry and good luck to him.

Best wishes


@Camelbak On your question to @mywish4u, yes SLU is an EAP program.
Generally, students who meet the undergrad requirements get a medical school interview, which from what I have heard so far, has been more of a formality.

Recently, I read about a student being rejected at the interview stage. I do not know the details of it but if this reflects a change from the past, students must under that risk.

Interesting. When do students generally apply through this program? Freshman or Sophomore year?

After Sophomore


In a bit of a predicament on where to go. I got into Union BS/MD/MBA, Washington and Jefferson +Temple, and Hofstra Bs/MD. All are giving similar aid so cost is not a factor. Personally prefer to not stay near home with Hofstra but other than that any advice would be appreciated.

Choose between Union/AMC and Hofstra 4+4.
Avoid W&J/Temple.

Since you do not want to stay near home, it looks like Union/AMC may be the option.

I concur with @NoviceDad on your situation. Cost is not factor and stay away from home then Union/AMC is best in this scenario. Did you check AMC match list?

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I am a bit stuck between the two following programs. Here is my pros/cons list.


  • 8 years
    -Additional MBA degree
  • quite expensive - around $600k

Brooklyn - SUNY Downstate BA-MD Program

  • MCAT requirement of 509 - 3 tries
  • 8 years
  • Much more affordable - around $250k

Any thoughts?

Choose Brooklyn/ Downstate and save $$$.
MCAT 509 is close to the 80 percentile and is very easily doable with preparation.

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Requesting all applicants and parents to share their Stats + perspectives in the RESULTS thread.

$350k extra is a lot of money (except for the extra MBA), I will suggest you with the cheaper option

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*go with


The user @college061404 from results thread seems fairly new, unless CC changed the policy one can’t DM anyone until and unless they cross certain number of posts on CC. You may want to check on that and initiate a dialogue yourself

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