Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Good tip from @NoviceDad and @deejay19 .

Let me be a contrarian for a change :slight_smile:

If cost alone is the ONLY issue
 then it’s no brainer 
 (also 508 is achievable) but if you don’t want MCAT headache then AMC

What other things are you concerned about.

Also i would suggest visit the colleges and have a feeling about the place.

IMO, many times the “fit” has to be there (location, dorm, college professors or their relationship with students etc.). Many of these things can be figured when you visit and talk with other students


Good luck

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You need to consider what interests you. In the past have come across students interested in liberal arts choosing Union since it has strong curriculum. There was a student who chose Union over Case Western’s program because s/he was very interested in history. Another chose to major in philosophy and went there. I have heard of some one going there over a 7 year program for the sake of MBA and leadership focus, though not sure how helpful the MBA may or may not be in future (generally business programs have a lot of prestige factor associated on where you did it unlike in medicine). Not sure what Hofstra is more well known for and if that is something to your liking. Also recommend visiting both the campuses and see where you see yourself spending upto 8 years more comfortably.

Yes, I too recommend taking Temple out of the picture unless you are certain there won’t be an interview requirement at a later stage. By the way at Temple they have a good business school, but doubt if they will let you pursue MBA as part of this program, but find out

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Northeastern is private and doesn’t have concept of instate vs OOS. I have heard of top students getting price breaks in the range of ~35k per year on tuition.


Thanks @kaj2017 for being prompt on your withdrawals and informing others here. Congratulations and best wishes for Penn State/Jefferson SKMC.


Already did.

For $350K additional price tag, Downstate is better. Downstate has great matching for Medical Schools and Hospitals in NY area. Good reputation, impressive match list, and cheaper tuition ($350K price difference is huge, IMO). Good luck with your decision.

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Hello- Are there any family or student who got into Case western PPSP program? Looking for some insight with this program for in- state students have any preference.

Do we have any forums like this for traditional route MD where people share their experiences

See if this thread helps you:


Thankyou for good insight.So technically no In-state students will get admitted to Case PPSP or undergrad looks like.I was curious about this as lot of freinds spoke similar about Case and I didnot believe it.How is Cincinnati BSMD program?Can any of you share some stats what they look for.


Here is one


Has UMKC sent out instate waitlist decision?

My D found out >100 got in for SLU for this interview-guaranty-only program, but only about 30% move forward with BS MD after the second year/MCAT. We did not do any further research to find out why on 30% as SLU was not on her high priority list 
 Further research is definitely needed if you consider this program.

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Wow. I am considering SLU as, along with the Medical Scholars program, I was awarded their full-tuition schol. But after further research this program doesn’t look too appealing. Not only do not many in the program actually receive the soph-year conditional acceptance, but the few who do have to forfeit their guaranteed seat in order to apply to other med schools. Can anyone else speak to the quality and/or value of this program?

The condition of losing a guaranteed seat if you apply out is there in many BS/MD and EAP programs.
SLU is trying to manage its yield and would like these scholars to remain aligned with the program.

If you have an excellent MCAT score (>517), near 4.0 GPA, and fantastic ECs, and want to apply out, take the risk.
IF not, you have a seat at SLU.

SLU Med school has an Average UGrad GPA 3.85, an Average MCAT Score 513, Acceptance Rate ~7%. At the end of each academic year, Medical Scholars Program students shall maintain a minimum 3.65 cumulative GPA, and a 3.65 math/science GPA. MCAT 505 isn’t hard to meet for most, but GPA could be an issue if one isn’t careful with weed out courses like Org Chemistry and Bio-Chemistry. What other options you are considering?

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UCincy Medical Sciences, Duke, Notre Dame, Ohio State. Not 100% set on medicine, current senior.

this is another great program!

(sorry, i just assumed you were applying next year. if you are a current senior, this does not apply!)

We are trying to decide between UNC chapel hill (out of State, no merit scholarship and no honors), University of Pittsburgh (honors and merit scholarship) and University of south Florida ( national merit scholarship plus early assurance BS/MD, requirement is MCAT of 516- 518 (on the higher side) and 7 year program). Would appreciate any advice from this group.

Was just accepted into Rowan/RowanSOM’s BS/DO program today, thoughts on NSU/KPCOM vs. Rowan/RowanSOM?