Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Howard 6-year BSMD interview result was just released


is cost a factor? what scholarships did you get? I’d make a help-me-decide post.

I feel the overwhelming advice on this thread (despite the high MCAT) would be USF. UNC’s premed is pretty good, and Pitt (as mentioned earlier) is also great and underrated. What other factors are you looking for in the schools? Have you considered fit?


Is there any reason in particular you say to avoid Temple?

Thanks for your response. Yes , we have narrowed to these 3. UNC has grade deflation and I have read lot of reviews about difficulty in course registration. Does anyone in this group have a student at UNC ?

Refer previous post below

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If you are set 100% on Medicine, then you can choose SLU Medicine for Scholars knowing that there is a risk of derailing from the path as nearly 30%+ students either drop out from the path or apply out.
If prestige matters, you may choose T10 - Duke (usnews rank 9).
If prestige matters, but scholarship is more attractive then you may choose T20 - Notre Dame (usnews rank 19)
If prestige doesn’t matter, and COA is low then both the University of Cincinnati and Ohio State University would work I guess. According to AAMC data: “Undergraduate Institutions Supplying 50 or More Applicants to U.S. MD-Granting Medical Schools, 2021-2022” more premed applicants from Ohio State University compared to the other three choices in your UG list.


If medicine is ultimate destination, avoid UNC. I would recommend to save the 200k+ tuition for med school later on. If not or finances not an issue, UNC may be a decent option, they have a great undergrad business program (though not sure if you have to declare that major prior to admissions or still can opt for it otherwise).

Not exactly clear what NMF at USF entails. Is it a full ride? 516-518 is a rather high bar for an EAP program, reminds me of the erstwhile WashU program. Does it have an interview since EAP? If one is required to get that kind of score, one should be able to comfortably get into instate med school itself, why go for this program with uncertainity? 516-518 is not forbidding bar but there are chances one may slip. Remember a post from a parent couple of cycles back expressing concerns regarding this but can’t find it now. In which case one is stuck with a not so fancy USF undergrad degree.

How about instate schools? As mentioned earlier many times going for undergrad to state schools may not be bad idea at all (except for some UCs and UVA kind). Neither is going to instate med school following that.

Both are similar, which one gave you more price breaks or you have in state advantage at? Is weather a factor?

Thank you @cheer2021 for sharing my earlier post that shares my thoughts on W&J and Hofstra.


USF: MCAT score of 516 to 518 is, to put it mildly, draconian. And that too while taking MCAT during your second year of undergrad.
Yes, it can be done but Less than 10% of students get such a score.

UNC for pre-med is very competitive and I do not see the value in spending extra $$$ on UNC.

I suggest you give a serious look at Pitt Honors with a merit scholarship.

Also, please speak to students at each of these colleges and get more details on the ground situation.

Nova has had some issues in the past where they were more distracted on building the MD school, which was reflected in their COMLEX and Board scores.
This past year’s data appears to be reversing that trend.

Nova does offer scholarships that can reduce the financial burden.
It also has a beautiful campus and one of the best dorms for undergrads.

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Full-tuition at SLU, then UC, then OSU, and Duke and ND cost around the same (no fin-aid). Received max auto-merit at both UC and OSU, which was not much since in-state.

I completed the interview but I haven’t heard back so far. Should I assume that I am rejected? I am hoping to make a final decision soon since the May 1 deadline is approaching soon.

Requesting all applicants and parents to share the details - stats and perspectives - for future applicants in the RESULTS thread:

Why don’t you give them a call today to find out. Which other options do you currently have?

Never mind. I fully remember you now. You have Union/AMC and Brooklyn-SUNY Downstate. Correct?


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Thanks for your response. USF is a free ride for national merit finalist. It’s a very upcoming school, RI research school with lot of new facilities. The school is trying best to attract NMF. Not sure how competitive the student will be to apply to med schools via traditional route or other grad programs if one does not make it to the 7 year program. University of Pittsburgh is instate for us.