Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Congratulations on your decision/choice.

I remember you were clear on your “needs” and glad that your selection fulfilled those.

Good luck on your journey


But you are not differentiating between those who went thru BSMD and already had medical related experiences as well as application experience vs those who started with fresh and may have decided on premed late. One can spin numbers to their advantage and generalize but I believe strong students with proper planning don’t need gap years. I have seen more success stories than failure stories than some BSMD advocates here.


Let’s talk data:

As per AAMC matriculant data, 55+% of students had decided they want to do medicine while in high school.
Then why is the no-gap yeat student ratio <35% overall and <25% in the so-called T20 schools?

Everyone bases their opinions on the data, their interpretation, and their own experiences. In my case, both the data and the experiences I have observed are different than yours.


It is very funny who came up with so called T20 schools - that too based on some not so good rankings site they want to swear by. Guess they plagiarized it from the cricket world. Why 20?

If some one is so hell bent on prestige, why not T2? For me it is only 2 medical schools that fit the tab, Stanford and Harvard. Everything else can be pushed down to shades of mediocrity.

Really, it was copied from cricket? You must be watching Too much IPL but knows little about school rankings . So T7 in business and T14 in law are also derived from cricket (strategic timeouts or gulli cricket)?

Weren’t you peddling some other ranking site which put BU at higher ranking?

Again you are using generic data vs BSMD admitted students whose acceptance rate is lower than traditional path admissions rate and you strongly believe they will underperform if they chose BSMD. I have shown several examples to counter that. You and other advocate has no positive examples. He even claims BU SMED students get 100th percentile in MCAT without prep but they would rather stay at BU.

May be all those who took gap years or dropped out of medicine couldn’t find a great consultant who can guide them thru the process and put them into 33% category …

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Congratulations on your decision and best wishes at Duke and beyond!


Congrats! It a tougher road to travel but you will be fine. You know what it takes to get into a medical school. Would love to hear about progress in the experiences thread I have created five years back.


Congratulations, did you have interview before ?

Really? The answer is very simple. The ratio of physicians who went through the traditional path to BSMD is 99:1. So the chances are higher for the former than the latter because the data is skewed.

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That is very true but lets be mindful that some high school students are already exposed to great minds already while in high school. Up to 30-40% of my kids high school class mates end up in Ivy Leagues

I agree with you completely on that. We both know it’s almost impossible to become a multi-millionaire on a W-2 regardless of what you do because you just don’t have the leverage. So medicine is a leveraged passion that gives one a good head-start so they can divest into buying McDonalds or Jiffy lube franchise so they can be financially free and quit the rat race quickly

Congratulations to everyone on your final decision. I believe you have weighed all your options and have made the decision that is best for you and your family. As you step into college, I will want to leave you with one thing: Your FAITH can move mountains while your DOUBTS can create them. Let it be known to you that we have FAITH in you to be your very best and come out on top! To all the coaches, parents and mentors. Thank you for adding value to the younger ones!


I have been traveling for the past month and was pleasantly surprised to see numerous posts in the RESULTS forum upon return. It was good to see that students/parents have taken the time to share their experiences and perspective with the other bs-md aspirants. The next generation of students would find it beneficial. I find that the BSMD application process is becoming increasingly competitive and it’s important to have fresh data for future applicants to have an accurate understanding!


I will be replying to a set of approximately 5 posts from the BSMD Results forum. Thank you to the first set for being the first to post!


Thank you @AvidEnthusiast for sharing your stats and perspectives on the RESULTS thread. Congratulations on NJIT/NJMS. Wishing you the best.

Thank you @cow123 for sharing your stats and perspectives on the RESULTS thread.
Congratulations on PMM. Wishing you the best.

Thank you @blueeee. Congratulations on multiple full-ride scholarships as well as BSMD acceptances including your decision to join the University of Cincinnati Connections (BS/MD) Program with approx. half-tuition UG scholarships. Thanks for sharing your BSMD application journey, especially how your faith dwindled. It does get very tedious and heart-breaking to get rejection after rejection after putting in a lot of hard work during high school! Also, thanks for your kind words on College Confidential being supportive 

Thank you @Rali_Jan for posting for your daughter and for walking thru the steps which you took to filter out colleges to come up with your final college list. This will be useful for future BSMD aspirants!

Thank you @BSMDapplicant. Congratulations on your decision to join Union/AMC bsmd program. You have impressive medically related activities! Hope you keep it up with these during UG as well.



Thank you @Lakshmi_Padyala for posting for your daughter. Congratulations to your DD and the proud family on her decision to join LECOM BS DO path. What is her feeder school?

Thank you @bsmdstudent123. Congratulations on REMS and UPenn. Either would be great!
I am impressed with your 32 applications for both BSMD and UG and numerous acceptances, your research experience is really impressive as well. Thanks for your tip regarding not to “copy and paste essays from school to school” - it’s very difficult not to!

Thank you @moodybluepapaya. Thanks for taking the time to write a detailed perspective with part I and part II. This forum has been lacking in knowledge about BSDO programs. With your transparency and perspective, you have closed the knowledge gap. I am sure that this will be useful for future BSMD aspirants! Congratulations on your multiple acceptances to BSDO programs and your preference for IIT/CCOM

Thank you @Throaway_2. Your efforts and achievements doing independent research including in the ISEF and Regeneron competitions are very impressive! Congratulations on multiple BSMD acceptances and on your decision to join Rutgers 7 yrs program! Being debt-free is really smart. I am sure your parents are proud and happy due to this decision your efforts and achievements doing independent research including in the ISEF and Regeneron competitions are very impressive!

Thank you @BSMD2122. Congratulations on multiple BSMD and T10 colleges/ivy league college offers and your decision to join Pitt GAP with a scholarship! From your profile and the others who got into Pitt GAP, it seems as if Pitt GAP gives preference to candidates with extremely strong research backgrounds!



Thank you @bsmd_nj. Congratulations on multiple BSMD offers including BU SMED and TCNJ/NJMS. Also, it’s impressive that you have a 100% acceptance rate upon receiving the interview. This is not common as you surmised!

Thank you @Kaj2017. Congratulations on multiple BSMD offers and your decision to join Penn/Jeff program. Your D has an impressive profile with competitive research competitions and other top awards. Being a strong student, I am sure she will succeed in Penn/Jeff program and enjoy with her cohort! Wish your D the very best!

Thank you @mywish4u for being open and for sharing your detailed perspective. Congratulations on multiple BSMD and UG offers and your decision to join in-state UG with an almost full ride! With his profile including top awards and hard work and focus from day 1 in UG, he will succeed in the med school application cycle. You’re in-state UG is lucky to have your S. Also, good luck with your negotiations with various colleges. Hope you are successful! In either case, Wish your S the very best for the future!

Thank you @Somcpharm. Congratulations to your D and the proud family on her multiple BSMD acceptances and on her decision to join Brown PLME. You are right that – “Medicine is a long process so it’s better they don’t get burned out”. With two daughters in the BSMD programs, you have a lot of experience to share with others!

Thank you @nbaj123 for your stats and perspective. Congratulations on your decision to join FAU BS/MD with a scholarship!



Thank you @dudeperfect for sharing your nephew’s stats and perspective. Congratulations on multiple BSMD offers. You can’t go wrong with either Case or Stony Brook. Do reach out to current students in Case PPSP to get their perspective on the toughness of the program or the stress levels the students have. Comparatively, Stony Brook should be a lot easier. Nevertheless, it will be a plus to reach out to current students from Stony Brook as well.

Thank you @AvidEnthusiast for your detailed perspective. Congratulations on multiple BSMD offers and your decision to join NJIT/NJMS (full-ride UG). I was impressed by your strategy and planning. Your college list is really comprehensive. It seems you didn’t want to leave much to chance. There is so much that the future generation of BSMD aspirants can learn from you and your success.

Thank you @cow123. Congratulations on multiple BSMD offers and your decision to join Penn/Jeff BS-MD. Your hard work, passion, and thorough attention to detail will take you far. Thanks for sharing your perspective on “panic apply”. BSMD application process is very long and it’s rough/hard for students to go through so many steps in the selection process. By the time, they reach the interview stage, (if they are among the lucky few), they are already exhausted!


Thank you Vicky

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Awesome :slight_smile: Wish your D the very best for future!

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