Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Happy Diwali to everyone!
:boom: :boom: :gift: :firecracker: :firecracker:


Thank you.

All - Happy Diwali to you and your families :boom: :firecracker:


This may be a stupid question - why are so many ORMs keen to send their sons / daughters to Medical school? Is it prestige, money, service to humankind? Or, is it super selectivity of Med schools which drives their smart brains.

Good question. If you are not keen to send your child to medical, what are you doing in this forum? Welcome to world of madness(competition)

The percent of ORMs choosing medicine is not much different from other groups.
My understanding is that in the “top” undergrad schools, nearly 40% of students (all kinds) entering claim pre-med as their career choice.

Also, as per AAMC, of the matriculating students into medical schools, 50%+ of students had decided to do medicne during high school itself and 75%+ within the first 2 years of undergrad.

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Thank you for answering my question instead of answering with a question.
The stats are interesting.

@NDA2021 - I don’t agree with your statement that ORM parents control the career decision of their kids. They do have some control over drawing boundaries around the finances.

My 2 cents -

Some of the reasons why an HS student would decide on BSMD are-

  1. Some HS students with high stats/ECs interested in medicine as a career, want to give BSMD a try to see if they can get in.

  2. These HS students are not too ambitious about getting into T10 MD schools and are willing to compromise on UG rank for a near guarantee to MD school. A few bsmd programs allow students to apply out (VCU, Oklahoma etc.) so unless the students are in these programs, they need to settle with MD school as part of their program.

  3. As pre-med, they don’t want to be focused on building their profile for MD applications. They would like to pursue a variety of interests without any stress. Alternatively, for those applying out, BSMD program would provide a safety blanket.

  4. Many students also save a lot of money as part of the BSMD program when compared to selective top UGs. Even without the money, the near guarantee to MD school is a big incentive!

A typical BSMD student might have other choices such as -

  1. admission with full pay to T20 UG colleges or admissions or
  2. admission with a full scholarship to an in-state public university (or similar UG)
  3. one or more BSMD admissions with partial (or full) UG scholarship with a much easier path to MD school

Ultimately it is the kids choice (with some parental influence)

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Does anyone know how TCNJ decides who they send supplement applications to? I just got one and am curious if it is something everyone gets


Is your question more directed to MD school OR BSMD programs or both?

Anyhow, if at all parents have any influence on the children in pursuing MD school, that would end mostly within freshman/sophomore year. By that time both parents and children would realize that it’s more on Children’s shoulders to move forward another 10+ years to fulfill the dream to be a doctor/physician.

By HS junior most children and parents knew that medical school isn’t only the way (or the best way) to earn money. I heard many say if you want to earn money don’t choose medicine, there are many other easy paths you could achieve your goal.

IMO, the super selectivity of medical school actually discourages some parents and children not to apply. There were postings in the BSMD results thread, some parents/candidates stated that they did not apply to top BSMD programs.

The left-outs are prestige and service to humankind. If you can change the verbiage “prestige” to “dignity”, and “many ORMs” to “some ORMs” that would be acceptable to a large group of parents here I guess. If you can hang on to this thread until the application cycle ends, that would give a wild spin. I am sure you will enjoy it. LOL.


Generally, if you meet the eligibility criteria, you will get a supplement from TCNJ.

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According to UPitt, they have received more than double the applications compared to last year.

Has anyone received Pitt’s supplemental application yet?

If they select you for a supplement, they will notify you by Dec 15.
It is too early now.

I have also heard the common app was slower due to the high number of applications.

It will be a very interesting dynamic - a number of students had deferred their start last year (may not fully apply to BS/MD programs).
This potential means that the universities have fewer seats to fill in this year but have to grapple with more applicants.
Expect an, even more, crazier ride this year - maybe even more than the one seen last year.

Students, irrespective of how this admission cycle ends, remember, you are the same smart, intelligent, hard-working, and (add your favorite attri bute of yourself) student you are!


Has anyone received the information regarding the Baylor2Baylor BS/MD event on 11/11? Seems like such a strange method to help with the selection process.

I believe Baylor has sent out those communications.

Remember - every college follows a process that works for them.
It may seem strange or unconventional but it is their process.

Is anyone applying to the UCF bsmd program? If so, could I PM you I have a quick question

Did anyone receive admission to Njit undergraduate?

My D got an invitation for the interview of Albert Dorman Honors College for coming week.

Yes, we do, it seems to ask anyone to meet the criteria since they asked us within one week of submitting an application. Obviously, they give us only 2 weeks to submitting this supplement.
It is insane between other applications and interview.

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