Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Same here

ooo fun!

Hello, does anyone know to what extent the common app essay will be used in BS/MD decisions? Thank you!

is MD really competetive?

what state are you from?

My daughter got an email from SUNY that they put her application on hold and will not be able to offer an interview now. I know that it is not a good sign and could be similar to rejection

iā€™m not really sure bc idk how many ppl they accept

received that email as well.

What is the feeder school? my son got the same update, ESF is feeder school

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Did she got recommended from Syracuse to Upstate and Upstate put on hold ?

I thought usually when Feeder schools recommend ā€¦atleast they interview.

Either wayā€¦ there are lots of BS/MDā€¦so ask her not to lose hopeā€¦

Good luck

Syracuse is the feeder. That is the only college that she applied to SUNY

Yes, upstate put her on hold

My kid also got the same emailā€¦ The email goes like thisā€¦

Thank you for completing your supplemental application and again, congratulations on making it to this point in an incredibly competitive program. At this time, we are placing your application on ā€˜Hold for Comparison.ā€™ This is not a final decision, however we are not currently able to offer you an interview slot for Upstate Accelerated Scholars based on finite interview slots per partner institution.

If a slot should come available for the respective institution(s) you have been recommended by in January, February, or March, your application will be considered further then. If one does not become available, we will communicate this once interviews conclude for this review cycle.

We are applied to multiple colleges for SUNY medical school. But we donā€™t for what school the above response isā€¦ is the same for all colleges under SUNY?

I just got email from NJITā€¦ the email goes like this

Happy Holidays! As an update to our accelerated process, you should expect to receive a status email from us after the New Year. There are no additional next steps that you need to take at this time.

Kindly note that our office will be closed from December 24th to January 2nd. We will respond to all inquiries upon our return to the office on January 3rd.

We wish you and your family a restful and safe holiday season and a healthy New Year!


The Albert Dorman Honors College Team

I got the same email, feeder Syracuse.

The following info will help

SUNY Upstate Medical University
Thank you for your interest in SUNY Upstate!
Applicants typically receive a decision within a few weeks of their interview. Applicants will receive one of
five decisions. Decisions are sent out via e-mail.
Accept ā€“ If admitted, applicants will receive an e-mail notification and then receive their acceptance
letter and material in the student portal. The date the response is due by is noted on the acceptance
letter. To accept the offer, applicants need to submit a tuition deposit by the due date. Additional
steps, such as background checks, health forms information, etc. will be included.
Rejected ā€“ If rejected, applicants may schedule a post-advisement with an Admissions Advisor to
discuss ways to strengthen their application, if they plan to re-apply. Post-advisements may be
scheduled by calling 315-464-4570 or e-mailing
Hold for Information* ā€“ If the Admissions Committee needs additional information to make a
decision, we will notify the applicant of what is needed. It is the applicantā€™s responsibility to submit
the needed information. Once received, the application will be re-submitted to the Admissions
Committee for a decision.
Hold for Comparison* ā€“ The Admissions Committee will hold the application and will make a
decision after additional applicants have interviewed.
Alternate List* ā€“ The Alternate List is the list of applicants that the Admissions Committee goes to in
order to fill places in the class if an admitted student decides not to attend. We cannot predict if we
will fill any spaces in the class with students from the Alternate List nor how far down the list we
may get. Also, we donā€™t disclose how long the alternate list is or where an applicant is placed on the

    • Decisions with stars only apply to applicants applying Regular Admission. Decisions for applicants applying Early Admission
      as high school seniors are only accept or reject.

Is the Drexel 100 dollar supplemental fee worth it, or are they just trying to take your money only to reject you in 2 weeks?

unless you pay, you will not move to the next stage. I am assuming you applied to be considered for admission.
All BSMD programs are selective - a few people move forward and the rest do not!