Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

We submitted before 11/15.

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same I got the 33K scholarship too. Maybe they’ll pick the 15 students that get the full ride after both EA cycles are over?

Okay. That makes sense!

Yeah… Hope so… but the FULL Ride or even 33K for UG (in Hofsra wtih 60K per year) is good

MD portion… we can see later :slight_smile:

Does Hofstra pick 15 students for full-ride or full tuition?

Oh I mistyped- it’s full-tuition. I don’t think they give full-ride as a merit scholarship.

I received rejection email from Albany​:pleading_face::pleading_face:

Hofstra Trustee scholarship is difficult to get. As far as I know in last year’s batch, none of the bs/md students got that. Most of them got around 30-33k like you guys. Hofstra tuition after the scholarship is not that expensive but their dorm is too expensive so you don’t really save much even with full tuition.


I’m sorry to hear that.
When did you receive the email from Albany? And did you apply through Union, Siena, or RPI?

Hi! For NJIT I just received a letter of acceptance into the Albert Dorman Honors College with a scholarship. I have not yet interviewed with NJIT for either honors or BSMD, does anyone know if they are still sending interview invites for BSMD?

Sad to hear that. If i am right you applied as non-immigrant correct (Apologize if i stated info wrong). Is it because of that … .and also AMC thru which college … Sienna or Union or ?

Also don’t worry… you (we) got Hofsra and others still there.

Good luck…

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Did anyone hear back from SUNY polytechnic regarding the bs md with upstate

interviews with the undergrad for the bsmd happened quite a while ago. unfortunately, I don’t think there will be anymore invites

I applied through Union

Yes. More than two weeks ago, got the notification of getting forwarded to upstate after which supplementals were sent.

Has anyone else gotten a rejection letter/statement from Albany Medical College. I applied to RPI and haven’t received anything, and I’m not sure if that means I’ll get an interview notice soon.

Anyone did TCNJ interview? If so How was it?

We applied through Union . Last we heard, application got forwarded to Albany. Nothing after that

You also got the supplemental from Albany right?

It was very brief and quick interview.