Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022


Thanks. At this I donā€™t know what to expect for the rest of us. Not sure how many people they called already as they usually interview about 100?

Thank you

Based on number of slots that was shown when we scheduled it, I think this round was around 20 people. Letā€™s keep faith, thereā€™s enough stress going around. As many folks have mentioned before, itā€™s a crapshoot.

What I understood is they are doing 2 more weeks of interview.

Firstly, thanks for all the information posted, learn a lot. I have a couple of questions:

1). Does anyone think it is useful to update a Resume in studentsā€™ application portal and provide another recommendation letter outside school? These applications were submitted on dates similiar to ED so some progressions in seniors are not recorded at that time.

2). For CWRU PPSP, Rochester REMS, GW BA/MD, Drexel BS/MD, etc., which were applied all in once in both Undergraduate and Medcical school, if already informed that applications has been moved forward to medical school, any updated information in studentsā€™ application portal will be automatically reflected to these medical schools
or just stay in undergraduate application level ?

  1. Can anyone share timelines of finalist and interview for BS MD programs mentioned above?

Thanks a lot and Happy New Year!

Here is my opinion

  1. You can update resume but as far as recommendation letter it may be too late now that the decisions are already in progress.

  2. Almost all of the colleges we can expect the notification for interview in this month (per forums and website). Many colleges do let u know the status as it goes thru . As of now for my D many of them are still in progress as they have not yet started (Drexel did inform that itā€™s in progress or something like that)

  3. Unfortunately , each and every college has different timeline/progressā€¦ to make it simple,

Jan-FEb - Interview notification
Feb-Mar- Interviews
Feb-Apr - Decision

Just a rough timelineā€¦ as there are overlaps

Do note that there are IVYleague dates underwhich all announce on ā€œcertain datesā€


Yes thatā€™s what they are saying but if they already sent out so many not sure how many more left

Did you applied to AMC with supplemental essay after applied to RPI? By the way

Do you mean AO will call selected students instead of email notice? thanks

Thank you very much.
Yes, it is just a brainstorming process.
I believe some students who applied BS MD may applied top and pretigious IVY schools for ED or RD. It is a tough moment for these kids to submit continued interests of letter or RD application this week or next week.
Wish their dream can come true! If NOT, no regret because they have been trying to maximize their hard work and dothings they can control! Bless them!

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Few CC folks reported in the last BSMD admission CC thread saying that ā€œGot interview notification from REMS!ā€. I assume these notifications were over email. REMS rejections were over email for sure. Good luck with REMS.

Thank you very much. I was really impressed with information sessions and other workshops from Rochester U. Somehow, you can tell college quality from little things instead of rankings.
It is not odd that some pretigious schools are ā€œarrogantā€ , but some schools in middle-level show not too much care to students and parents from various performances.

Did you get a call?

i got the stelle



how much bro, what is ā€œsteelā€ lol?

itā€™s the scholarship i got itā€™s 27k a year i think

Is Rutgers still sending out interviews or they are done with it?