***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

Does Augusta and hofstra can apply out?
Anyone know?

At Hofstra, if you apply out, you will lose the guaranteed seat. I think REMS is one of the few schools allows apply out and still retain guarantee.


It does not matter at all you was an alternate. Once you got interview, you are on the same page with all interviewed candidates. It is similar to Tulsa interview.
If you are going for in person interview, schedule whatever offerings in the department you plan to major and visit campus and attend any classes etc.


I believe Pitt you can retain your seat as well

same here, i havent heard anything

same. what days does amc typically send acceptances, does anyone know?

@jamesback, @mushidushi , @ACwitdacut -

AMC sends decisions in waves. They keep a lot of kids in the “under consideration” stage.

I suggest that you guys send a letter of “continued interest” and mention your strong interest in joining AMC BSMD program and any awards/updates you got since submitting your application

Good Luck!

mind if I dm you a question?


Go ahead!


Is that an actual status btw? The only AMC portal we have is the one with interview invite and info. There is no application status etc. there. Is there a different portal? RPI/AMC still waiting.

No it’s not. They put kids on waitlist (under consideration) after they send acceptances.


Letter of Continued Interest should be sent only if you are waitlisted i.e. after they officially communicate the same to you.
If you have not received that, hold on any communication other than asking for updates.


I have not seen an update on Baylors undergrad portal regarding the decision. I have not received an email invite either. Do you know if rejections have been posted in the Baylor portal?

The finalist interview invites should have come from Baylor College of Medicine, but the finalist status should have been posted on the Baylor U portal because all finalists are supposed to submit a personal essay that goes to BCM.


well, it is like wait list. It is given to some students post BS/MD interview

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ok, thanks for the clarification

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For AMC -

All acceptances are not sent at the same time by AMC. They are sent in waves. And, it is true that some students get acceptance and some only under consideration.

There are a lot of kids in the stage, “under consideration”, and there is a good chance to get accepted from this stage. (i don’t know the exact numbers)

they offer acceptances to 15 kids for each program. If people reject offer, then they continue sending acceptances out till they fill the 15 seats. So pray for being top 15 for your program.

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This seems to be similar to Baylor 2 Baylor program. Everyone stays on the waitlist beside the ones getting an official offer until May 1. Those who commit to Baylor U will stay on the waitlist, but others will drop off past May 1. In the past few years, it seemed that there’s at least one or two benefitting from accepted applicants opting to go to another BSMD or a much better undergrad (and go the traditional route).


When do we start sending letter of “continued interest” - after interview or being notified waitlisted ?