***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

One of the issues (which you have not mentioned) why students who got into Brown PLME won’t accept their offer is due to the high cost, of 700K+ for the entire program. Very few people can afford that kind of money or are willing to take loans for that amount! Brown only gives need based aid. So, even if people won’t qualify for need based aid, it doesn’t automatically mean they can afford this kind of money!

A student who has mutliple options with less costly options are likely to consider those. A student who got into their instate BSMD program would pay 450K without any scholarship. Some BSMD programs offer great scholarships. Example - Oklahoma, some NJMS feeders, Stony Brook, temple and VCU programs have offered full ride or atleast full tuition off for undergrad.


@MD7 - These days, @grtd2010 doesn’t look at this forum on a regular basis. But, he shared his daughter’s progress in the BSMD/BSDO Applicants Undergrad and Medical School experiences forum. You can read his posts as well as posts about other students who applied to BSMD a few years back and have shared their experiences/progress since then.


How good is NJIT for a regular undergard in Biology? My D was rejected from NJMS but NJIT gave her full ride so we would like to know if it will be good to attend NJIT as a premed. NJIT is known more as a technology school so any insights into their premed advising would be appreciated.


Did any get into IIT/Midwestern BS/DO? Are there any suggestions between IIT/Midwestern BS/DO and SLU Medical Scholar programs?

A personal opinion with a sample of one. I helped a family friend frame applications for over 80 schools in 2021-22. It is not as competitive for DO as it is for MD schools. This person got 20+ DO interviews, got into about 12-13 schools (lost count because he got several around end of April where he was on waitlists) and got 3 MD interviews with one acceptance.

Edit: I just checked and Midwestern Chicago and Arizona both admitted end of April. They have very good match lists but very high priced. His family had Chicago on the list until end and even visited the school. One thing that is putting a lot of stress on DO students apparently is that now that residency is combined, DO students are being forced to take Step exams as well as COMLEX (they probably will stop taking step 1 since there is no score) to optimize their chances at traditionally MD residencies.

Hello, when did you hear from NJMS ? Which feeder ? Thank you.

Got rejection email from NJIT and TCNJ as feeders on 3/10

You should ask them directly about access to good prehealth advising (similar to the one offered to their BSMD students). We came close to accepting their offer when S went through this process. The pandemic cut short his journey when NJMS cut off interviews early. It was still a very attractive offer (full tuition & room) had there been no pandemic. Take a look at the Forensic Science major. If your child brings a lot of college credits from HS, they should be able to major in this and possibly double major/minor in bio. Have a backup career in case they change their mind about med school. Also, having a non-biology major makes the med school applications more interesting. More to talk about during an interview.

NJMS is down the street. Ask the Prehealth/Honors College to see if there are shadowing opps. Definitely ask HC about research opps at NJIT. NJIT HC is superb in a lot of ways. My S was impressed, but he was impressed the most with the honors dorm.


So never had an interview with NJMS or post NJMS interview rejection?

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Hofstra decisions are out.

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@NoviceDad did any of your students receive Union/AMC?

How are they communicating? Is it in portal or email?

Thank you!

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Are they result out all at once?

I just saw Jefferson match list - Off the charts - 16 orthopedic and 15 opthalmology. Some off the chart numbers.


Their Ortho program is ranked high.

Jefferson Optho amd Ortho both are very highly ranked. Wills Eye is one of the top ophtho hospitals… part of Jefferson/SKMC so is the Ortho Dept

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My D interviewed 3/6. The results out today ? The website said 4/1


@srk2017 @Park1212

Only 3 people matched to Wills Eye and one to Jefferson Ortho.

Neither Optho nor Ortho are standard required rotations (granted surgery is). So what caused this many people to be interested in tough to get into with limited number of seats in each program and no bias from home programs that we can see based on the 3 and 1 above? They had to put in a lot of away rotations and do research to get in.


So it is not just about how many people are interested in a particular specialty. Just FYI about 10-12 students feom jeff who aoply to ortho and 10-12 to optho approx DO NOT match so approzimately about 25-28 apply to both these specialties. If that many students apply to ortho or optho from any other med school they wouldnt be accepted. Then why does this happen at Jefferson?

Heres why:
Jefferson is a highly ranked optho and ortho residency program and one of the best hospitals for both these specialties… very renowned… They have quite many slots for both these specialties inhouse as well.
Now because of its name many schools reciprocate to jeff students who apply… many years back this number steadied at about 15-17 for each of these specialties.
Now when incoming students see that about 17 slots r filled for optho and 17 forortho over the years many want to apply for these (they are a good lifestyle balance and very high earning). Thats why about 25-28students apply each year to ortho amd the same to optho. They r not necessarily looking for wills eye residency. They r looking for wherever they can get depending on their step score… away rotations… other factors etc… This 15-17 acceptances in each has been steadied over the years and that has remained the same for the last so many years.