***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

OU decisions are out.


We used Resnik and Holladay(Sp?) text book in engineering and the India engineering students used to consider RPI as a great engineering school because of this association. I still remember applying and getting admitted to masters there!

Yes, it’s a very good engineering school but location is not for everyone.

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OU decisions are out.


Yes I remember Resnick & Halliday
 used to treat like a bible. Thanks for your & srk2017 input

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Good points

Some claim
 parents are pushing to BSMD 
while these folks push to “Top schools” or “not slack in UG or not peak in HS” :heart_eyes:
 guess that’s not considered “Parents pushing” 

Again it’s individual strengths
 many get burned (physically and mentally in these medical profession study for 7/8 years) so hopefully they find what suits them.

Remember NOT everyone can run 100M and marathon
 select your strength.

 my “ranting” helped :slight_smile:

To add 

  1. I won’t worry too much about residency at this point (both AMC
which is there for 70+ years and Penn stat have good opportunities) as it’ll be upto the kid (and his/her interest). I won’t give too much to ranking either as many colleges stopped providing data (so they are unranked)

  2. MCAT or GPA
 if you can avoid it
 it’s a bonus
 all kids who have come so far should be good
 but again
 if they don’t need to take it’s a “less work” for them so that’s a breather :slight_smile:

You are on right track (IMO)
 letting the kid “feel” and like the place
 good luck

Finally, Don’t fall 100% for others opinion (including mine) as i don’t know your picture completely 
 it should be yours(kids)

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I am not pushing anyone into anything :smiling_face: I have seen lot of parents saying medicine is long path so get into BSMD, cruise thru UG and then pickup the pace in medical school and disagree with that kind of advice.

So BSMD is 100 meters and traditional path is marathon? :smiling_face:


I am not able to send DM. Please DM me your opinion about Temple / Temple Pre-Med Health Scholar program. Thanks.

I want to know about Temple as well.

Don’t want to sound harsh or something, but this is based on the little I knew about this program from a while ago.

Despite it’s prime location and free rides for all of undergrad, it was not for some reason attracting a big pool of applicants. The numbers used to vary between 200-400 each cycle whereas other programs had couple of thousands each or more. They stopped posting the numbers on their portal after few cycles.

Few of the folks I happened to know of (or their parents, 3 out of 4), who got into this program and few other programs as well, choose to go elsewhere even as it costed lot more. The 4th one had only one acceptance and opted for this of course.

Also heard they had an interview as one of the requirements for matriculation to the med school. Not sure if it is still the case and if so how restrictive it can be.

So do your own due diligence and decide, especially if you have multiple acceptances along with this.


My son just got an acceptance to 7yr BS/MD program for NJMS!! So keep an eye on the emails.


Which feeder school?

My daughter got into NJMS. Feeder NJIT. We are so happy and proud of her as this was the only school she applied to.


When did they call or Email?

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Got an email from NJIT around 7.30 today

Congratulations to everyone who got into NJMS, OU and other colleges.

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Hi all, I have been an avid reader of these columns since early in high school and it’s finally time I post something. I applied to several BS/MD programs and thankfully was accepted into two, one for my local state and one for Union/AMC. I was also accepted into several undergraduate schools I would love to attend, of which my first choice is Vanderbilt. I am 100% set on medicine, and the costs are roughly similar. Any advice on making this tough decision? I am definitely leaning toward Union/AMC over the state BS/MD, but I feel good about Vandy’s premed support. Any advice would be appreciated.