***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

He actually did start medicine right after undergrad but took about 9 years to complete.

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We can discuss the virtues or lack thereof of gap years.
The fundamental question is - do you want to take a gap year OR were you forced to take a gap year?
There is a fundamental difference between the two.

We have a separate thread on BS/MD vs traditional path. Letā€™s have that discussion on that thread.
On this thread, as folks evaluate their BS/MD, BS/DO, or other options, letā€™s answer their specific questions.

Parents and students: Please share your experiences, stats, and perspective on the results thread. The information will be helpful to future parents and students.


Itā€™s tough to know and thatā€™s why advocates claim all are forced to take gap years and which is stressful so take any BSMD. Thatā€™s what our expert is claiming last 6 years.

Sadly you can NEVER avoid bashing or stating Top 5/Top 10 or GAP years (all related to traditional path) ā€œunless you make this thread ONLY BSMDā€ :slight_smile: and make another threadā€¦ ONLY Traditionalā€¦

Letā€™s stop making (false)claims. or accusing (unknown folks)ā€¦ parents pushing, avoiding risks, not smart ,not Ivy materials etc.,

This is 2023, you canā€™t even make your adult kid call u (they text only) :heart_eyes: so where is the question of pushing them to do something you wantā€¦ LOLā€¦ Good luck.

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Not surprisedā€¦

I shared this in an early thread (you can search) story that the best gynecologist in our area worked in ā€œtech industryā€ for few yearsā€¦ LOL

Itā€™s all individual passion and desire ā€¦ so not surprised by that person achievementā€¦ good story/lesson to learn for folks who donā€™t get into BSMD/Traditional immediatelyā€¦ donā€™t lose hopeā€¦ keep trying.

When some fervently claim BSMD (with risk aversion or failure stories) is the only way , others respond. Again, those who apply for BSMD also apply for regular UG and struggle to decide. Every year I get few DMs about it and ask for recommendations. As I said in the past, I did recommend BSMD to some and I told them there is risk for them going with traditional path based on what they said.

I again say that majority of students are underselling themselves by picking BSMD.

I have seen posts from students on SDN stating that their parents pushed them to BSMD and threatened to not pay for traditional path!


Donā€™t know enough about VCU, but Stony Brook has solid reputation overall. Believe both are 4+4 so not much of a difference there length wise. Believe Stony Brook is one of the 64 or so premier research institutions in the US and Canada combined (donā€™t remember the association name completely). One of Cā€™s mentors got into gastro fellowship there recently, so guess they have a solid establishment.

By the way last cycle or before think there were two students who went to VCU program. One choosing it over Yale & Columbia and another over UPenn if I remember correctly. Check for their posts in the results thread and private message them also to take their inputs (think you need to have >= 15 posts to be able to private message)

Can you help compare Stony Brook to Washington&Jefferson/ LKSOM for the BSMD programs?


@bond1 , @Psalms2021

A suggestion - please share your pros and cons for each college.
Every personā€™s situation is unique and it is important to understand that.

If you do that, we can provide a more informed opinion.

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I second @NoviceDad asksā€¦

@bond1 and @Psalms2021 ā€¦ please list where u need help or questions so others can hopefully helpā€¦

With that saidā€¦ here is my opinion ( I am shooting at dark as i dontā€™ know ur situations)

1 VCU - Good BSMD ā€¦ (based on research i did for my D last yearā€¦ she didnā€™t go there though)ā€¦ Itā€™s in kind of ā€œnot city environmentā€ (not a knock but saying it)ā€¦ If i recall it asks for MCAT ā€¦ but very achievableā€¦

2 StonyBrookā€¦ for my Dā€¦ there was Wise program for women (that provided scholarships tooā€¦ ) Itā€™s very confusing to me (personally) as i couldnā€™t understand where she got in ā€¦ regular or Wise program etc.,ā€¦ Their interview/allocation were very lateā€¦ by the time my D decided to move in other collegeā€¦ Again itā€™s in NY (but in Long Island)

  1. Washington Jeffereson - Iā€™m NOT that familiar but when I shortlisted ā€¦ i believe it was private and it has multiple path entry to their MDā€¦ so not sure what yours is ( we didnā€™t short listā€¦ and neither did any of the kids i help with)

Please note why i/novicedad/others ask you to list your concern ā€¦ I know few of kids i worked with didnā€™t like certain place (TX/NY) for their own reasonā€¦ so what good does a college in those locations will helpā€¦ Again I repeat I am NOT against any particular place ā€¦ but individuals may have different preferences.

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Thanks for your detailed feedback. We are visiting this weekend VCU and then Stonybrook as we have no idea about the location and my D want to have campus feel and decide. At this point, all we have are online details about the program and the offer that we got. Only thing we know for sure is NY will be a cold place.

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Thanks for your response. do you know if there will be an option to apply out other medical schools in Stonybrook without risking the spot in Renaissance?

Sure, thanks for sharing the details. It helps. yes, every one says that both programs have good reputation. Do you know which program has better residency matches? will definitely go through the past threads as well.

Each school releases its match list every year- on Match Day. You can check out the list for the last 5 years or so to see (go to the med school site and search for ā€œmatch dayā€). Youā€™ll see some slight fluctuations from year to year, but generally should not be much.

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Pitt GAP decisions are out. My DS was accepted. Please share any thoughts on the program, especially UG experience if he is in the honors college. We are still waiting on the Chancellors scholarship decision which is a full ride to UG.


Like Junebug20 suggestedā€¦look at the college website on match day (for past few years)ā€¦ that should give you an ideaā€¦

PLease do noteā€¦ itā€™s just a trendā€¦ and not guarantee as it all depends on ā€œkidsā€ interest/match.

The only think i will worry isā€¦ if I am interested only in ā€œBasketballā€ and all the residency are in ā€œFootballā€ā€¦ i have seen all my friends (kids i work) all take turns in the 2nd to figure/feel outā€¦before they decide.

Generally many of these BSMD colleges that are there for more than 70 years (recognized) say AMC, Upstate, Pitt etc., they much be doing/producing good candidates ā€¦ :slight_smile: ā€¦and matching them wellā€¦

Residency match happens primarily due to what the individual has done in the 7-8 years in UG+MD and not which school s/he attends MD. It depends on specialty. For ex Radiology Diagnostic is only 143 spots for the entire country. There are MD, Grad MD, DO, Grad DO, IMG, FMG. It does not matter MD was at Top-20 or Top-80, it depends on what the student did and which college he is ok to accept for residency. You can not have it and eat it too when it comes to selecting specialty and which program to do specialty.


Stony Brook: I believe you lose your spot if you apply out.

Parents and Students:

It has been 1 week since I created the RESULTS thread but find no one has shared any details of your experiences, stats, and perspectives.
As you may have benefited from this forum, please pass on your perspectives to future students and parents.
Link here: BS/MD/DO RESULTS THREAD - Fall 2022-23 CYCLE