***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

In order to evaluate for the parent I am currently talking to about HMS, Columbia and Yale (they ruled out Yale!) I talked to another parent whose son went to Yale followed by Columbia med if someone would choose Columbia over Harvard. He sent me the above link and said HMS tops Yale student preferences and his son would have gone to HMS if admitted.

Definetly it will be a close call between Yale and Pitt BS MD

He got full ride for UG at Pitt? If so I would probably pick Pitt BSMD over Yale if you are full pay for Yale. UG experience could be underwhelming at Pitt but a good medical school.


It may have been even pre covid actually. Ever since lot of west coast companies moving their operations and staff to TX for cost savings.

Another acquaintanceā€™s nephew (again I didnā€™t ask details but was told anyway) UTD undergrad with full ride, 4.0 GPA, MCAT 522 few cycles back (which was probably 100% ile in that cycle), research in reputed institutions across the country and all that. Not a single acceptance anywhere including in TX. My guess he probably applied to only couple of selective schools in TX, being confident of getting in bcoz of instate status and other selective schools elsewhere. Heard was so shocked that didnā€™t want to continue applying any more in next cycles and went right away for Masters in CS.

You bring a good point. From a wallet perspective

  1. Full pay Yale

  2. Close to Full tuition covered at Pitt undergrad not full ride still have to pay for room and board. Pitt med is equally expensive like any T10 med schools with close to 62 k out of state tution will be much more in 4 years with current COA 90 k per annum with no chance of scholarship in med school at all.

Again not knowing the specifics, these examples are useless for current cycle applicants.

You can go with Yale full pay and hope kid can perform well and get scholarship for medical school or play it safe and be no ho more for 8 years of education. My son didnā€™t even get an interview for Pitt 6 years back (he wasnā€™t too focused on BSMD) but went to Vandy with full tuition scholarship and now at an Ivy Med with a named scholarship. I donā€™t see any reason for your son not to replicate unlike naysayers here.

Texas averages are much lower. In theory, people with about 515 and 3.8 (the national average for ORMs) still gets someone an admission in Texas too. The rule of thumb is that someone with 3.9-4.0 and 520 gets interviews everywhere which is still happening in most cases but they also used to get prematches across board which is not happening for ORMs. I know of one case where an ORM transplant with high stats after college graduation who became resident was given only one interview at one top school in TX but got into 3 OOS schools, one a T15 ivy with a full FA package.

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Iā€™m just catching up on this thread now. If she liked it at URoc, it should be fine. When kids (I know) visit there they seem to know if it fits them or not. My guy almost didnā€™t apply there because of the weather. Heā€™s since called it his, ā€œbest decision I almost didnā€™t make.ā€ Heā€™s loved his time there.

I sent you his email so you can ask him questions directly. He doesnā€™t mind answering and has often given people tours, etc.

If anyone else is interested in URoc - just send me a pm. My guy was traditional - not REMS - but he went to undergrad, opted for Take 5 (because he wanted it), then med school, and residency in Roc (neurology). He knows the place very well.

ETA: For those who donā€™t know, the med school is right across the street from the UG campus - super easy access - and in Rochester, they know how to handle snow. The University is 15 minutes from the airport. Iā€™m pretty sure @maggi2023 knows this so Iā€™m adding it in case others donā€™t.

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All BCM feeder programs have the same requirements.

Rica no longer runs the BSMD Program. It was discontinued this year.

Totally agree. It is very personal. It is also depends of the weather, mood and a lot of circumstances. DD was luckwarm to Gettysburg at first visit but after school gave her top scholarship and VIP treatment she is in love with the school.

Thanks for the post @creekland! Did not realize he stayed back! Met a parent recently whose kid came to Rochester for residency from Rice/Baylor.

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Thank you for the messages.

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Our closest family friend ā€¦ D did UG in ā€¦ NorthWesternā€¦
Thought of moving to Wisconsin to get into Madison but finally moved to TX ā€¦

Got into TX medical with Good MCAT (instate)ā€¦ her friends for last 2 years from same UG schoolā€¦ couldnā€™t crack the MDā€¦ (donā€™t know detailsā€¦)

Bottomline itā€™s tough for ORMā€¦ but folks need to analyze and plan for stuffs (just in case)ā€¦ itā€™s not easy/rosy always.

To be honestā€¦ thatā€™s true everywhere in BSMD tooā€¦ so lot of work got to be done and not take things for granted .

Since 95% admissions happen traditional , there is more chancesā€¦ but got to be prepared .


Rice is an excellent school for pre-med with lots of research and EC opportunities.
Rice also has an early assurance program with UT Health (McGovern). About 200 kids from Rice (seniors + gap year students) finally apply to medical schools each year and about 90% get into a medical school.

Having said that, Rochester gives you quality education for both the undergrad and medical school. REMS cohort are collaborative and supportive. If she can handle the Rochester winter, she should consider it seriously.


He interviewed for quite a few Residencies and put a bit of thought into his rankings contemplating staying where he knew he liked (and good for his specialty) vs going somewhere else to ā€œsee what it was like.ā€ Apparently they liked him there too - though he had a good suspicion that was the case. And his GF (now fiancee) was overjoyed, so that could have played into it too.

Regardless, heā€™s quite happy now, but going back to the same contemplation regarding applying for a Fellowship. He knows heā€™s going to apply - has to decide locations.

Curious if you, personally, have a connection to Rochester? PM is fine if so.


The most important point is to go with your childā€™s choice. What does he prefer? Usually kids are very sure if they like Ivy league for UG or not. Some kids only care about medical school and willing to give up on ivy UG. This is a choice many students make while choosing BSMD vs. ivy/t10-20 school, year over year.

Now Pitt SOM is a top medical school. Many people who went to HYPSM would be proud to get into after UG. So, a almost guaranteed seat in Pitt SOM, without MCAT and almost full tuition scholarship is a great option. Your kid and family should feel proud of this achievement. $320-330K is a lot of money and for a kid who aspires to be a doctor and already has a seat in UPitt SOM, why do you want to spend this much money? for what purpose?

UPitt provides a good UG experience and their honors program is excellent. They also offer philosophy major/minor in bachelors (similar to PhD at UG level). Not to mention, UG students have opportunity to volunteer, clinical research opportunitiesā€¦

At the end - It depends on kids how much benefit they get from their UG institution! Even at HYPSM, some kids can end up not getting too much benefitā€¦it all dependsā€¦


Agree :100:. Pitt SOM is top school. Take HYPSM if kid wants aim for T5 or thinking of doing more than just medicine.

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To add additional point. In case if the student is interested in tech (besides and clear about medicine), can do some courses CMU which is close by. Some specialist (like radiology) triggers interest of students who are savvy in bio/chem and tech.