***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

Good points

IMO, the results thread should be used to have a rough idea (Based on college locations, scores, race, the candidate’s locations etc.,) so the future candidates can use it to gauge themselves (nothing more)

Rest of stuff like Personal statements, LOR mayn’t be comparable. ( Infact I have seen plagiarism in those… so it better be personal to you)

Based on my D interview (last year… ) and this year (she’s in the “face of pgm” … but she didn’t share any info with me and gave a generic answer to me LOL)

I can say that everyone starts with a clean slate (say you with GPA 4, Baseball player , blah blah… with another with GPA 3.8, Robot experience… blah blah) … all starts in same … and proceed based on entire picture (interview,exp,LOR and many more)

Good luck to all

Costs? I know two candidates who went to Nova BSDO with full UG scholarship and applied out and got good MD.

My D has been accepted to a couple of programs and would like some help deciding.

  1. Syracuse/Suny Upstate
    No MCAT requirement
    No medical college interview
    Maintain 3.5 GPA
    Coronat Scholarship
    Full Tuition for 4 years
    Fully paid study abroad including room and board and airfare for up to one semester
    About 4 hours drive from home

  2. Temple/LKSOM BSMD
    MCAT Requirement of 509
    Medical College Interview after 3 years
    3.6 GPA
    Presidential Scholarship
    Full Tuition for 4 years
    About 1.5 hour drive from home

My D is leaning towards Temple as it is closer to home and she thinks it will be a better college experience. However, Syracuse has a better scholarship and no MCAT requirement or Interview.

Any help making the decision would be highly appreciated.

Frankly, from what you wrote here, syracuse sounds like the better option.

What about medical school costs?

@BSMD2027 - I don’t know about the cost for Toledo or Rowan, but Nova are Seton Hall are known for their generous scholarships for the first leg (undergrad). The med school associated with Seton Hall sets aside 1M endowment for med school scholarships. You should get clarification from the see if that’s need-based or both need-based and merit. Nova DO school tuition is on par with other med schools in FL (not cheap)
Matriculation rate at Toledo is pale in comparison to other BSMD programs. Their explanation for the pre-interview attritions sounds reasonable (people not meeting the qualifications or choosing to apply out) but I would still question why there are so many people not qualifying for interviews. They don’t offer much explnation for why the acceptance rate is low among those who interview. Check their website.

Both are good options.
SUNY Upstate being there for a while (50+ years)… so good .

In the end if your D is leaning/pushing towards Temple… then it’s better that way ( IMO , if a kid is unhappy then they will not be able to live there for 8 years)

Since u got scholorships for both … it’s a “wash” for UG w.r.t cost… and MCAT 509 is NOT that high …

If u hv not… visit and add ur kids preference to the mix.

Good luck

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Don’t know about Rowan…

BS/DO is different than BS/MD … some prefer … some don’t (personal/perception too so got to think about that)…so research whether u prefer BSDO vs BSMD ( threads in this forum and internet)

Toledo - Cons… there is not clear explanation on admission/dropout … but that confusion is there everywhere… Cost wise it’ll be cheaper than Seton (pvt but lots of scholarships like Junebug said). Location wise Seton in NJ vs Toledo… so got to think about that too :slight_smile:

Good luck

General request…

If you want others opinion on colleges for comparison purpose , it’ll make easier if you can list … what’s your questions/concerns… this will probably help you get answers…

Just a thought.

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COA for Medical schools for both programs is pretty much same.

Scholarship difference is one semester abroad? It’s nice but that shouldn’t be decided factor.

As others said visit both schools and see where she will be happy. GPA and MCAT requirements are easy at both.

Thanks @junebug20. I read in this forum or SDN that Toledo offers more seats for medical admission compare to out of state students. Not sure about the posting . So thought of checking here. Cost wise Toledo is less . Offered generous scholarship and instate tuition.

I will check the med school costs. I do like to know program feed back if any one attended.
I was able to speak to couple of current NSU students but don’t know about Seton Hall and Toledo.

For Rowan, As a premed if you have 3.6 GPA in freshman year your are qualified for other partnership programs. Don’t know about the quality of the program.

@srk2017 thanks for the reply. Cost wise I am ok.

Thanks @Rali_Jan . I did look at the class profile and noticed it on their program website.

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Congratulations on getting a cheap undergrad option at either school!

I prefer syracuse for a free tuition undergrad over Temple. It is normally quite expensive but also smaller.

It sounds like medical school cost is same.

OTOH, I prefer urban medical schools for diversity of patients during rotations. I am partial to Temple because I have had nephews and nieces attend the undergrad and one of them is in combined in LKSOM while the other didnt get combined but attended with a full tuition ride, went to medical school in NJ and is currently a resident.

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@RoseGold1 - I also prefer Syracuse/Upstate over temple/temple for the same reason. Syracuse is a private college with better pre-med advising. Its a smaller school with better support for students. For those who care about usnews, Syracuse is better ranked over temple.

Ultimately, you mentioned temple is closer and your kid likes being in temple. So, ofcourse, she should choose whatever she likes. She is the one studying. Being close to parents is a bonus as well :slight_smile:

For both, UG and Med school are quiet close, distance wise. So, there could be opportunities to get some health care experience (volunteering/shadowing/research)

From what you mentioned, I am not sure if you live in PA, NJ or NY?
Are any of these in-state med schools for you? if these are- there would be significant different in med school cost for your family!

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@NoviceDad , thanks for all the advise. How do I contact you? your profile doesn’t allow me to PM you. TIA.

Sent you DM

Hi, there is group chat for Temple BS/ MD program for Fall 2023. So anyone committed to / or thinking of committing to Temple BS / MD program please DM me w insta handle or cell no. to be added to the group chat.

Responded to your private msg. Congratulations and good luck!

Is anyone waiting to hear back from the Cincinnati Connections program? Has anyone been accepted or rejected? Thanks