***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

Yes, go where you can see yourself spending 8 yrs. Both programs are great, they are surrounded by a medical hub and will result in similar outcomes IMO.

My son is also debating b/w Pitt GAP and CASE PPSP but after visits, meeting current BSMD students and hearing from PPSP advisors he is leaning towards CASE as he liked the vibe of it better and he also has acceptance as a Baker Nord Scholar which gives him opportunities outside of STEM(something he loves to pursue as a second major).
It’s a personal choice so choose what feels right for you.

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@privatems and @Orthopod.girl.05
Congratulations, great achievement!!
please share your stats to help future applicants in the results thread.

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Will do… I am waiting on my son to push the button one way or other


Is Baler Nord Scholar a full tuition or full ride scholarship? Just curious, did he get any Ivies or other T20 UGs?

It’s not related full ride or full tuition. Baker Nord provides unique opportunities, funding and grants to pursue studies in humanities field for scholars such as research, attending conferences, study abroad etc…he has full tution from case which is separate from Baker Nord

He has acceptance from Cornell and other T20 but not much in merit $$. He did get full ride from Emory but at this point not too keen.

Is there a dollar amount associated? I remember now Emory full ride and I believe I recommended that :smiling_face: Case is also a good choice and he should go in with a plan to apply out.


The people I know who have given up going to Harvard still feel bad 10 years later.

It is not an easy experience to get later in life and usually not the same.

As long as one keeps GPA 3.7 or higher at Harvard, every door is usually still open for medicine.

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Yes that is correct. With Harvard admission I would not take BS MD if one is not 100 percent sure of medicine. Can you read a high school kids mind ???

I read that Harvard has close to 90 percent Premed with Committee letters getting admission to Med schools. I think making to Med school should not be issue unless you cannot get Committe letter / Recommendation.

Bigger point to confirm is what percent of Harvard Med school admissions are within T25 medical colleges as here we are comparing with Pitt T15 and Case T25 program. ? I assume around 50 percent. Or is it more ???

It’s not about whether you are 100% sure about medicine or not but about the UG experience and getting into more prestigious schools and building connections.

My DS was 100% sure about medicine in HS but still decided against going to BU BSMD (or RPI/AMC with some merit) since he got UPenn, Vandy with full tuition and Berkeley with regents. Those multiple admissions gave him lot of confidence.

On the other hand if he didn’t get any of those UGs and had single BSMD he probably would have taken it.

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I check out a lot of residency and fellowship profiles. Even if they end up in an unranked med school, they find their way back to top residencies once they have attended Harvard undergrad because people want to show they have quality residents.


Public versus private is a very personal choice.
You need to list what you are looking for in an experience and see where you can get what you want.

Medical school wise Pitt probably provides more opportunities than Case.


After carefully considering his experiences at both Yale Bulldog Days and Princeton Preview, he has come to the difficult decision of declining offers from both Case PPSP and Princeton, even though Princeton was his lifelong dream. Ultimately, he has chosen to enroll at Yale to pursue a pre-med track, driven by his intuition that Yalies experience greater happiness and less stress as pre-med students compared to Princetonians. By trusting his instincts, he believes that this decision will lead him towards a more fulfilling and successful future.


I found out the following info.

Top Feeder Rankings (adjusted for undergraduate enrollment) Institution/#MD Graduates/Top Med School (#1)/Top Med School (#2)

  1. Stanford/1269/Stanford/Harvard
  2. Harvard/1742/Harvard/Yale
  3. Yale/991/Harvard/Yale
  4. Columbia/998/Columbia/Harvard
  5. Duke/694/North Carolina at Chapel Hill/Harvard
  6. Princeton/563/UPenn/Harvard
  7. Johns Hopkins/599/Johns Hopkins/UPenn
  8. MIT/439/Harvard/Stanford
  9. Amherst/176/Harvard/UPenn
  10. Northwestern/811/Northwestern/Washington University St. Louis
  11. CalTech/85/UCLA/UCSD
  12. Dartmouth/396/Harvard/Cornell
  13. Haverford/106/UPenn/Harvard
  14. Williams/166/Harvard/UPenn
  15. Swarthmore/118/UPenn/Harvard
  16. Rice/300/Baylor/Harvard
  17. Pomona/115/UCLA/UCSF
  18. Brown/419/UPenn/Yale
  19. Davidson/109/North Carolina at Chapel Hill/Emory
  20. UPenn/698/UPenn/Harvard
  21. Wash in St. Louis/402/Wash in St. Louis/Northwestern
  22. Emory/356/Emory/North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  23. CWRU/247/CWRU/Wash in St. Louis
  24. Cornell/664/Cornell/UPenn
  25. Vanderbilt/283/Vanderbilt/Emory
  26. Bowdoin/259/Harvard/Emory
  27. Chicago/244/Chicago/Northwestern
  28. Wellesley/93/Yale/Harvard
  29. Wesleyan/107/Cornell/Yale
  30. Oberlin/90/CWRU/Pittsburgh
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Well thought out decision, congratulations. Did you ask ChatGPT for recommendation? :smiling_face:

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Yale premeds who are focused do well on their medical apps. They also do well even if they lose interest in whatever else they choose. For whatever reason, they have a disproportionate number of MD/PhD applications with a very high success rate.

Please do post on the results thread if the decision is final.

Thank you @Orthopod.girl.05 for sharing your stats and perspectives.
Congratulations on the amazing acceptances and all the very best for Pitt-GAP.

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Just noticed @Orthopod.girl.05 is an URM. They are a shoe in for Harvard med if doing reasonably well at Harvard (3.7-3.8, 518) based on what I see on SDN.
I would recommend they apply for medicine everywhere after Pitt undergrad since this might be a financial decision.


@Orthopod.girl.05 - Thanks for sharing your stats and perspective, especially your tips on the essays and making the best of what you had. I also liked that your college application strategy was balanced since you applied to 12 UG and 8 BSMD programs with varying degree of selectivity!

Congratulations on your awesome results. All the best for your future!

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Congratulations to your DS and the proud family on admissions to Case PPSP and Pitt gap. I was very impressed by his awards/achievements.

I liked your son’s confidence and focus on BSMD which clearly showed from his admissions to top bsmd programs.
However, I am perplexed regarding the Brown PLME and REMS results! But, as you said the decision process is complicated and sometimes doesn’t make sense!

Wish him the very best at Case PPSP and beyond!


I agree it’s one of the best results posts I have seen over the years. Typically I have seen only list of accomplishments and ECs and without detailed reflections and mostly from parents. We need strengths and weaknesses assessment and why they think they got or didn’t get.

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