***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

Congrats to @Orthopod.girl.05 and @privatems on your success.

Important lessions for future.

@Orthopod.girl.05 , I agree 100% on essay writing. Students need to make it personal than the stand stereotypes and plagiarism … yes i see/asked to write them too… (I will save the world essays). Lot of folks don’t realize that many colleges read and gauge them ( Hofsra BSMD admission person wrote a handwritten letter/note and followed up with my D last year on the essay alone… shows how much they valued her time on the essay). I think as Texaspg suggested , I will keep my mind open for IVY colleges for MD as you have better shot of making it (But do remember that if u take MCAT at Pitt Gap u will lose ur guaranteed spot… but my friend S…left and went to Tuff… his choice). Good luck.

@privatems , Case is pretty good school too… and ur kid will do fine. None can predict why few colleges like and few (in your case like REMS,PLME don;t). My guess it’s based on other factors (like location, race, sex etc., who knows)… My D had the same thinking/questioning … why on this same topic… :slight_smile:

Good luck

I do agree to all except not sure of losing BS MD seat, heard rumors few students recently apply out of the Pitt BS MD program and joining T5 med schools. May be some one on this forum can confirm who knows about the program. For Case they have clearly documented a certain MCAT score if you take apply out and they do not encourage applying out.

Yes hope someone confirms…
My friend S told us 3/4 years ago… as I believe it’s a guaranteed seat (and they don’t expect you to MCAT)… he took MCAT and went to TUFFs.
But last year they changed for COVID to want you to take MCAT now when my D applied ( if u didn’t take SAT/ACT/test optional).

Yes please double check the info…

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Thank you @privatems for sharing your child’s stats and perspectives.
Congratulations on the amazing acceptances and all the very best for CASE PPSP.

What according to you was the differentiating factor in your child’s case?

Thanks!! I am not sure as most students applying to these programs are highly qualified and deserving. His school counselor said that his application was refreshing to review as there was no fluff, extracurricular activities were independent initiatives that had a theme of service/making a impact and his essays clearly showed his character, values and passion to make a difference.


Yes, most applicants have similar stats and required ECs. Essays and one or two unique service or research activities and LORs catch the attention of application reviewers.


Might have missed the reasoning but I am curious why Emory fullride was not considered. If I may ask, how much is the difference between Case undergrad vs Emory? I find these financial decisions worthwhile to discuss so future applicants can benefit.


According to my son purely comparing UG the resources available b/w Case and Emory were similar so he wanted to take the BSMD which gives him opportunity to attend a good med school and puts him in a better position to explore and study his other interests as a undergraduate student

As far $$ he has additional outside scholarships that can be stacked so paying little bit for UG is not a burden for us.


Is he thinking of applying out? What are Case’s policy on that?

Case: You need >94 percentile on MCAT to retain your seat if you take the MCAT.

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517 is achievable but have to be careful. I would prepare and take them exam if consistently scoring above 520 in practice tests.

What is being given by each school outside of the external scholarships which can be stacked?

It’s been one year since this thread started, so Happy Anniversary for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023 thread :clap: :clap:

On this occasion, I would like to request parents and students to share their stats and perspectives in the RESULTS thread. By now, all students must have committed to their respective programs.


NOTE: We have only three posts in this year’s thread (which is the least number over several cycles). Please do help improve these number!


It is not necessary for someone to be matriculating or even be accepted to BS/MD/DO program to post the results. It is just as important to know about the journeys.


I mentioned in the result thread


For candidates/parents…if you are NOT comfortable to post personal stuff, you can “sanitize your personal info” (with whatever you are comfortable) and posts your thoughts and decisions.

I believe that lots of “good info” comes only thru the parents/students who went on to research on the ground about College A or B (and not thru any USNEWS ranking or others).

TIA on behalf of future folks (pay it forward)


I think posting the results/reflections serve both the poster’s and the community. It’s not only about paying forward. Being introspective allows one to reflect on what works and what can be improved for their own future. Getting admitted to BSMD/BSDO programs is only a stepping stone to the next big goal: residency (and possibly fellowship). When you think about it, each goal could be achieved with lessons learned from the past personal experience since they all require similar activities, only with a different flavors and intensities.


My recommendation is ask the kids to write the reflections, not parents writing for kids (even after talking with them).


By casual observation (say for last 2 years atleast), folks are questioned/challenged/second-guess their choices for selection for BSMD (mainly) or traditional (little)… and that (I believe ) is pushing folks to asks questions in DM than in the thread. This may make few uncomfortable to share the end results .

(See how many asks stuff in DM than in the thread)

They can/should still posts all the steps done by them in this process for BSMD/Traditional and still not disclose their college. This will help future students/parents to follow the steps.

FYI, I came to know of 2 issues in CNSU (BSMD) and college in TX ( through the forum/internet only) so I believe you can share as much as you can (and it does help).


I just heard from a parent that their child just got off the waitlist on two top 20 schools (not BSMD but they did try them too). Wonder how people getting off waitlists affects their current choices.

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