***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

It’s like expecting kids to pick a life partner at age 17. If they are not open to exploring all the potential suiters and limit themselves to very narrow group, how would we or they know they will be HAPPY forever?

Thank you @Sci_Lith12 for sharing your stats and experiences.
Congratulations and all the very best on your future path.


Congratulations @Sci_Lith12 on an excellent application season.

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I will PM you.

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Might I remind members of the forum rules: “Our forum is expected to be a friendly and welcoming place, and one in which members can post without their motives, intelligence, or other personal characteristics being questioned by others."


“College Confidential forums exist to discuss college admission and other topics of interest. It is not a place for contentious debate. If you find yourself repeating talking points, it might be time to step away and do something else… If a thread starts to get heated, it might be closed or heavily moderated.”



@Sci_Lith12 Thank you for sharing your stats, perspectives and experiences.

Hearty Congratulations on excellent results. Wish you the very best for your future in UG and beyond!

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I have asked before if anyone got into PLME and they seem to be the first to post.


In regards to PLME, I can say my C, who is a freshman there, had a great first year. He had a few BSMD to choose from but I think his main reason to pick PLME was no MCAT stress and no GPA stress so free to explore other areas.
Downside of PLME
Extremely expensive!! The amount of money they charge, dorms and food is very basic.

Some classes are very large . For example, computer science, organic chemistry. So when you want TA help, you have to wait in line for hours.
Med school is not ranked top 20. There are other better ranked med school with less cost.

Campus is not for everyone. There are no big sports teams and the campus is widely spread out.
Upside of PLME
There are many PLME specific events throughout the year when they introduce them to a life as a doctor.
Everyone gets a chance to be assigned to a specialist for shadow.
Research opportunity can be easily found as the doctors have a lot of respect for plme students.
Many unique electives they can choose from their freshman year. These electives are take at med school.
Med school is within walking distance so easy to attend all events .

At the end, I am not sure if the experience is worth the money or not but one safety feature is if your child decides to not pursue medicine, he/she will still have graduated from an Ivy.


What were their choices when he was making the decision ?

Of all the Ivies, Brown is considered most laid back and their students are most happy. Have a niece who chose Brown over Penn, seemed to have enjoyed and moved onto Yale med. Dad said she chose Brown because of the stress factor.


All - Just want to share that my son picked Wharton over everything he got and planning to do undergrad in Business.


UG - UPenn.


Students are definitely happy. Especially PLME kids. They are free to enjoy any major including engineering without stress of GPA falling. PLME requirements are very basic even for subjects like org chemistry and physics. So they can explore medical electives or any subjects they want to take for fun.


Good decision given he is interested to go beyond medicine . May be our kids run into each other.

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Very hard to consider medicine when they complete since there is a lot of money for wharton graduates in some fields. I have come across couple of kids who actually went onto medicine but they seem to be following at least one physician parent.

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If I remember, they require some premed classes to be taken for credit while everything else can default to P/F?

Just 2 biology courses. B or better.
Not all PLME go for P/F. But even if one goes for letter grades, there is no stress of GPA.


They need BCPM like all other premed programs

The big pressure even for BSMD students is to ensure they get a certain grade to maintain GPA and also not get Cs. P/F is essentially a minimum of C which means Brown is requiring only 2 classes with letter grades for PLME and the rest they can P/F if they have a concern they are not doing too well without any pressure.

They can also decide late in the semester to go P/F on any class which means they have a lot less pressure.

I suspect those selected for PLME are probably in the top .001% of student population and dont require to skate through. OTOH, they can spend 4 years doing research or some other activity and not focused on getting As in every class with so much flexibility in the curriculum.

Has the 2023-2024 BS/MD/DO forum been created?