***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

You want to look at the foreign lang requirement for the undergrad. Your student needs to be competitive to get admitted to the feeder school.

Each feeder school has 15 seats.
For AMC though you have multiple feeder schools , you have to choose ONLY 1 of them (stated clearly)

As far as which feeder has better shot
 almost all of them have same odds bcoz each “feeder schools” serves different purposes.

This is what I tell kids
 in choosing UG/BS or even traditional schools.

  • Choose what/where you feel you can spend your time (not by chances of getting in as you will feel miserable).

If you like Leadership or want to do MBA 
 then Union or Pharmacy RPI 
 and so on. You can’t be passionate about “rural health” and go to college that don’t give a squat about that.


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Thank you for sharing the statistics. So, basically 20-25% of Nova BSDO students leave the program due to not meeting the requirements or changing their mind or getting accepted somewhere else, correct?

What about Medical college? Do they care if we have taken 3 or 4 years of Foreign language?

My first got 3 years. My 2nd got 5 years, but I don’t recall seeing that big emphasis in foreign language from the med schools. Most would list the required core subjects. Since foreign language is not a core, I think it matters more to the undergrad.

Agree, I don’t see a need to rush but each to their own

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Medical schools have zero requirement to show someone has done a foreign language either in high school or college although all applications require you to list the languages you know and the proficiency level for reading, writing and speaking. No one knows if the application has any browny points for knowing Arabic if you apply to University of Michigan for example.

Question to you - what would you do if you dropped the second language?

Take one more biology elective like bio chem or similar one.

A lot of schools (undergrad) want a couple of foreign language classes to fulfill their core requirements that can use AP credits for. Biochem usually follows organic chem. Would taking biochem without the full sequence benefit much? It’s more likely that your student will have to retake it in college. Just something to think about. How about Physics? My kids and I don’t find Physics something that comes naturally to us. Seeing Physics for the 2nd times in college made more sense to us. Physics is another main science that plays a part in the MCAT.

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I am not so sure if taking biochem in place of a second language helps or hurts.

Did you check with HS counselor to make sure how many years of second language reqs are in need for the school district to give a HS diploma?
You can check below for UMKC i7 core language reqs for their 6 year BAMD program and Brown’s PLME program’s language reqs.

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Will he still be available during this year’s admission cycle?

@park1212 - If the students are able to meet the MCAT 502 requirement and/or 125 section minimum, are they automatically admitted to the DO?
What other requirements (graduation requirements such as like interview, etc.) do they have ?

Attrition rates may not be published but do the same number of students get into Med school year over year? Or does this vary a lot based on the student pool each year?

Melissa Krajcovic is the new PMM Program Director.

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Biochem is usually offered at colleges for premed. I think it depends on the program. There are some programs that emphasize sciences/research and others that enjoy liberal arts. RPI/AMC is a science heavy program, while Brown PLME likes to see well-rounded individuals. IMO it is ideal to take a language and complete major AP sciences.


@Vicky2019 There are some other requirements that the students have to meet too like service hours, subject requirements etc but I dont know them all. I dont think they have an interview again but not sure.

I dont think it is exactly the same number of students who matriculate to med school every year however I dont know exactly how many.

Another thing is that the data that I got is a few years old so the attrition rate now may be a bit different. This figure just gives us an approximate idea.

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Nova Southeastern just started an MD program not long ago. Would students apply out to their own MD program?

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Nova BSDO students being able to apply out, I assume “can” apply out to their own MD SOM. CAN being the keyword.

This file gives the facts and figures for admission to the 2021 batch (class of 2025) for NSU MD SOM:

Key takeaways:
Only 24 OOS students were admitted. Then take into account ORM and other factors and even then they should have a GPA >= 3.7 and MCAT >= 512.
The figures for any combined program which is non binding show that even though the students “CAN” apply out, eventually only a handful students do actually get admitted to outside med schools. So when one takes admission to a non binding program, only do so if you are able to go through with that program and not hold ones breath on the fact that “you can apply out”. Of course if everything goes well and if you get admission outside, thats a bonus!


@Park1212 - Good point. Thanks for sharing. Infact, if the student has good stats they will meet/exceed the graduation requirements and have a choice to either remain in the program or apply out.

Since the issue is with the students not even meeting the program’s (low) requirements, it makes it difficult for the students to apply out to other MD or DO schools.