***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

But statistics may say it all. The applicants should be evaluated regardless of race, no?

The luxury of having BSMD kids is never to know what it actually takes to get into a medical school by itself. :slight_smile:

There are people in SDN asking the same question while in the middle of the application process when others drop their score. There is a calculator button on menu in SDN that allows users to put in their GPA and MCAT to get that number. It is based on old MCAT scores so they have to convert new scores.

UTSouthwestern has a straight up or down method as to how they interview the candidates. If candidates meet a 74+ score (there are questions as to whether they have a minimum GPA and MCAT that add upto it but we consistently see this baseline) they are automatically invited for an interview without reviewing the rest of the application as Group I. Everyone else who falls below goes through a review process for the whole app in what is called a group II interview selection process. So this is a pure merit based interview process and ORMs are at 40% of the class.


OK, I get your point about other states in-state tuition rates. I don’t understand why there are states that have outrageously low tuition for undergrad, such as Florida, but the SOM COA are in the 60k range, with the tuition in the 30-40k range. In these cases, I supposed it makes sense for those who can make the cut for top schools should consider them, as long as there no or low debt. It’s the debts that get to me (and the high sacrifice parents have to make to avoid debts for their children but put themselves in debt or rob from their own retirement saving) to achieve the Txyz designation. Just my own opinion and priorities.

Applicants who are OOS to TX probably will pay the same rate as OOS at a TX med school as at their own in-state SOMs. The only issue with them is that they are competing within the OOS pool for 10% of the seats (state mandates that 90% are reserved for in-state). It seems that Baylor-to-Baylor, TX Tech and TX A&M EnMed are the only BS-MD programs left. However, early acceptance programs that aim to increase the diversity (in terms of gender, ethnicity and social economic status) in the SOM population are on the increase.

I think the ORM population will continue to face a tough battle with admission. With more limited selection of programs to choose from and more competition, it’s not only important to have an ultra competitive profile; the more subjective aspects of the application process become even more important: the personal statement and the interview.

Diversity and equity have become important to our society as of late. Applicants tend to be evaluated based on the privileges they were born under and live in. I’ve seen kids in the TX-based JAMP (early acceptance to med school where sophomores apply to be in the programs, go through a competive process within the program before going through the matching process - TX own med school application process). The initial bar set to qualify for JAMP is low by any standard, but with so many applications and each participating undergrad institution only has so many slots, only the top applicants get past the initial phase. Some of these students could give my own BSMD kids a good run for their money (my own kid’s words after attending a mini-med school summer camp with JAMP).

Yes, some kids have access to better resources… some kids are brighter by nature… some are lucky to be both… Yes, kids with connections get it easier (ECs), and kids with higher IQs get it easier too (stats)… Does it mean they should be evaluated differently than those who are from disadvantaged background with lower IQ? Achievements (stats, ECs, personality) should be evaluated while the other factors should be irrelevant. Sorry for the rant ))).

It all depends on individual’s stats and ECs, LORs etc. Besides having good stats some may not get acceptance in any of the choices you have mentioned for LECOM.
IMO, Speaking in general LECOM DO is more competitive, then dental and pharmacy comes in to picture. You can look into 2-3 LECOM accepted profiles here:

My intent was not to compare school rankings between Yashiva and WashU.
Curious! WashU medical school T5 or T11?

Used to be T5 in the good old days. Lot of these schools keep moving around because USNews keeps tweaking the formula.

Many believe the medical school rankings are meaningless and only residency rankings count because AAMC decides what must be taught to make it uniform.

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Thank you for your opinion.
Do you know if LECOM EAP considers LOR? It is not mentioned anywhere on their page.

Sure, what you say makes sense and it doesn’t seem fair especially for ORMs

Like @junebug20 said, the admission process is not purely based on stats or academics (GPA, MCAT/SAT). The admission gives heavy weight for soft factors and extra curricular achievements so hard to prove!

@texaspg - I like the pure merit based admission process!


Fairness aside, it’s hard to prove discrimination. A group of Asians sued Harvard for discrimination, but Harvard pointed at the statistics that it admits a much higher percentage of Asians than the percentage of Asians in the general population. After much litigation, Harvard won. @2018Summer2018 Here is the link to the case https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.mad.165519/gov.uscourts.mad.165519.672.0_2.pdf


However, one outcome of the lawsuit was that Harvard quietly increased its intake of Asian -American students - from ~12-14% to up to ~18%.


LECOM applications are completed through the LECOM online portal. LECOM ask for LORs in the traditional path, which you can see below. It will be a surprise if they don’t ask for candidates’ LORs in the BSDO/Early Acceptance Program path in the online application portal or after confirming the interview. Do you have access to LECOM online portal? Do you see a requirement for LORs in there?

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No, they are not asking for LOR for their EAP applicants (just for traditional applicants).

Supreme court agreed to hear one more case in October this year.

My daughter is in VCU BS/MD. Started this fall. Total 18 kids. 15 of them are Indians.



Congratulations to your family.

I know people who left early because they were doing quite well and took the opportunity to come to Baylor after 3 years and already joined Ortho for residency. I know someone in the current graduating batch (middle of applying for residency). Both of them went there with a full ride for undergrad. However, VCU seems to have changed the way they admit a few years ago and offered someone only a little bit off of OOS tuition (or may be just instate) 3 years ago who stayed back in Texas.

What are they offering as undergrad scholarships this year?

All Indian Americans btw.

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Could you please post the stats and extracurricular activities? My daughter will be applying soon.

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