***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

Congratulations to your DD and the proud family. :clap: :clap:

Can you post stats and perspectives in the 2022 results forum so that future students can learn from your DDā€™s experience.

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You are right. They are not offering full tuition for these kids currently . We are Out of State. They are offering 16K to 18K scholarship

Truth (IMO) isā€¦ there are lots of ORM in the BSMDā€¦ and colleges may find it tough to fit their ā€œdiverseā€ bucketā€¦ and that may be resulting in some of the BSMD changes/closures.

I believe VCU use to have 30 seats (and now 18 per dad of student.) I heard similar drop in another college too from 10 to 6 this year. Is this due to diversity (or some other reasonsā€¦ who know)

This is ā€œnot smartā€ (IMO) as these kinds of stuffs happened in other areas too.

Say during Y2Kā€¦ majority of IT/techies were ORM(Indians)ā€¦ and later on by encouraging STEMā€¦ now there is ā€œbalanceā€ in that field

So if they really want to create an interest for othersā€¦ we got to encourage and 'NOT" reduce the acceptance.

Letā€™s also be honestā€¦ not everyone (even many ORMs) will be ready to dedicate/sacrifice 10+ years of study+residency+hardworkā€¦ many can make quite/good in other areas like Tech/law etc.,


Unfortunately, the world now seems to see in term of ā€œunderprivilegedā€ vs. ā€œprivilegedā€. Unlike analogy of STEM being lacking before Y2K vs. STEM being currently encouraged, the total number of med school seats, driven by the total funding for residency/fellowship, seem to be relatively stable. Med schools are only robbing Peter to pay Paul. However many seats they eliminate from their BSMD programs, they either put them back into the general applicant pool, or to form EAP with partner undergrad programs to admit rising juniors after seeing them grow in college, or to establish programs to engage the underprivileged to eventually recruit them to apply.

True ā€¦ they may put in ā€œgeneral/traditional poolā€ ā€¦

But the traditional pool also has the same issueā€¦ the only benefit i can see isā€¦ 50 ORMs out of 80 total seatsā€¦ instead of BSMD 15 ORMs in 18 total seats.

I think colleges donā€™t want to do their work 2 timesā€¦ LOL

There is a financial component to all of this. ORMs are able to pay for 8 years of higher costs at a place like VCU which most people canā€™t afford to do. Medical schools these days have a new buzzword - equity. Essentially they are trying to ensure medical schools are within reach for people who didnt have enough money to do all the activities upper middle class is able to get their kids into to make it all the way to BS and MD.

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Until they make medical school application fees cheaper and bring interviews online, they cannot bring relatively complete equity into the equation for the traditional applicants. Letā€™s face it, itā€™s not cheap to cast a wide net for med school applications. What med schools do instead is to probably increase the number of early assurance programs that will sift through the college sophomores at partner undergrad institutions for those who are underprivileged but capable. Iā€™m seeing Baylor COM increasingly doing this. Thereā€™s also some talk that because they like the virtual interviews so much that theyā€™re thinking about keeping that platform. I would not be surprised if other schools also find ways to actively promote and increase the presence of the underprivileged in professional school admissions.

Hello, does anyone know if the PItt GAP Medicine program requires LORs? Canā€™t seem to find this info anywhere. Thanks!

Donā€™t you see the LOR requirement in the commonapp? Add UPitt to your commonapp colleges and you will see the LOR reqs there, if they need one.

Pitt undergrad used to not require LORs like a lot of state public schools. Their admission website still doesnā€™t mention LORs. The first step is to get admitted to undergrad. If your application states GAP, theyā€™ll consider you for the GAP application. The next step is to complete their GAP application. LORs might be needed at this phase. Consideration for an interview would be the next phase.

U Pitt does not require LORs. I submitted my common app. The GAP application does not mention LOR or provide the option to submit any.

It appears None of the LECOM EAP HS applicants submitted LORs even before the interview. LORs may be required as part of the entrance requirement in to LECOM during UG term. IMO, you need to Check this with LECOM to confirm.


LOR are submitted through their direct Supplemental Application Document page for PITT application. You can submit upto 5 LOR.



They have a new process this year.
There is no longer any round 1 or round 2.
Deadlines are also different this year.
And faculty sessions are in-person as in pre-Covid days.

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Where did you find that information? I can not find the new deadlines or information about round 1 and round 2. Could you be kind enough to post new deadlines as well as a link?

Itā€™s considered as a scholarship program 2022-23 Freshman Scholarship Programs | Undergraduate Admissions | Baylor University


As @junebug20 pointed out, you should look under scholarships program.


Is anybody applying to LECOM EAP this cycle?

Did anyone attend University of Pittsburghā€™s information session yesterday?

Has anyone applied to penn state BSMD using their application (not common app)? There seem to be no provision to enter AP scores.