***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

Thank you. Did not receive anything yet and portal says your application is currently under review.

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Keep checking every couple of days till Dec 15.


There are folks on Reddit who say they have gotten an interview. Not sure if they release on batches or not?

Has there been any information from colleges other than Penn State so far?

Pittsburgh sent out admission to undergrad but no information on BS/MD yet.


Why do you say that any particular reason going test-optional?

Only if your score is not competitive and the college allows for applying to it for test-optional.


HI all - Looking for class size for the following BS/MD programs and the preference given to instate/regional candidates. Thank you in advance.

  1. Penn State PMM
  2. University of Pittsburgh GAP
  3. University of Rochester REMS
  4. University of Cincinnati Connections
  5. VCU Guaranteed Admission Program for Medicine
  6. Rutgers 7-Year BA/MD joint degree program

Did you check program specific information directly on their webpages for this info?

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Anushi - UPitt sends their results to UG admission/merit scholarship, selection for med school, Honors program, notification for interviews and finally final BSMD result, each separately. Enjoy and celebrate each notification from them :slight_smile:


Usually Penn State PMM sends out interview invites ahead of most other BSMD programs. It will be another month or more before students hear from other programs.


@IllinoisDude99 - Some BS/MD programs accept as few as 4-5 students. A few larger programs accept 25-30 students. The most students accepted as far as I know is approximately 60 students for Brown PLME.

Penn State PMM has between 25-30 students which varies each year.

I am not sure but remember from a few years back that GAP and REMS around select 10-20 students and Cincinnati less than 10 students.

I have no idea about the other two. However, Rutgers NJMS has a lot of feeders - NJIT, TCNJ, Stevens, Rutgers, etc. Did you only want to know about Rutgers/Rutgers?

I think I did and couldn’t find info on the program site.

Thank you. I am looking for Rurgers/Rutgers. Another thing I am looking for is in state/ regional preference given by the State schools.

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@IllinoisDude99 - As far I remember, I don’t believe any of the below have in state preference. The state schools (either UG or SOM or both) will have in -state tuition. The private colleges (either UG or SOM or both) such as Rochester have neither in-state preference nor in-state tuition! Maybe others such as @NoviceDad can pitch in with additional details.

However, GPPA program based in Illinois does have in-state preference and will be cheaper for in-state students, than any other program

  1. Penn State PMM
  2. University of Pittsburgh GAP
  3. University of Rochester REMS
  4. University of Cincinnati Connections
  5. VCU Guaranteed Admission Program for Medicine
  6. Rutgers/Rutgers
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If I’m not mistaken, I remember that Rutgers NB has to invite candidates to apply. It’s really competitive but a Honors College admission usually comes with very good scholarship.

Totally agree on the fee structure and what you said about UIC GPPA program which is available only for IL students.

My understanding is that the state schools has to give preference as well as take bulk of the students from within state or surrounding states before they start offering spots for rest of the country. For example UMKC BS/MD class size is in the following range

MO students - 65 to 70%
Regional students (surrounding states) - 20 to 25%
Rest of the country - 10 to 15%

Outside of University of Rochester rest of the schools are public schools.

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This is the program I am talking about. Students have to apply first before they are interviewed if they meet the school requirements.


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I’m not sure I recived a link to a supplemental page? Only the main Pitt document page

For all the public BSMD UG schools listed in your list, I don’t believe they give preference to in-state students. Infact they are open to all.

This is unlike programs like minnesota, nevada, GPPA which are only for instate students.

You are right that UMKC admission is based on residency of applicants and the Residency is determined by the UMKC Office of Admissions. The UMKC Office of Admissions will classify a student as:

  • In-state: Resident of the state of Missouri
  • Regional: Resident of the states of Arkansas, Kansas, Illinois, Nebraska, or Oklahoma
  • Out-of-state: Resident of states not mentioned above