***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

Referring @thumper1 comment “Please tell what the real story is”… I don’t think anything hostile nature in that. There were a few cases/situations before, applicants received BSMD acceptance(s) but chose to take a break (gap year) and reapplied again and got into the ones they are looking for. Very few were thinking of transferring out from the programs for whatever reason and so on… @thumper1 helped out many applicants like you before with advice. IMO, the questions he/she asked were genuine to understand your unique situation. Good luck to you with the rest of your applications for this cycle.

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Thank you so much!
I applied EA.
I guess I may have taken their message the wrong way and by no means meant to be rude.


Thank you very much!
I got in EA and will definitely look through these threads.

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Thank you for the clarification, I didn’t think of it that way and assumed they were accusing me. My apologies

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Congrats with the interview.

Thanks for sharing the thread for the newbies so that they will have the info instead of purely listening to the fearmongering sound engineer here who thinks BSMD is the only game in the town.


UChicago is known for grade deflation, so I would be careful if you chose to go with traditional path. My DS didn’t even apply for this school six years. He applied to other T20s and BSMDs, decided forgo BSMD admissions for traditional path on his own and did very well.

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Has anyone heard back from St. Peter’s-NJMS? And does anyone know the numbers for each step?

My daughter going to interview january

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For those who were interviewed by Maria for Rutgers-Newark (30 min interview last week) - Has anyone recieved any email yet?
Maria stated that those that are rejected would recieve email at the end of the week and those who passed would recieve no notice until February.

Hi, We are in the same boat, My DD was admitted to Seton Halls joint BA/MD program and we are looking for any pointers that may help to know more about the program.


I think an important thing to note is that it isn’t a guaranteed admission program. They solely guarantee an interview with the SOM if the undergrad requirements are met. Although medical schools’ rankings are not the biggest factor in securing good residencies, it could be important to know that Hackensack Meridian SOM is not ranked highly in either research or primary care and that your DD can still apply to other med schools’ programs.

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What is the best way to get into good Residency? Like residency into specialization such as Dermatology, ENT etc? What percentage of the below could make a diff in getting a good residency?

  1. Doing MD at T20 Medical college?
  2. Or Studying at Non-T20 medical college, but with good research in a specialized area?
  3. Or With good Grades and good USMLE scores?
  4. Or doing dual degree such as MD/Post Graduate.
  5. Or Something else
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I thought the guaranteed interview is important, where many Graduates from traditional schools never get an interview on their first year of applying to schools, I know 2 graduates in that position…I think the question is how many who interview go on to get a seat at SOM… and how many don’t and why?

Good residency and a specific specialty or not the same thing.

Different programs have different residencies ranked differently. You could go to Harvard and have some residencies that no one thinks much of and you could go to Thomas Jefferson where some residencies are highly ranked.

Highly ranked residencies dont mean much if you want to go into private practice since highly ranked ones are usually for people who want to go into academic careers and spend a lot of time on research.

People who want to go into Derm have been known to apply to 100 programs because no one knows where they can get in. So where you attend med school wont matter, only how well you did if the goal is to do Derm. OTOH, one can go to Penn which is a highly ranked program but they only care about research. People who are doing derm so they can make money most likely shouldnt focus on getting into a highly ranked program.


More than what you listed. Here are AAMC’s survey Results of the 2016 Program Directors on Current Practices in Residency Selection. It’s a little over 6 years old data, IMO, still worth reading. The major change since then is USMLE Step 1 is pass/fail now.
Update: Added the 2021 survey link below (Refer Page 15)
2016 Survey: https://store.aamc.org/downloadable/download/sample/sample_id/180/
2021 Survey: https://www.nrmp.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/2021-PD-Survey-Report-for-WWW.pdf


(Disclaimer : No need for flames… I see same info every year…here and other forums too… so my 2c…inflation adjusted :slight_smile: )

Every year (like election cycle) there is an argument for BSMD/Traditional… this is an old age battle (Yes, My D got into BSMD… but i worked with folks who went traditional too)… This is purely individual choice … lots of things should go into college/program selection…comfort level, “made up their mind”, location, faculty, $$s, even weather etc., so no size fits all ( Like my Wife use to say… they have dress in all colors bcoz it’s others fav color :wink: ) so just let the kid decide …with your guidance.

I do know a great surgeon in my neighborhood who worked in IT (Microsoft) before he went to medical school… and i also know (my friend son), who quit BSMD to apply traditional path… so ONLY you can decide to make the path …not this group (or anyone)

  1. Number of seats or interview or admission… again this varies… my D school acceptance rate in the last 4 years were 10 , 3, 2 and around 4 last year… so why this huge variation… no idea… My guess : based on talent pool apart from diversity, race, locations etc., So the best anyone can do is …take each school as the ONLY school invited you… . Also apply only to those which you think you/kid will be comfortable to go ( else it will be like article from SDN)
  1. This gives to most important (IMO) decision… which college to consider… I know you can’t visit all the 15+ schools w/o even getting admitted but do research whether their UG, locations, faculty or environment will suit you ( you SHOULD visit a school before committing as many times it’s better to see yourself… IMO)
    Don’t go by threads scaring you about safety, food etc.,… I have heard bad stories from IVY (top tiers) too…

  2. Finally please spend sometime to go thru earlier forums as many of these stuffs were asked and answered (not everyone who answered those questions are active now …)

Good luck to all… and remember if you/yours have come till this point … already have done “great”… and are positioned to be successful



Does anyone have any good resources or tips for a MMI interview format?

Only one person has been throwing :fire: for last 5 years in support of BSMD and false claims about one program which is no longer there. yes, it’s an individual choice but balanced views will help those who come here to make better decisions.

Let’s not worry too much about which is better between BSMD and Traditional route. For the sake of argument let’s go with BSMD.

What is the best way to get good specialization if we choose BSMD route. Let’s assume, any college in USA and no geographic or money constraints.

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