***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

Using a different brwoser worked, thanks!


I did not submit mine yet, but it is good to know! One problem I have is that “Send Email Again” for the letter of recommendation does not work. Do you have the same issue? Thanks.

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Has anyone heard back from Steven’s BS/MD program yet? We haven’t got the undergrad decision yet also.

It did take a couple tries for the reccs!

Does the function “Send Email Again” work for you?

Please someone help me out. Is it better to attend a T10 school or bsmd if my final plan is to get into medical school? I want to get into a really nice residency.

In 2020 you posted this
what happened? And supposedly you were a junior in HS in March 2021
so you would have graduated HS a year ago. Please tell what the real story is.

To answer your question
you can get a really nice residency from any medical school
be it traditional route or BS/MD. What do you mean by “really nice residency”


Jun 2020

I am going to apply to UMKC med 6 year bs/md program. I’m from Chicago. For those who have been accepted in the recent years, please share your stats.


I do not know why you are being so hostile and also why you are lying. If you even took a peak at my account, you would see that in January of THIS YEAR I had posted how I was a junior and was asking for help. So please.
When I wrote that I was applying to UMKC, I was not a junior as you can tell by my previous posts. I suggest you take a glance at my account activity.

And next, I was just accepted to UChicago but I am really interested in bsmd programs, so I am confused on what to do if I get accepted into bsmd programs as I have advanced to the next phase for many bsmd programs. I was asking for advice because as a first gen student, I have no idea what to do.

And by nice residency I mean a surgery and in a top level hospital.

@khan11123 congratulations on being accepted to UChicago.

The admission season is still early. It is best to go through the cycle and then discuss various options that you have in hand. One point to be made is residency is totally independent of where you attend undergrad, sometimes even medicine since it is highly related to your performance in medical school. So if you go to a mediocre medical school you can still match to Neuro surgery if you did all the right things - high scores, highly ranked in class and research/publish etc. You could go to a top medical program and if didnt do some of these things you may not match to top residencies and best you can hope for is match to the specialty of your choice.


Thank you so much for your help!


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Congrats on UChicago. You and your parents must be proud.
Question - did you apply ED-1 or EA?

Check out post# 1248 above by @cheer2021 - it has a link to another thread where folks have debated the pros and cons of BS/MD vs. the traditional route.

As @texaspg mentioned, compare only among offers you have in hand. And while comparing, factor in all the conditions/attributes/constraints you have. Also, take note of what he/she said about role of undergrad or medical school in getting residencies.

Also, I do not think @thumper1 was being hostile to you. He/she was just wondering about your earlier posts and the timeline. Folks on this forum genuinely want to help out, but if they notice something odd, they will call out to get it clarified. If you notice, he/she did try to help out by asking a follow-up question about residency.

And, finally, remember - what works best for you and your situation is the right answer.

All the very best.

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No need for anyone to make accusations, anyone can make a mistake while reading previous or current posts and/or need clarifications.

Coming to UChicago, supposedly a tough school where not everyone can shine. Besides costing a fortune for most. So if finances not a concern (need to spend again on med school and not counting on getting into NYU) and if it is ok to go to any other profession besides medicine if things don’t turn up great in undergrad, yes by all means.

Few other schools are also either notorious or not right choices for pre med track. So do consider where is the right fit before May 1st or even before.



You can become a successful doctor via the traditional route OR the BS/MD route.

In terms of residency, there is no way anyone can predict whether either of those options will make a surgical residency available to you. Surgery is a competitive residency, and your performance in medical school as well as your Step 2 score (and passing Step 1) will determine whether you are a competitive applicant for specific specialties for residency.

I’m tagging @artloversplus who might be comment on whether University of Chicago is a good choice for someone planning to apply to medical school.



I would be cautious in recommending some threads to newbies here, I never followed the thread you mentioned but can certainly imagine all kinds of distorted things portrayed there against this pathway, the usual stuff we used to hear on this forum for past few years.

Reality thankfully is quite different from all those depictions. From my observation of a decent sized sample across different programs and batches. So much so that there are many parents, some of whom I know personally, who were glad to have more than 1 kid in the family choose this pathway witnessing how successful and fun filled it had been for their elder / trailblazer child earlier.


Thank you @thumper1
U of Chicago is a great choice for pre-med preps. However, it is increasingly difficult to get in now a days. And, high scores are not easily to get for medical school purposes, like any other schools. When D was there, she found the “Advanced Bio for science students” is the most difficult to handle, which is the first year Bio equivalent in U of Chicago. All pre-med and Bio majors should take that instead of the “Regular Bio”.

If you are good enough, they will choose one or two outstanding third year students and directly admit to their med school. Obviously, D was not qualified.

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Congrats on your UChicago acceptance. I assume it’s EA acceptance, correct?
In the past, some have received T10/T20 acceptances, but choose the BSMD route and vice-versa. You can see this in the results thread. Did you get a BSMD acceptance already to compare UChicago vs BSMD school? IMO, if you are applying BSMDs then you may want to wait till April to compare your UChicago acceptance Vs All BSMD acceptances you receive by that time.
In the meantime, IMO, you need to invest some time in last year’s BSMD thread (and results thread) exploring the discussion T10 Vs BSMD and BSMD Vs traditional path discussion thread.

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