***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

CASE PPSP: They will let you know on Jan 31 if you have been selected for medical school interview. If you are not selected, they also ask if you want to be considered for their regular undergrad. If you do not respond to the undergrad question, they will assume you are not interested.

Rochester medical school invites typically go out on the same day. Last year it was Jan 20. If you get an invite, you are admitted to the UG. If you do not get an invite, I do not recall if the UG admits also happened at the same time.


GW UG interview and Hofstra notified of Casper. Just got excited as application seems to be moving in right direction still a lot of work to do for final decisions. Blessed to see this progress after few rejections. Process is brutal on kids and parents.

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Did your daughter get an email with those updates or was it in the portal?

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Is Hofstraā€™s guaranteed residency match applicable to all specialties? That would be something that needs clarification.

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Hi! I have not received any notification from NJIT regarding the Honors interview. If I have neither been rejected nor gotten an interview notification, does that mean that I still have a shot?

Also, do you know anything about the Rutgers interview? I already completed the first one, but I was wondering what their acceptance numbers look like.

Oops, sorry, didnt meant to reply to you. lol

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do you know anything about the Rutgers interview? I already completed the first one, but I was wondering what their acceptance numbers look like.


Friendā€¦ i am going to avoid directing this to you in futureā€¦as it seems you are taking personal.

First ā€¦relaxā€¦ where is Chest thumping or saying that ā€œtraditionalā€ has bad college experienceā€¦ (Read your own post and you can seeā€¦that you are thumping on traditional benefits :slight_smile: LOL)ā€¦

I think you have a gripe against ā€œone individualā€ and you get excited (unnecessary) . Forums tend to do thatā€¦ :slight_smile:

Truth is for traditional ā€¦ still is an extra work (MCAT), interviews, experience etc., vs guaranteed (so why argue over that 100% truth).
Can you deny these ā€¦nope. so yesā€¦they can enjoy (w/o worrying about MD).
Again, if someone is happy with their BSMD college selection or know what he/she wants to doā€¦then BSMD ā€¦thatā€™s it

To endā€¦I even gave many examples about folks moved from guaranteed BSMD to traditional (including few folks who worked with me or pvt msg went to traditional )

Hope it clarifies and ends this argument ā€¦once for all.

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Congratulations @Sophie36

Like others suggested ā€¦consider all of them equal.
IMOā€¦ if i am in your shoeā€¦ I will pay equal weight to all at this timeā€¦

Assuming I get all 3 admissions ā€¦ then (see my thread and others comments on Result threads)ā€¦ i will visit ā€¦see vibe, environment, faculty, location , weather (and whatever kid like/notlike) and make a decision.

Many colleges donā€™t submit data for ranking so it may/may not be anything ā€¦ FYIā€¦ AMC is there for 100+ years so they ā€œmust be doing something rightā€ :slight_smile:

Every college has some ā€œalliance/workā€ with few hospitals so as long as everything is good (grades, steps, etc.,) then residency match will happen (Few students do take break too). Check SDN site for residency matches.

Good luck

I donā€™t take it personal unless itā€™s directed at me and you didnā€™t direct it at me. I just like to call out board opinions :grinning:. There is only one person who attacks me personally and I would respond to such attack with :radioactive:. Same person does chest thumping, not you.

Yes, traditional path requires extra work so does getting into certain specialities. Hard work and certain amount of risk taking leads to better outcomes for most. You can either preach that or preach zero risk tolerance with whatever outcomes that produces. What I donā€™t support is biased drumbeat for one path over other. For every option we can produce positive and negative examples.

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Please move on from debating and back and forth, or take it to private message. Thank you.


Suggestion, especially to parents. Donā€™t think about specialty or put too much efforts to understand the residency (unless the student has parent working as a Doc and had exposure). First that should be made by the student at the appropriate time (they need to undergo classes and do the rotations) to get the actual theory and practical experience. Second kids have a different exposure to growing up than parents (different countries, economic and social awareness) so their way of decision may be totally different. So let them make and live to their choices and not just by money money.

Address to your question what makes a perfect residency or BSMD vs Traditional or Top10-20 or any college any country. There are few critical criteria will fetch that.

Passion and Drive. Nothing else matters, any one can come from any background and any school as long as these 2 remains in their life not now alone but forever. Balanced life may be critical for few and that may prevail.


Good to see you back here :relaxed:

When did you get the Honors decision? We havenā€™t received any update on the Honors program (NJIT) - I am assuming that BS/MD is probably a rejection otherwise, they would have contacted us by now. Not really interested in Honors program without BS/MD

Hi. Iā€™m a high school senior planning to apply to the UCF Burnett Medical Scholars program and I had a few questions about it. Does anyone have any information acceptance rate?

I currently meet the cut-off requirements mentioned on their website and I got back the application when from UCF College of Medicine when I got my UCF Burnett Honors College admission results back.

Thank you!

UCF Burnett Medical Scholars 3.8, 1500 top 10%

They are being little bit more straight forward in the requirements. This is the kind of requirements most BSMD programs should be listing instead of all the spiel about being holistic in order to get lot more apps.

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NJIT informed us on 12/22 by email and portal update, and also received envelope in regular mail couple days back.

For USF 7-year BSMD, avg 15 students per year meet the 7-Year benchmarks and are eligible to enter their medical school. You can reach out to their BS/MD advisor mailbox for questions on the acceptance rate. Their contact is on their website below.
Can you elaborate ā€œā€¦I got back the application when from UCF College of Medicine when I got my UCF Burnett Honors College admission results back.ā€ part?

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