***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

You’re definitely not required to post every score, so maybe what you could do is report the 4 but not the 3’s. Even if you had a B+ in APUSH, maybe showing that you got a 4 in the test will actually help you. I’ve heard also that you don’t have to report ANY AP scores if you don’t want to. I would just report if it’s advantageous to you.

@collegegirl104 - You don’t have to submit any scores officially at the time of application. You can simply list your AP scores from 11th grade and list all the APs you will be taking in the 12th grade, in the common application.

Later, you can submit the AP scores only to one school officially once you are admitted and enrolled in order to get credit for your AP scores.

Also, you don’t need to reveal all of your AP scores to colleges since these are usually not listed in the official transcript. Just share scores of 4 or 5 so these show your profile in a positive light!


Yes, agree with Vicky2019!

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In Commonapp under “AP Subject Tests” section, there is a place to list all AP courses taken, along with obtained score and month/year. In the score field, you need to enter the score like 3 or 4 or 5…Hope this helps.


3 points

  • you do not have to submit any official AP scores to any schools while applying
  • you can list these AP scores in your common app
  • you have a choice of which scores to report - report only the 4s and the 5s.
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Congratulations and thank you for sharing your D’s results in the 2022 Results thread.
Wishing her the best - she has a lot of good options.


Thank you for sharing your DD22 BSMD stats & perspectives in the Results thread.
Congratulations to her as well as her proud parents. :clap: :clap: :clap:
Wishing her the very best for her future!

Impressive stats and contracts to your D. Wishing her good luck.
Question: Why only 4 APs? Have you taken more at the time of application but chose to report only 4 APs?

Likewise! Similarly was wondering why only 4 APs. Could it be because of attending one of those specialized schools in health sciences or STEM that don’t offer much APs? But then “dual varsity athlete” doesn’t seem to support that idea since such small schools don’t have much to offer in sports either. How about dual enrollment courses?

Feel that with few more APs, your child could have romped home with majority of the programs applied to, including the in state NJMS. And the Ivies too (as an example nephew had some 8 or 9 APs completed by end of junior year HS with all 5s and 7 more enrolled in senior year). But see your focus was more on BS/MDs, having applied to 20 programs. Good strategy, good results and well done.

@nonoyes , Congrats on your D achievements. Happy for her (and you)

IMO (based on info provided)
Regarding AP, some schools in certain states (particularly private) don’t have many APs available (from my friend son). Also we don’t know individual situations… as if someone is in sports and other activities that compensate (as sports is time consuming too). I think she did great with EMT, physical and i don’t think more AP would have made any difference.

Hi there! Would an Asian Male with 1550 SAT, 4.0 UW, and 4.8 Weighted GPA have a shot? Should I raise my SAT score / take the ACT for a 36? Thanks!

Your SAT is competitive but on the lower end.
Depending on what else you have on your profile, it may be okay.


Hi there everybody! I’m a 3rd year student in the Union/AMC program and when I was applying this forum helped me out a ton and I’d like to give back.

I recently made a video going into detail of how I got into my program, what my program is like, and more. I hope its useful :slight_smile:
Link: How I Got Into Med School as a High Schooler 2022 - BS/MD (THE REAL STORY) - YouTube


what else you got? none of that gets you into BS/MD by themselves.


Hello…read the 2022 results thread for BSDO programs that someone w a lower unweighted gpa could apply for. Any thoughts on the unweighted GPA range for BSDO schools like:
Rutgers Rowan

Anyone have much experience w MSU’s BSDO and if all make it into their Med school? Seems like an EAP vs. a guaranteed admit.

ACT is 34 (know higher is better) but GPA is around 3.7 so maybe better to aim for traditional?

Any thoughts.


Replied to your DM

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Thank you so much for the video. Congratulations on making it in to the Union/AMC program. That’s awesome you can get three degrees (BS, MBA, MD) all at once. This program is very unique in that. I was wondering, if you are comfortable, if you could share your stats and EC’s that you had going into your application? My daughter will be applying to the Siena/AMC program. Thank you again.

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Hi! Thank you, I really appreciate the feedback :slight_smile: My next video will definitely be about my EC’s, scores, and I’ll even share my why medicine essay, so stay tuned! Best of luck to your daughter for this upcoming cycle.

Thank you so much!

@nonoyes, @j.jets664 - Thanks for sharing your stats & perspective in the results folder.

Congratulations to both of you for your admission to multiple BSMD and undergrad programs.

Wish you both the very best for your future wherever that may be 

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