Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Only colleges get to see them.

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It came in late yesterday.

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Need suggestion. Out of SLU, Seton Hall and University of South Florida, which one is better EAP option? USF is more cost effective but MCAT requirement is high. Pls suggest.

No words from Rutgers so far.

No, heard nothing. Most likely not selected.

Personally not fond of EAP programs.
My take is simple, if you are good enough to meet requirements of an EAP program, why tied yourself to that one SOM? Contrary, if you can’t maintain requirements for a EAP program, its a moot point.
MCAT: If one is afraid of high score, Medicine has too many exams to face once you start medical school journey. So don’t count low MCAT requirements as valid reason to attend an EAP program.

SLU does interview in 2nd year so you can prepare for MCAT and regular med school admissions if you do not get in to their medical school. Mcat score is very low- 500. Toledo does interview in junior year with no MCAT. Seton Hall does interview in 4th year and it is a top 20th percentile MCAT (about 509)- doable. USF has the high MCAT. Best options are SLU and Toledo.

really? I assumed that Upstate supplement meant you were forwarded. Only 20 people were forwarded to Upstate? Where did you hear this info? Thanks

same. no word from Rutgers, was hoping to get an email either way.

We actually met the BS/MD program head during our college tour. He explained that to us.

We have Rutger interview next week

Good Luck!!!

Oh. So they forward 20, interview maybe 10 ish and then accept 5?

rutgers interview invites got sent out?

When did you hear about interview?

We never got one which maybe means we are not going to.

Just received an email that is a group interview for Rutgers HLLC (honors living learning community). Is it even worth going to this is we are not getting interviewed for the BS/MD? This group interview is on Jan 15 and D has no interest of going to Rutgers regular undergrad

Thank you for comments. I heard that SLU is notorious in weeding out students. Otherwise it’s well established and seems a good option. Seton seems having high acceptance rate for those who meet the requirement but it’s a new one. Do you see any other disadvantage in Seton. 509 MCAT should not be that difficult.

Seton hill BSDO? Only disadvantage is that it is harder to get a residency as a DO than MD.

So, rutgers interview invites were sent?

Guess I didn’t get an invite then, unfortunate.