Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Easy word doesn’t exist in medicine world.

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Yes Syracuse and RIT and may be couple others are the most well known feeders, but not necessarily economically conducive for all. The SUNYs are most likely financially friendly (Albany, Purchase etc).

Also choose whatever choice you get in the menu for picking the fall semester/year and bother about the options if you get selected eventually, during your decision making. Someone who got selected last year did mention that her/his feeder, SUNY Purchase allowed both 3+4 and 4+4 options while enrolling.


In meant from historical Average MCAT scores and EC perspective what is trend between MDPHD and regular MD across most medical schools

I assume MD PHD aid not available in all of them

Syracuse, UAlbany and RIT will attract large number of applications just by size of their UG programs and having nicely established campuses. Some feeders are totally in isolated places that one may not want to attend. If one likes Upstate, want to maximize the possibility of getting interview and hence most folks applied for multiple feeders but only where you may want to attend UG if accepted.

Generally MD/PhD slots are 10-15% of total class size if offered.
MD applicant is tend to be more clinical and service oriented profile.
MD/PhD applicant is tend to be more research focused profile.
Some UGs even have programs gear towards ‘Scientist’.
To my knowledge, anything that has word PhD in it is government funded whether it is a medicine or a language.

The UG GPA and MCAT score required are much higher for MD/PhD programs. There are two separate admission decisions involved in MD/PhD, Medical School Admission Committee and separate Graduate School Admission Committee of Medical School. Most MD/PhD programs are fully funded by NIH or some other grants or institutional funds. FYI, academic medicine does not pay well compared to regular MD.
You may not want to ask your surgeon when under a knife even a robotic one where did s/he do his/her undergraduate. It is totally irrelevant.


Makes sense but you may ask the surgeon how many procedures have you done of same kind and May be from residency and fellowship

Generally essays are expected to be in 250-650 range, but if they say specifically short, may be it can go up to half way in between, like <= 500

My guess, there may still be some filtration at Caldwell based on the supplements as to who to call for their own interview after which the whole package will be forwarded to NJMS.

Is RIT a commuter campus? On niche, we see both the dorms and campus are rated low, C I think. Does anyone know why? Syracuse seems to be well-rated and well-rounded. Any info about Albany?

Sure, never go under a knife with a amateur. All the relevant information about a physician is made available to public by your state agency.

I got an interview invite yesterday.

MCAT may be manageable if one has taken all relevant UG pre-requisites classes including Genetics, Cell biology and functions, Biostatistics, Medical Ethics, Biochemistry, Psychology, Sociology etc. One needs to get a set of good prep-material and do dedicated preparation for MCAT. Do not take actual MCAT unless you get your target score in AAMC official practice tests 1-4.

Did you have any stats to backup this statement you keep making? No one gets 100% percentile without any prep. So every ones gets 4.0, 100% MCAT and does cutting edge research and save one year in these programs?

Its a marketing myth, only photogenic memory kids can do that.

General post and not in reference to any one in particular or specific post.

At this time of the year for this cycle, just apply and wait until all your cards are known and decide by April/May. Just enjoy the holidays and focus on HS remaining work and don’t get anxiety about BS/MD interviews and outcomes. Have trust in you irrespective of the outcome of BS/MD.

Don’t decide school x because there is no MCAT or score needed is just 500. MCAT is another exam in the long career of Medicine. Also if a student struggles to get 500, it may be extraordinary struggle to pass courses during MD. Just because GPA requirement is 3.65 don’t chase school which does not have any GPA requirement. Just because some thing you got impressed during shadow, whether it is surgery or ER or Ped or Derm may not end in your choice when the time comes during residency app cycle.
Wait until you do the 6 months anatomy and see if you like to stand in the lab for hours and see if surgery still your choice. Complete some courses on GI or Neuro or Derm or Ob/GYN and see how your mind changes and enables to decide what to pursue. Wait for rotation and see how and what you like.

MD is just 2-1 year of study. It is fire hose in your mouth. So if you can not handle UG and want to avoid every thing MCAT, GPA, no research and no EC that is the not preparing you for the rigor of MD studies and also the career. Certainly student matures and gains the experience to handle MD after transitioning from HS to UG and to MD.


Not a big deal at all to score 99-100% ile in MCAT. Most of kids in these programs, especially the rigorous ones, have 100% iles in 2 of the 3 categories, physical, biological and psychology. So if someone does well on the reading section, it is a smooth walk in the park to overall 99-100% ile even if they don’t score 100 in every section. There is a leeway to still miss 5 or 6 points overall and still achieving that.

Most of the kids in liberal arts focused programs are already well read in multitude of subjects ranging from history, psychology, philosophy, classics … Also they have had strong foundations from their SAT/ACT days. Some of these love to read on their own, which is their natural strength. So 100% ile in MCAT in 2 years of undergrad without much preparation is neither genius nor impossible. Have known multiple students doing that.

Just to quantify 99 percentile is about ~500 students out of traditional route ~50K applicants. Know plenty of BS/MD students who don’t achieve 515 MCAT, aka 92 percentile, it doesn’t mean that is norm just like few achieved 99 percentile.

Multiple out of how many students over how many years? Is this same myth as multiple Ivy league students not getting any MD admissions after one or more gap years? I also know one student from 2017 cycle BSMD student who got 99 percentile but she did some prep since her program has a 515 or so minimum.

Nothing is impossible including getting MD admission thru traditional path (without stressing out) but you keep painting dire situation for it and rosy picture for BSMD. I have no issues with either track but as seniors we should be giving balanced opinions in these threads than claiming BSMD students are killing it across the board.

As @PPofEngrDr pointed around 500 students only get 100% percentile each year. I know it does take some prep and practice to get it.

I also created a thread 3 years back for people to give honest feedback and few participated (including you for some time).

I encourage all the parents and students from past cycles to give their individual experiences there than anecdotal stuff here.

Good reminder to post there and just did for my son. It would help the community to see same from active members.


I posted an update on my older daughter too. She joined bsmd 2017, 3+4 program, and is in first year medical school now.

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