Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

I think only in 3rd week of January. They sent scholarships information last week.

Too much happened while gone to pick up son from college.
If anyone looks at MSAR reports for schools, reality is something else.

Once you are in medical school it is same fire hose for everyone irrespective of entry point.


Really CS is easier at Ivy compared to basic sciences - BCMP.

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I think passion alone is not sufficient, it requires actions behind it. Also one can have passion later in life too based on own life experiences. Passion to serve is a necessary trait irrespective of route. That is what AMCAS core competencies is all about.

One has to draw the line whether capable of going to T10-20 schools (its not prestige), rather it opens so many other avenues those otherwise won’t be possible w/o connections.

It is not “as most bsmds are not good enough for those seeking prestige”, rather most bsmds are not good enough for talented kids who can do much better otherwise. Otherwise every MD schools would have BS/MD program.

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D found all medical related ECs opportunities by herself in the area surrounding several medical schools. She did find funded research opportunities via school’s URP (Undergraduate Research Program). She did not have 1000 hrs of ECs except for research done full-time during multiple summers.


Another 4 weeks to go for VCU.

“The selection committee meets in the third week of January to review complete applications; all applicants are notified later that month by email whether they’ve been invited for interviews. Interviews are conducted in January, February and March. Because of the limited number of guaranteed positions, not all applicants are interviewed, even though they may be highly qualified.”

I am replying to my own response to put 99-100 percentile misinformation to rest.

First of all we are talking percentile, not percentages.
Even among BS/MDs MCAT stores it would have similar pattern as regular route, aka 1% of ~1200 BS/MD would have 99 percentile score, which would be ~12 students. Even let say BS/MD are much much better than regular route and best of best, the same number will not go more than ~500 (1% of regular route MCAT, which includes BS/MD students who are required to give MCAT, in other words assumption is all ~500 who got 99 percentile MCAT are BS/MDs. a best case scenario, but flat out false).

So next time anyone exaggerates BS/MD MCAT statistics, please consider this math.

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May be all of them are from BU, the best program in the best city.

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JHU is better than BU, IMO.

Don’t forget alma mater.

Did they send it? We sent email saying it was not in SPAM folder and she told us she will work on it but never got back to us

@doctorpenguin : My DD didn’t find it first. Then she searched for various keywords and found the email. I asked her now and she shared that the Subject of her email is: SUNY Upstate Secondary Application, your DC’s email is likely the same Subject too.

Hope your DC finds theirs and completes soon as it is due 5 days from receipt. My DD worked on it today and submitted it.

Congrats ! Very happy for you :smile:

If anyone is looking for Upstate payment option this is what my D received from Krystal.

“ It’s subtle and when you miss it, you can’t go back :slight_smile:

Please select the BS/MD Upstate Accelerated Scholars app fee link:

[Application Fees | College of Health Professions | SUNY Upstate Medical University]

We know it says master/certificate; however, this is the correct link!”

Which school was the recommendation from? My DC completed interview at adelphi, no word yet.

I think you can select any feeder school that you applied to and you like. Krystal is very prompt in responding, please email her if you’ve any questions.

I just had my interview with Rutgers/NJMS and I’m a little worried about my experience. I thought the interviewer was rather rude (she wouldn’t even take the time to address me by the right name) and it was obvious that she was reading off of a list of questions and didn’t care about my responses. Also, she said the interview would last 30 minutes, but my interview only lasted 12 minutes. Is this a bad sign? I talked fast, but in general I get straight to the point, so is this a bad thing? I’m starting to question if I elaborated enough, but I also wasn’t really encouraged to speak since it just felt like she wanted to get it over with. I am not sure what to make of the interview

What type of questions were they?

Anyone have UR undergrad interview tips?

In previous year threads it was mentioned it is intimidating. May be it continues as per the design.

Short interviews are not a good sign. At this time do not try to analyze too much. Move on, if it does not work out, blessing in disguise. Focus on other interviews and other work you have in your plate.

At times first sight and first question itself some folks make up their own mind and it happens. You can’t control others but you can control your self. GL.