Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

No Interviews for Med Scholars program at SLU. Interviews are for full tuition Presidential Scholarship only!

It may work other way! It may be advantageous as Upstate uses higher ranked feeder(plus their own rank) to invite for interview.

We are also waiting

Likewise for my son as well. Let’s hope.

I would recommend not asking current students what questions they were asked so other students waiting to be interviewed can get a better heads up. Sounds inappropriate.

You might want to ask prior year interviewees how the experience was, and some might be comfortable even sharing the line of questions asked.

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Case Western’s EA/ED decisions just came out. Mentioning because I know someone on this thread was going to ED to Case and apply for PPSP. Wishing them the best.

While I agree with you that BS/MD program selection should not be solely based on MCAT/GPA requirements, as there are many other factors such as cost, how much a particular college wants you (Scholarship offers, Hons admission etc.), distance from home, overall cost, SOM acceptance rates etc., neighborhood, safety, reputation etc
 that should be considered in the equation. At the end, it is all about personal choices and managing RISK.

I must suggest that undergraduate school is the most important and memorable time in a student’s life and if you have to deal with less stress by excluding MCAT and GPA requirements, it allows to have a bit of fun and develop yourself into a well rounded professional. So, the reason of bringing less/No MCAT and GPA requirements into consideration will not make a future doctor less competitive. Medical school by itself is demanding, followed by grueling residency, fellowships, research etc
 So, if one can avoid certain exams during undergraduate years, it will not make them any less competitive when they get on medical college.


Infact it can make them more productive while at med school, since they don’t feel drained by all the uncertainty, staying on their toes for every exam in the undergrad, having to do all kinds of ECs not necessarily out of their own interest but to impress someones later, having to compete with other top students of their own undergrad institution for getting interviews and selections, and/or taking gap years etc. As mentioned earlier whether MCAT is required or not, and if required whatever may be minimum thresholds, most of the students in these programs are very capable of achieving very high scores.

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CWRU sent list/results by an email or updates in the portal?

Definitely portal, they might have gotten emails also. Once you apply for PPSP all bets are off and finalist will be notified by February 1st.

check some results here. Good scholarship are still on; saw up to 33k merit.


Looks like lot of people got in ED/EA. Guess we wait till Feb. 1.

Many mentioned they got a P.S. that was personalized to them. Hofstra sends a personalized Post-It in their physical mail and my daughter loved it! Very considerate of the admission counselors to take these steps, especially in the current environment!!

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This is another myth. Its an irony, same applicants goes above and beyond in high school, looking for UG relaxation.In fact in college first time ever, kids are making their own choices and decisions, that is part of growing process for a human. By saying that not facing adversity makes them better person is false. UG experiences polishes a rough diamond.

If that is indeed the case, 98% of SOMs would have that relaxation requirements. However reality is different, only 2% has relaxation requirement. If you happen to know any adcom to communicate with or adcoms on other site, they will share the reality. SOM colleges those are providing lesser requirements are the ones whose UG is lesser in value to begin with and gaining top talent. Top talent is sacrificing their capabilities by accepting those lesser value UG schools and SOMs.
Fact: within last few years, quite a few BS/MD programs have even increased their requirements and some programs are discontinued.

According to adcoms, quite often they find BS/MD students are less mature relative to their peers when they start medical school. Why, because traditional route candidates have already proven their resilience in UG by virtue of their experiences.

I guess 98% of SOMs have less productive students and 95% traditional routes are less productive as well.

Reality, talk to adcoms about their experience with BS/MD students, their first feedback is quite often they find them less mature. Why? Weren’t they mature in high school? or they sacrifice the opportunity to be mature by relaxing norms.

Lesser requirement is only to lure top talent to schools otherwise not being attended by top talent. Schools gains top talent, top talent sacrifices their capabilities.

It is a known fact, as you go for higher study your pool gets narrower and narrower and become more and more competitive. If one is afraid of competition, wonder how they even get to the high school and ACT/SAT stage. Fear mongering doesn’t work.

Then why sacrifice your capabilities?

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Nice debate on why bsmd, how bsmd and traditional route.

For better or worse, most of us here have embarked on a path to seek bsmd admission, so our focus is right now on seeing that come to fruition. Come March or April, when hopefully faced with a combination of bsmd admissions and traditional ones to choose from, we might see more discussions on these two paths.


“This is another myth. Its an irony, same applicants goes above and beyond in high school, looking for UG relaxation.In fact in college first time ever, kids are making their own choices and decisions, that is part of growing process for a human. By saying that not facing adversity makes them better person is false. UG experiences polishes a rough diamond.”

By stating above, are trying to prove High MCAT score and High GPA only get future doctors through adversity and make them better doctors? Hence, do you advocate having/inviting more problems in life are necessary for someone to become a better person or feel accomplished?

Asking for relaxation in UG is a misinterpreting on your part. A well rounded person is not created just by studying hard and Acing the exams. There are better truths out there.

Life is a marathon and college education or medical profession will not be the only opportunity for someone to face hardships. Adversity comes in many forms. IMO, it is working smart and not working hard as well as RISK management are the key to someone’s success. We can debate all day but the fact remains most people on this forum including me are interested in BS/MD program for a simple reason to minimize uncertainty that traditional route may hold in the future.

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Thank you to everyone on this forum, being a first timer posting in this forum for my S, I hope I can get some advice and help from everyone here has been extremely useful. In the below text I refer to my S.

Question: After reading several postings here in this BS/MD forum and looking at BS/MD results posted here in the past, I thought I better apply to additional BS/MD programs to cast a bit wider net. Please suggest 2-3 additional BS/MD programs that are good ones and still accepting applications. Appreciated. Hope it’s not too late in the game.

GPA: 3.95 UW, 4.45 W

SAT: 1570

ACT: not taken

Math 2: 800

Chemistry: 790

Biology - Molecular: 800

AP’s: 12 to date.

Teacher / Counselor Recommendations: 3, hopefully they’re good!

State: CA

Gender: M

Income: >180k

Medical ECs:

Published 4 Research Papers to date.

Shadowing in doctors/physicians : 100+ hours.

Volunteered at a local hospital since 10th grade : 70+ hours.

Other Volunteers hours for various organizations: 500+ hrs to date

Relevant Awards/Honors:

Received Regional/national-level Brain Bee awards

Received few other community service awards

Applied to the following BS/MD Programs:

Baylor - Accepted undergrad with Presidential Scholarship; Rejected for BS/MD.

CNU - Accepted BS/MD.

CWRU - No decision on interview yet.

BU - No decision on interview yet.

Hofstra - No decision on interview yet.

U of Rochester REMS - No decision on interview yet.

Applying to the following BS/MD Programs:





Applied to following UG programs:

U of Chicago: Deferred to Regular Admission/Early Decision 2.

Duke: No decision on interview yet.

Vanderbilt: No decision on interview yet.

UCs (6 of them): Application is being reviewed.

USC: Application is being reviewed.

U of San Diego (Private): Application is being reviewed.

Applying to following UG programs:


John Hopkins

U of the Pacific (private)

U of San Francisco (private)

Decision: Don’t know yet! Maybe in March/April I will know.

Thanks in advance for responding to my question on additional BS/MD programs I can apply.

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Applied for Hofstra BS/MD EA2 - Dec 15th deadline. Received supplement within a week. Hofstra website “Admission: 4+4 Program: BS-BA/MD | Hofstra University” says " BS-BA/MD Application Supplement will be available in the portal for admitted students who have demonstrated the academic qualifications to be eligible for the program and students must submit their completed 4+4 Supplemental Application by January 15".
what is the “admitted students” definition here? Can some please help?

Thank you for bringing it up @Pickleball.

I am not happy about folks arguing one is better than other on this forum (BSMD vs. regular route). Everyone’s risk appetite and financial situation is different. For us BSMD is an additional opportunity ahead of regular route. If my DC has to work hard to get a competitive MCAT score and redo all the clinical ECs all over again for regular MD route, she sure will. But we are absolutely fine with BSMD route, if it works out.


That means Hofstra UG admission. First UG admission is required and then for eligible candidates they will make BS/MD supplement available in the portal.

too late for many of the MD schools.
I can think of PLME(Jan 5th), FAU(Jan 8th) and Stony Brook(Jan15th).