Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

If that number is total intake, it needs to be split across 3 of the honors programs at Stony brook. So its only 3-4 for each program!

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My son received an email today from Syracuse that he is not being considered for the Upstate ASP :disappointed:

So sorry to hear that.

Guess no news is good news for those of us waiting to hear back!

It is highly likely most UG will take no more than 1-2 students from each high school. If there are more qualified students, they would be put on waiting list in case one of those offered admission goes else where.

Reserved a spot on Jan 17th for taking CasperTest. Thank you.

If accepted to Harvard, Stanford, Yale, etc, how low of a bs/md program would you take if you want to become a physician? Open ended question to all.

Sorry to hear that, did any other UGs forwarded? If not, don’t loose hope.

any bsmd lol

Congratulations to all who got in Temple Honors. Is Honors a mandatory for their bs/md program ?
Also how much Scholarship would temple give out for an OOS residents?

I think my daughter would say the same, lol. We’ll likely encourage her to reconsider if she got into Stanford.

Why would someone take a mediocre bs/md program of one of the best and most elite UG schools? Would they not want to take the 10% risk that they cannot get into a better medical school?

We also got this :frowning: Disappointing but oh well it happens

We received no update. No rejection or acceptance at this moment.

thank you!

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Maybe we can debate this choice after some of us are in that envious position?

I think this is an ever going on discussion. I would ask you to go through all previous threads and make a decision once you’ve all the options. I strongly think it’s a personal decision. I know lot of kids who couldn’t succeed from Ivies and also from BS/MD programs as they couldn’t maintain the GPA or couldn’t take the stress. Some of the students in BS/MD were denied admission to MD school because of GPA. I know one kid who was in BS/MD program graduated to medical school successfully but couldn’t take the stress and became sick. Unfortunately she only got BS degree. The parents had to bring her back home so it’s all a risky process. Please make a choice that is acceptable to your family. We as a family think 8 years program is much safer and comfortable but my D applied to few 7 years too. We will make the decision once we have all the options at hand.

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Hope you have applied through other feeders and will get forwarded by at least one and invited.

Syracuse being a well known school, is likely to attract many top notch students like yours’ and can get highly unpredictable for anyone. Good luck with everything.

My older daughter’s bsmd batch mate turned down Princeton to take bsmd and says she has no regrets whatsoever looking back.

I agree, it all depends on the student and the family has to make a right decision. For some reason even if your decision goes wrong, you should be ready to accept the challenge and plan an alternative. Life itself is a risk at every step. I know one kid from Duke in a regular route and took a gap year and working as a scribe. I am sure he will get into Medical school next year. Same with another one from Case Western and joined UofCincinnati after 1 year of working as a scribe.

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@g46qop, I also agree with @mygrad2021. If you read previous comments on this thread, this issue has been talked a lot (I mean a lot) and it is not advisable to start the discussion again. Please read all the previous posts in this thread and make your own judgement. Everyone’s situation is different and every bsmd program is different. One has to make their own decision (if and when they reach to that point) based on their own situation.