Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Is it possible some may have gotten Ivy admission due to other factors not necessarily due to rigorous academic experience and suddenly find it’s too much to handle? Due to age, location and connections not everyone has same access to ECs but once you get to UG it’s more open field and you need to compete.

Didn’t get an interview for RIT :frowning:

Did you guys by chance turn in your application early? Because you guys got a very quick reply!

I agree many get admission in Ivies with EC related to sports etc but that is not our case.

His admission was based in academics and research inclination with published papers. Has perfect scores in all SAT subject tests including chemistry and Biology.

I think he does not need to worry on that aspect except the cost

All who received interview invitation from SUNY, which feeder schcools you applied to?

My advice would be to do your own due diligence. Lot of institutions including fancy names do try to fudge the stats (otherwise the students may go to the competition and their yields suffer).

While I was on a college visit few years ago to one of the so called top ivy, the person giving the presentation to huge hall full of parents and students was proclaiming the success rates of their premed students/alumni to be 96%. That raised a red flag right away since I knew that is possibly not true given the grade deflation at that school. Upon further inquiry found out that most of the schools indulge in such kind of manipulation by filtering away their students who are not deemed competent because of GPA, MCAT and other aspects and focusing on the students and alumni who survive the grind. Another thing, not all of them may be necessarily going to fancy brand names again for med schools either. So better not accept claims on face value without further digging, just a word of caution.

Ours was in spam. It was sent yesterday. My DD said Title did not have Upstate in it, it only had SUNY, so please search for it.

Then he should be fine with traditional path, but again I know once all the decisions are out you will weigh pros and cons and pick the decision that suits your kid. One thing I know is you will get a lot of pressure to pick BSMD but listen to kid as we did.

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financial aid awards from NJIT ADHC are out (at least for those forwarded to NJMS)

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Glad it is not an entitlement Ivy admission, in my view that would be a no brainer to join Ivy. However still wait and watch for all options to be discovered. There is no rush to accept any decision at this point.
Top talent kids, ask yourself a question before committing to a college.
Is that a fit for me? (This applies to everyone actually)
Am I going to be a lone ranger smartest kid in dorm or willing to put myself to challenge among likes and expand my wings?

Don’t let low tier BS/MD programs to cut your wings.

Where do you see financial aid on the portal?

I got a letter in the mail. May take longer for OOS applicants.

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Congrats! Which school you were forwarded from?

Regarding top ones Experts can comment but we will drop from some programs and will only pursue 3 or 4 and CASE PPSAP aid on the top of the list with Rice Baylor

We were forwarded from multiple colleges and were selected to apply withSUNY Polytechnic.

It turns out that the Upstate consideration and interview consideration is rolling. She applied very early to SUNY Polytechnic and was also forwarded to Upstate by them first, and I think that determined which school she was selected into. I don’t know that the first college to forward is the one they get selected - pure speculation on my part. I thought my daughter was keen about Environmental Science, but I don’t know that she should initiate any conversation about this. Any comments?

Ok thanks! My D applied to only syratand UatAlbany.

You mean Syracuse and UatAlbany? My D submitted the application on this Sunday from APCHS to SUNY and did not receive anything yet…

We just submitted our application through RIT today so they likely have not received all of them yet.

For those who got Upstate interviews, when did you submit Upstate application?

The admissions and interview invites are rolling. If you are just applying, hang in there, they will get to your application soon!

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