Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Ohhhh makes sense. Thanks!

I may be wrong but I think my daughter completed most of her SUNY applications by Nov. 1st. She submitted her Upstate supplement either Saturday or Sunday.

Wow that was fast to be selected for an interview. Hopefully we will get one too. Congrats!!

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Hi all my son has 1570 SAT and 35 ACT (but in science is 34), so was wondering, is there an advantage to submit both scores for Brown PLME and other highly selective colleges at all. As already submitted SAT for all previous BSMD programs. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. As we are still deciding to send it both or not as he will be mostly majoring in sciences.

Sorry didn’t check the spelling. yes Syracuse and UAtAlbany

@InspireTruth, are you instate for NJIT? Do you mind sharing what financial aid did they offer you?

@muscarf It does not matter and this decision is not going to influence Brown in either way.

hey! I got an email from Ms.Ripa at suny upstate med regarding getting selected for an interview. While I was able to check my portal and schedule an interview, I didn’t see the email that was sent with the instructions. It wasn’t even in my SPAM. I emailed them and called them but they are out of the office for the holidays and my interview is very soon after the end of the holidays. Can someone suggest what to do and possibly send a screenshot of the instructions that were mailed.

Congrats! Did you apply through ACPHC and Poly?

Bad News : D got rejected for St. Bonaventure BSMD program. Surprising thing was, we submitted the application on the 15th December and the mail was dated December 18th :unamused:

On the good news side: She got in VCU Honors and Temple Honors program.


Did anyone from Adelphi get the SUNY interview after submitting the supplement?

Would someone please mind sharing what some of the top tier BS/MD programs are? Thank you!!!

Be aware Cleveland is not a great city and I believe there are some issues at medical schools recently.

Some one we know moved to next level in St. Bonaventure although other kid had low SAT’s, lower AP’s and less activities so selection criteria is very subjective,

You will need a link to schedule the interview. Please send the email to Mrs. Ripa as she had said she will be checking emails during holidays.

Can you please elaborate on that? What issues?

Upstate has ranking criteria. They consider feeder school ranking and their ranking and then decide. My son was forwarded from one feeder although we are waiting for results from another feeder.

I will go with SAT

So does the undergrad send students ranked?

You got this letter in the USPS mail?