Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Hmmm that it strange. And above that does it say Combined Degree: BA/BS-MD?


The only reasons I can think of as to why it may not be there is because you either did not indicate the BS/MD program on your application or you did not meet the requirements to be forwarded?

Did you meet all the admissions requirements listed here?/ was everything submitted on time?

The only thing I missed was my ACT score

Oh so I believe that the 31 is a minimum requirement and cannot be forwarded if not met.

Oh okay, thank you again!

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Did anyone figure out the issue with FAU supplements page? Anyone received response from FAU?

Upitt 3.75 GPA includes science GPA also.

Experts can comment as some science classes are curved differently. any way you need that GPA For traditional route also.

@9the0girl7 - I have heard that it is considered difficult to maintain a high GPA required for medical school applications, if taking engineering majors in the undergrad.

Students usually would choose non-engineering majors such as Biology, Bio with other combinations etcā€¦ if aiming for med schools.

We havenā€™t heard from RPI/AMC yet since he applied for it

I am going to assume that AMC interview calls are all rolling as was their supplemental app process. If anything, take hearing nothing as a good sign as some have already been rejected.


No reply from FAU yet. I only emailed them last night. I tried to call them today and the estimated wait time is over 40 min so I hung up.

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Is AMC calling for interview invites? I thought it was an email update as per an above poster.

Sorry, meant emails. Not calls.

I think many of us have said this before but how long is the Stony Brook Honors College essay supposed to be? D emailed the admissions counselor and he said 500 to 750 words but this forum said brief statement, so not sureā€¦

Honors Essay for Stony Brook-

If you keep asking about it you would get different opinions. Just consider one of those ideas and run with it. It said ā€œbrief statementā€ and hence interpreted as shorter version.

750 words essay for why Honors? I donā€™t know if one can come up with good material, even if wanted to write one. 250-350 words I can imagine, but not 500-750!


Can anyone let me know if they got notified by BU SMED?

Yes, it seemed like a lot of words! Will aim for 500ish and see how that goes!

Not yet