Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)


I just finished my interview with Caldwell and wanted to see if anyone had any insight based on my experience. The interview lasted about 25 minutes and I feel like I answered the questions pretty well. However, my concern is that one of the questions was based on my research. I am part of the Waksman Student Scholars Program and they assign an organism’s dna to analyze every year. The interviewer asked me why they specifically assigned that organism, and I was not prepared for that question. I am afraid that the interviewer might have been confused by my answer. Do you think this will make me look like a weak or unqualified candidate? Do you think they could reject me just for my lack of a clear answer to that one question?

I don’t think they will reject based on just one answer.

If anyone has experience with the undergraduate portion of the Drew BA/MD interview, is it more of a chill or stressful interview? Thanks in advance!


There are more factors that weigh in than whether or not you answered that question to his (and your) satisfaction, such as

the size and credentials of the applicant pool from that feeder
are there any other top students from your HS applying through the same feeder
the allotment of number of slots to the feeder by the med school (which I believe is on the lower end)

So you should be fine, don’t stress

Did anyone hear from SBU for their last date for Scholars for Medicine? Is it Jan 15th or Feb 1st? No one is responding in the admissions office.

@InspireTruth & others - The PMM pre-interview meeting today seems to be new this year. It should be informal so would recommend business casual or a button down shirt with jeans.

Last year, my S stayed overnight with some medical school students at Sidney Kimmel Medical college. We took train to Philly and he just wore casual clothes in the night.

Im also a part of WSSP - I wouldn’t know what to say for this as well. Rutgers kinda just gives us the plasmid colonies.

@rk2017 @Inspiretruth - I agree with @NoviceDad. On the interview day (tomorrow), all students should wear formal interview attire.

@confident2021, @escorpi11, @Mom22DDs, @Inspiretruth - Good Luck on your interview tomorrow!


Like I mentioned in my earlier post, pre-interview meeting is new this year.

In the invitation letter, did they mention the details of what will be discussed in the pre-interview meeting today. Also, look carefully to see if parents/guardians are allowed to attend?

Last year, the morning before the interview, they had a lot of speeches by med school professor, undergrad professor, PMM medical school students as well as Undergrad portion of PMM. These speeches were very well organized. They conducted this in a big auditorium that was mostly full. Many BS/MD students, professors and parents attended this.

FYI, the speech by med school professor was very moving and inspiring!


Did some of your other app slots change as well (ie. total hours, most meaningful experience, etc.)? I’m assuming this also shows up on their side even though it doesn’t show up on mine.


Deadline is Jan 15.

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I’m sure your answer to the question won’t be a make or break factor for you, but for future reference, the goal of WSSP is to sequence and analyze Duckweed and compare its genes to similar organisms in hopes to better understand possible uses of it for biofuel.


Regarding the PMM interview -

Be yourself. Share your experiences and talk about why medicine matters to you
 Also talk about your experiences that drove you to choose BS/MD.

They want to see if you are really passionate about medicine? They want to know you and see if you will be a right fit.

All the best!


Do you know if the PMM finalists are all on an equal stage, or are scores, grades, and experiences still going to be considered. In other words, is it mainly dependent on the interview now?

Are the NJMS interview invites rolling? The last thing I heard was that I had been forwarded, and that’s about it.

Till now I heard only one person on this thread got BU interview call. Anyone else got a call?

Any update on upstate interview for people applied through Syracuse or UAlbany?

To add tot what @vicky2019 said, PMM has the most structured interview days among BS/MD programs. I believe Hofstra comes close second. Temple has probably the worst interview day - chaotic and unstructured.

The keynote speaker (past 3 years) at PMM is simply brilliant. The sessions on financial aid for families is also frank and transparent. Other sessions are very informative and valuable.

Suggestions to all parents - attend as many sessions as they allow you to be part of.


@Vicky2019, I think this pre interview meeting (or whatever is called) has been in existence for few years. (Was it discontinued and reintroduced?) Remember it from C’s cycle few years ago. Yes many of the interviewees had an informal dinner with a bunch of med school students, and perhaps some members of the admissions committee the night before in a casual setting. And yes the applicants could stay with med school students overnight sharing, if space is available. Looks like your S too had similar experience last year.

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Not sure if anyone has inetrview calls from BU yet