Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

My DD’s last name starts with S and we haven’t heard back, if that helps @InspiredMD :blush:

May you guys can beat Q for conspiracy theories…

I’m just sharing we haven’t heard back, hopefully to put @InspiredMD’s mind at rest @PPofEngrDr. No conspiracy theory. I believe AMC shared with someone they are reviewing candidates by last name.

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Thank you @Mom22DDs and yes @PPofEngrDr, someone mentioned that they talked to AMC people and got that info. Good luck and hope we get the emails soon.

My daughter’s school has 100 students tops. The other student’s parent is likely in this forum too. Best of luck to our kids :blush:

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There is no such thing as to select 1, 2 or none. All possibilities depend on where you stand up in their overall profile. That’s why they interview diverse group and takes time even to come up with interviewee list.

I agree. It is not common thought to select two students from same school, cos they do take school into consideration, from what I have heard. So a bit rare. Both kids must meet their requirements well enough that they didn’t eliminate either. Hope that continues all the way to admission :wink:

IMO, it may depend on class rank within the same high school. IMO, PMM may inquire about class rank from school officials even when the school do not publicly rank students. It seems that two top ranked students may have applied to PMM from your DD’s high school. Good luck to your DD.

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There is an easy way to find out the status of your AMC BSMD application to RPI. Call them directly rather than speculating.

There are even more students from my school interviewing :slight_smile: However, my graduating class is 600+ students.

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Wow you can be waitlisted for an interview?? I did not know that was possible, what does that mean?

We are also S and have not heard anything

Our last name starts with S.

Wow. That is the strangest thing I have ever heard. Senior members: has this happened in past years and if so what are the chances of getting interviewed from waitlist?

Thanks. Interesting…

Also when you log in to your SBU portal, you will see your admissions counselor email and contact phone. I suggest reaching out to your admissions counselor as well for checking the due date for the Honors statement and Scholars for Medicine essay. Good luck!

It is not uncommon to invite multiple students from the same school, especially if the school has good reputation. We observed it too during the interviews, can be even up to 4 students from the same school at the interview stage. However when it comes to final acceptances, extremely unlikely to have two or more students from the same school, if not impossible. That’s the reason why even valedictorians with perfect SAT/ACT and all that get turned down, bcoz they may feel someone else from the same school may be a better fit.

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Has anyone received correspondence from GW regarding semi finalist selection?

Nope I haven’t

Did everyone get an interview invite for faculty interview? My daughter only got it for student interview.