Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Thanks for the wishes and also thanks for the interview tips :smile:

Who was the interviewer for your DS?

Thanks. I think Dr. Shevlin.

Ok I have no idea but mu D had Dr. Nayak and it was very casual and he only 3 general questions and the rest he was mostly talking about the program. Best of luck!

Drs. Sudhir Nayak and Dennis Shevlin seemed to be the primary interviewers for TCNJ based on the posts on CC

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Congratulations. It is a very casual interview completely based on the kids medical extra curriculars (if any), general medical questions like (why medicine, why accelerated etc. ).
It ran for 1 hour 15 mts for us.

All the very best to your D.

Yes it was a separate application

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Do we know if GWU interviews are fully sent out?

Hope not, DS has not received any communication from GWU yet…

Did get a rejection e-mail from St. B / GWU a few weeks back.

How are (did) your kids prep for their interviews?

Kiddo is working on it but wanted to see if anyone wanted to shoot some recommendations our way. Especially for GW as that would be a dream acceptance.

I am sending you a DM about what we had in the past.


As per TCNJ website:

# of students who apply 400

# of students academically eligible to interview 200

# of students who receive an interview at TCNJ 100

# of students who receive an interview at NJMS 80

# of students who are accepted into the Seven-Year Program 40

# of students who enter program Fall semester 20

Recent average SAT of accepted students 1534

Recent average GPA of accepted students (Unweighted) 4.72 or 100.05%

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Yes, you have to apply for SLU Presidential scholars as it is considered as a competitive scholarship as against merit based scholarship.

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Of course, MIT and Harvard being two top institutions of higher education in that city. BU is no where in that league, IMO.

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Can you also send this to us?

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If you don’t mind sharing here @mywish4u, everyone here can benefit from it.

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“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”
― Martin Luther King Jr.

MLK Day wishes to everyone. Our society is better today due to people like him.


This year they have received 25%+ more applicants.


My son got admitted to temple honors program. Any idea What the next step is?