Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Chin up - all we each need is one proper BSMD admission :upside_down_face:


Yes, Rutgers

OK Hopefully you’ll receive call through them.

Problem is, most of the people applying to these programs have that kind of similar stats and accomplishments. Don’t take it personal, this is just an additional shot at the goal and regardless of the outcomes you can always take pride that you have explored it. It can only enrich and not diminish in any way. Good luck with everything.


I agree and understand as a parent. Just disappointing for kids to get one rejection after another, that’s all. I do explain the medicine process is a marathon and not a sprint, so hopefully after it’s all said and done, things will settle down and we can all look forward to the looooong journey.


So far my son with 36 ACT and 4.0 UW hasn’t gotten any interviews either so it wasn’t your 35. These are all incredibly competitive and not getting selected to attend doesn’t define what kind of physician you’ll be when all is said and done.

Agree with the sentiment, that rejection doesn’t define you or your kid capability.


Not to discourage anyone, those perfect or near-perfect scores get the application to the table. Later on, its takes a totally different spin with - candidates with unique life situations, challenges, maturity beyond their age and compelling life stories, ECs, “well-rounded person”, and so on
obviously, rejection causes parents and kids to get upset, but that’s what’s it is in BSMD spin. All you need is one acceptance at the end. Casting a wider net, compromising on college rankings might yield one or more acceptances. Many BSMD consultants said there is no such ranking for BSMD colleges, but most kids just do it (ranking part) and come up with their list of colleges, where there is heavy competition as everyone applies to the same colleges. In regular UG there is a theory called Reach, Target, and Safe colleges. Unfortunately, there isn’t a perfect ‘safe college’ for BSMD. Many said this group only 5% of medical colleges intake comes from BSMD path, rest 95% comes through traditional BS UG and MCAT route. Good luck to everyone!


Sorry to hear that but you can only do what is in your hand right now. At least there is the Drexel opportunity and with any luck, your DC will get admission! Also for someone with incredible stats, your C will do great anywhere regardless of program. But we can also understand the disappointment factor.

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Think of BS/MD as a taking a first shot at medicine.
If it works out, then it is great.

If not you have two other shots -
EAP application (though it is limited)
Traditional application

Going through this roller-coaster process will only toughen you and help you - irrespective of where you land.

Rejection in this route is NO indication of your capability or aptitude.


My older D is a first year medical school student at NJMS. My younger D has higher GPA, higher scores, better and more ECs and shadowing than my older D when she applied, and we are also told she has excellent recos. She was one of the first to get interviewed at NJIT, where my older D went for 7 year BSMD, and was forwarded to NJMS very early on. In addition, Caldwell forwarded her as well and she might have been forwarded also from Stevens and/or Drew. She is still waiting to hear back from NJMS. Her attitude is that this means she is still in the running :wink:

Wait. I just realized this sub isn’t for BDSM :0

Hi, I’m new here and have been reading all the posts which have been very informative. What program is REMS? I’m still trying to catch up with all the abbreviations lol. Thanks!

University of Rochester

Rochester Early Medical Scholars

Yup of course! Planning on calling tmmw will let you know

Ah, thanks! Still in research phase. My daughter is a junior and will be applying during the 2021-2022 cycle. I appreciate your quick response!


You are correct BS MD ranking does not matter and does matter only when you have choices like in our case our case child already has early admission to top Ivy now that does not mean he will get into top BS MD program.

But the point is to leave the top Ivy admission we have to be selective and are not pursuing few programs. Everyone situation is different.
ranking and choice are subjective. End of the day no program is a bad program as they are
Competitive and choices cost college ranking and regional preference matter

Any idea on when UMKC will come out? The website says January but it’s a lot later than they usually come out.


Agree@NoviceDad. My son went through 7 year combined at UTD/UTSW. He is in second year of residency now. Believe me this is just the beginning of a looong and strenuous journey. Its a never ending saga. You have to work for Step 1, 2 and 3 of USMLE, applications for residency, then fellowship and then another fellowship. So in short get used to hard work and rejections, but in the end the journey is satisfying and worth it if you are passionate about being a doctor.


It has to DEFINITELY be either tomorrow or Friday