Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

And the cost of additional $1200 for CS was way too much!

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I intend to speak with my niece (a doctor) and get her reaction.

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Has anybody received any news on Pitt’s Medicine GAP ? I asked my daughter and all she gave me was “by April”. :slight_smile:

In addition, any idea on how Stony Brook’s scholars of Medicine work. Daughter applied and submitted essays and stuff and hasn’t heard anything yet.


Anyone knows more? @grtd2010 ?

They are different. I have an interview for W&J program but got rejected from the Temple Pre-Med Health Scholars

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This program is for under grade students not for high schoolers. I called them to get information about it.

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I think the confusion was around which undergrad schools participate in this program, did you ask them about it?

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Same with my DD. Waiting for interview invite for Temple Health Scholars Program through W&J.

The pdf you’ve attached is for Spelman College undergraduates, not University of Rochester undergraduates. When I searched last year I didn’t see Rochester Undergrad as one of the schools eligible to apply for early assurance to Rochester Med (there is no info about the program on their own website, only on other partner colleges’ and Rochester med school’s website,) but it might have changed since then.

This is old but explains the difference between REMS and EAP: University of Rochester Early Assurance - #5 by WayOutWestMom

Here was the list of schools that I found online, but it must not have been updated since Spelman isn’t listed: “Eligibility includes Amherst College, Bowdoin College, Carleton College, Colgate University, CUNY Hunter, Hamilton College, Haverford College, Middlebury College, Swarthmore College, Williams College, Xavier University of Louisiana.”

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 got rejected from Temple PPHS. That puts me at:

Received Interview: NJMS, AMC/Union College
Rejected: URochester REMS, Temple PPHS
Waiting: Rice/Baylor, CWRU PPSP, Brown PLME, BU SMED, Pitt GAP, GW/GW, Brooklyn College/SUNY Downstate, Tulane

Temple and W&J are two separate feeder schools to Temple Medical School.

The medical school does only 1 interview. If the medical school rejected you, probably it is the end of the road for this cycle.

Same here. Hope both programs are different and they get considered for Temple program thru W&J.

ooh ok. Thought they r different programs

They are separate feeder schools.

Did the medical school send the rejection or the feeder school send the rejection indicating you are no longer being considered.

If it is the medical school, end of road; if it is the feeder, may be there is hope.

Anyone else hear back from the GW BA/MD program yet? The portal says end of January so I guess we have tomorrow (and thats it?).

Same with Rice/Baylor :confused:

RobinHood is a corrupt company.

I feel that Temple’s selection process is very very shady. It’s not streamlined at all. Admission officer confirmed to D two times that she has been admitted into Honors college. But it’s not reflecting on Portal and Honors college never informed her. She neither got any letter. After insistence, Admission officer has written a mail to Honors college to update their record. In the mean time today, D received a mail for rejection from BS/MD program. It seems BS/MD program had no update on her selection into Honors college, so they rejected her application out rightly as Honors college admission is mandatory for this program. Process does not seem working correctly there.

Are you sure about this @NoviceDad ? I asked my older DD who called out these are two very different programs (one is guaranteed bsmd and other is Early admission), and she attended two different interviews, and was one of two or three kids that were in both interviews while most were selected for one peogram or the other.

With so many kids trying to keep their hopes us, we should be careful about negative information unless we are very sure.

Yes, thats right. Early assurance programs are always for undergrads. We were talking about opting in for UG admission in Rochester when rejected for REMS

They are not for High school students. BS/MD, BS/DO etc
 are for high schoolers